I did a search it says the link is invalid, when I search for threads by Red Zulu so can’t find anything! Ahh bugger, that sounded so interesting aswell.

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.
I did a search it says the link is invalid, when I search for threads by Red Zulu so can’t find anything! Ahh bugger, that sounded so interesting aswell.
LV if your EQ stays good always when you’re clamping and you’re doing like 2 hours clamped a day why do you need to have rest days? It makes no sense, if you heal quickly like over night in sleep even when you’re beating your dick to death every day why take a rest day? I think the OLF/OLR doesn’t work for everyone just like all PE, everyone is different. The normal 5on2 off or 2on1 off works for most though. A good method in my opinion is 5 days, on the 5th day if you’re EQ is well really just do tons of PE as much as possible then take 2 days off. The 5th day acting a shock routine but you get the luxury of having 2days to recover from the brutal session.
So LV how many minutes of clamping do you do on a OLF day? Just out of interest. I do 3 or 4 which is plenty at the moment.
Clubber,The hardest thing in PE for me is to recover and not do any PE. Truly, it is the hardest thing.
It is clearly impossible for me. My OCD battles me and tricks me into to doing more PE. How long do I need to stop PE activities for? Can I do something small, like light pumping or a light clamping session? Is edging and light bends out of the question? Or do I need to just lay off completely? If I can figure this out this may finally work out for me because if what your saying is correct, I only have gained a little over half an inch of girth but over an inch in length. My dick is really long right now from swinging heating pads off my tube while water pumping. My dick still looks like a pencil, even when it gets as low as 5.6 eg, which is as low as I go now on bad erections. Hell, maybe that’s how big I really am though. I don’t want to admit it and I always do a small session of clamping and even 5 minutes of pumping (no edema though) with some squeezes before I judge my size; it’s only fair the way I see it. I just always figured it is stupid to measure a weak erection since my penis physiology is so different now.
Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg
Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg
5.5” beg; 4.5” geg
Hey Clubber, you and me have the same size goals :)
Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.
Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)
I did a search it says the link is invalid, when I search for threads by Red Zulu so can’t find anything! Ahh bugger, that sounded so interesting aswell.
That is the thread I referred to. There are other threads describing the actual rolling pin technique. It is extremely easy to search through RedZulu’s posts.
Again, I think he does extreme things and don’t recommend it for the inexperienced. Even I don’t think my blood vessels are adapted enough to withstand that kind of strain safely. Further, that entire forum is sort of shady.
LV if your EQ stays good always when you’re clamping and you’re doing like 2 hours clamped a day why do you need to have rest days? It makes no sense, if you heal quickly like over night in sleep even when you’re beating your dick to death every day why take a rest day? I think the OLF/OLR doesn’t work for everyone just like all PE, everyone is different. The normal 5on2 off or 2on1 off works for most though. A good method in my opinion is 5 days, on the 5th day if you’re EQ is well really just do tons of PE as much as possible then take 2 days off. The 5th day acting a shock routine but you get the luxury of having 2days to recover from the brutal session.
I am not sure what the trouble you’re having here is, but I’ll try to outline it and correct your impression of what I meant. It may very well be my use of the English language, as I am not a native-speaker of it.
1. The EQ does not stay “good” always. It decreases progressively through the OLF phase.
2. OLF/OLR does not work for everyone, but 5on2 off or 2on1 off work for everyone? That is illogical. The OLF/OLR prescribes no set time periods, it’s just a way of thinking. It has no restrictions, everyone has different recovery rates, can use different fatigue implementation rates, reach longer on the fatigue scale before incurring injury, and so on. Cookie-cutter systems, like 5 on 2 off, are what don’t work for everyone.
3. Let me re-iterate what the OLF/OLR system is. I’m not sure if you haven’t read the first post in the thread or if it is my English that is causing the difficulty, but here goes:
The point is to CARRY fatigue for a period of time (OVERLOADING FATIGUE) and then CARRY recovery for a period of time (OVERLOADING RECOVERY). During the OLF phase, you go to sleep and wake up everyday never being 100% recovered from your day’s work. As time goes along, you become less and less recovered, because the fatigue you work up everyday is not completely healed over - so it adds up (like inventory).
Then, you enter what is called the OLR phase. Here, you recover MORE than you cause fatigue everyday. That means if you have 1 unit of fatigue, you might have 3 of recovery. So you recover the fatigue that you caused that day (if any), and your recovery eats away at that chunk of fatigue that you had build up during the OLF phase. Everyday, your fatigue that you are CARRYING from the OLF phase gets smaller and smaller as your recovery rate eats away at it.
When you are completely recovered, you restart the process.
The reason this is better than cookie cutter systems is that this is a metholodgy of THINKING about fatigue and recovery, primarily. The only point it adds is the usefulness of OVERLOADING fatigue, not healing completely everyday for a short period of time, instead of healing completely in a 24 hour cycle. That’s IT! The point here is to give you a structure and a method to analyze what you’re doing for your penis, and it has helped me immensely for one.
This is the most basic way I can explain it. Maybe someone else could help? Sparkyx is a very friendly and helpful moderator and was a poster on my old log, he understands the system quite well and might be able to explain it better for you, as I have some language issues clearly.
So LV how many minutes of clamping do you do on a OLF day? Just out of interest. I do 3 or 4 which is plenty at the moment.
Currently I do not use clamping exclusively, my system focuses on a very efficient system of water pumping (which I described in my Sexual Beast thread, but plan to describe in a dedicated thread in the pumper’s forum) combined with clamping.
In terms of clamping technique, I have discovered somethings since I first began this thread:
1. Expansion causes gains, not deoxygenation. So, try to cause the most EXPANSION, rather than have the largest TUC (time under constriction) or total time clamped. I don’t know how useful repeating high level of expansions are, but I know they are very stressful on the penis, so you can’t do much, safely.
2. The expansion works better if sets follow each other and are not spread out. Something like Big Girtha did: 1 set at TUC = 10, rest for 5-10 minutes, next set, rest, and so on. I do between 3-4 of these, along with my pumping. Do not overdo it, decreasing EQ too much will cause less expansion, which defeats the purpose.
Happy clamping! :D
It is clearly impossible for me. My OCD battles me and tricks me into to doing more PE. How long do I need to stop PE activities for? Can I do something small, like light pumping or a light clamping session? Is edging and light bends out of the question? Or do I need to just lay off completely? If I can figure this out this may finally work out for me because if what your saying is correct, I only have gained a little over half an inch of girth but over an inch in length. My dick is really long right now from swinging heating pads off my tube while water pumping. My dick still looks like a pencil, even when it gets as low as 5.6 eg, which is as low as I go now on bad erections. Hell, maybe that’s how big I really am though. I don’t want to admit it and I always do a small session of clamping and even 5 minutes of pumping (no edema though) with some squeezes before I judge my size; it’s only fair the way I see it. I just always figured it is stupid to measure a weak erection since my penis physiology is so different now.
I would like to say that I have a great deal of respect for you as a PE’er and fellow forum poster. The reason is because of your dedication, but also because of your insecurities about your size. I have the same issues, and I have went through periods of overdoing fatigue. I recognize the signs, and thats why I pointed them out to you. I still see my penis as somewhat thin, despite it being at over 6 inches EG.
There are a number of things that I want to comment on, from your post.
1. What do you mean about swinging heat pads? This sounds very interesting.
2. How long the OLR phase is depends on how much fatigue you have held during the OLF phase and how high your recovery rate is. The more fatigue you cause in the OLR phase, the longer it will be. This might actually be beneficial, but from my experiences, it seems that grow is WITNESSED during the OLR phase (suddenly you note growth when it’s fully recovered), but CAUSED during the OLF phase. So the ideal is to push your recovery rate as high as possible, and this is one of my focuses. This might mean cardiovascular excersize, heat therapy during the OLR phase, better nutrition, etc. The higher your recovery, the more fatigue you can incur in the OLF phase, and the faster you can recover in the OLR phase.
3. One important note: the temporary girth expansion from doing five minutes of pumping, a session of clamping, etc. is not growth. Don’t try to just keep doing this because eventually the gains will “cement.” They won’t. Think of it this way: the more expansion you have, the more growth will be TRIGGERED - the expansion won’t just cement. It has to be triggered by greater stresses, so the body can adapt. Correct? So try to get away from the mentality that “if I don’t do something, it will shrink.” Do something, get it larger in EG than it has ever been, do that several times for a period of time until the fatigue is too high (this fatigue limit has to be set by you through trial and error), and then STOP. Recover, let the body adapt. If you go TOO high in fatigue you will get injury. If you carry the fatigue for too long, it simply won’t be able to grow.
I believe this is the reason long sessions of mediocre clamping have not yielded gains (Sparkyx ran a trial before, check out the thread). Same thing for cock rings. Keeping the penis engorged does not cause girth gains. What causes girth gains is getting the penis more engorged (with blood, though lymph isn’t necessarily a bad thing) than it has been, past its natural EG, and then recovering. Play with fatigue incurred per day, play with the limit of fatigue (the point at which you say I need to enter the OLR phase), play with the amount of recovery in the OLR phase (1 set of clamping or pumping or nothing?), play with all the variables listed in the original post. I don’t have the answers. The point is that you need to try it and see. And this isn’t because of individual differences, it’s because we don’t have any empirical trials and honestly don’t KNOW what’s optimal. I originally thought, for example, that 2 weeks of OLF may be optimal, and I should reach a point very close to injury. Then I discovered that it wasn’t optimal, I should use shorter periods (2-3 days), and go less close to injury.
This is the fun part. If you can maximize the way you play with recovery and fatigue, and give it time (years), and vary the stimuli (pumping, clamping, bends, jelqing) through phases, you can reach your goals over time. It’s important to know WHY you are doing things, so you can personal test out your hypothesis always - PE is a work in construction for all of us, it will take years to reach our goals, so we need to understanding what works and what doesn’t (for us, individually), so that we don’t run around in circles.
Note: I might post a thread in the pumping forum soon describing my method of water pumping. You may find it beneficial, check it out later, I hope you may be able to add anything you’ve learned.
What do you mean about swinging heat pads? This sounds very interesting.
Pictures are worth a thousand words, so I attached some to get the idea better.
These heating pads are amazing. I don’t know what I would do without them. The clay material molds over anything and these pads get hot as fuck, and hold the heat longer then I need them to. When I heat up my dick I heat the pad in the microwave for 60s, and when I heat up the pad before I wrap it around the dick tube before I water pump I heat the pad for 200s, which gets it smoking hot.
This is why I have two pads. One for water pumping and the other one is for heating up normally, and for extra weight when I swing the pads on the tube. As a side note, if you put the pad in the micro for 200s it will get pretty fried up within two months and you will have to replace it. I just end up buying a new pad and throw the burned up one away. I then will use the brand new pad I just bought to heat up normally, and will take the other older pad I used to heat up normally before and use that for water pumping, if that makes sense. I just cycle them.
So what I meant by swinging the pads off the tube was I wrap the hot pad tightly around the tube, and then I add the other pad on top of the other one, but I never bother heating the other pad. It is just for extra weight. I actually have attached a 3 pound dumbbell to the heating pad strap before. So when the pads are attached to the tube, I just swing away with the pelvic thrust. Look at the pictures to get a better idea. I feel like I’m really cheating nature when I am doing this.
I buy these heating pads at Walgreens or Walmart. They must be popular because they always have 2 or 3 left when I go to the store to buy them. They really are amazing.
The website of the company that makes the pad is https://www.thermipaq.com
This isn’t the first time I posted this link. No one has ever thanked me for telling them about the heating pad because no one realizes how special they are and how much they can change a PE career. Once I started wrapping them around the tube when I hot water pumped I really started to appreciate them. The clay material holds heat for 45 minutes after 200s in the micro. You couldn’t do this with electronic heating pads or the other microwavable ones. This is actually the only heating pad that I have seen that can produce these results.
Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg
Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg
5.5” beg; 4.5” geg
The pictures are pending approval, so I should wait to see them.
In the meantime, are you saying that you are standing with your penis in the tube and basically swinging the tube? This is what I do with swinging weights. Unfortunately, my pump will lose the seal if I do this with the pump. How do you avoid losing the seal?
By the way, my water pumping method for heat (I also have one for cold - both are essential) is basically: large tube (fits a 7 inch girth and 10 inch penis) to hold extra water and an IR lamp. I fill the tube with hot water in the beginning, the additional size of the tube allows the heat to be retained MUCH better. I then pump while shining the IR light on the tube. This is, by far, the BEST heating method I have encountered (including the pads, which I have).
EDIT: Just saw the pictures, I used the same pads before. I didn’t like the hassle of microwaving, running back and forth, the heat slowly decreasing over time (whether quickly or not - it does decrease), and the fact that I couldn’t see my penis or measure the stretch because it covered most of the view.
The IR/hot water/big tube method seems to also heat MUCH better than my old method with a smaller tube and the pads. In addition, as I mentioned, its so hassle free.
The pictures are pending approval, so I should wait to see them.In the meantime, are you saying that you are standing with your penis in the tube and basically swinging the tube? This is what I do with swinging weights. Unfortunately, my pump will lose the seal if I do this with the pump. How do you avoid losing the seal?
By the way, my water pumping method for heat (I also have one for cold - both are essential) is basically: large tube (fits a 7 inch girth and 10 inch penis) to hold extra water and an IR lamp. I fill the tube with hot water in the beginning, the additional size of the tube allows the heat to be retained MUCH better. I then pump while shining the IR light on the tube. This is, by far, the BEST heating method I have encountered (including the pads, which I have).
EDIT: Just saw the pictures, I used the same pads before. I didn’t like the hassle of microwaving, running back and forth, the heat slowly decreasing over time (whether quickly or not - it does decrease), and the fact that I couldn’t see my penis or measure the stretch because it covered most of the view.
The IR/hot water/big tube method seems to also heat MUCH better than my old method with a smaller tube and the pads. In addition, as I mentioned, its so hassle free.
I never used an IR lamp. Seems like I should look into one. How much and where do I buy it? What do they look like?
Your not going to like this, but I usually have to pump to 7 Hg to prevent losing the seal. You have to work your way up to this pressure to. It takes me like 15 minutes to work my way up to it, and then I crank it to 7 Hg and swing for 10 minutes and end the session. It’s all for length. The combination of the high pressure and the swinging has yielded me a quarter inch of BPEL in the past 3 weeks. Im 8.2 BPEL right now, or last time I checked. My dick looks too long for its girth, and thats the story im sticking too.
Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg
Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg
5.5” beg; 4.5” geg
I never used an IR lamp. Seems like I should look into one. How much and where do I buy it? What do they look like?Your not going to like this, but I usually have to pump to 7 Hg to prevent losing the seal. You have to work your way up to this pressure to. It takes me like 15 minutes to work my way up to it, and then I crank it to 7 Hg and swing for 10 minutes and end the session. It’s all for length. The combination of the high pressure and the swinging has yielded me a quarter inch of BPEL in the past 3 weeks. Im 8.2 BPEL right now, or last time I checked. My dick looks too long for its girth, and thats the story im sticking too.
Interesting. I use the maximum pressure that will yield any increase in length - I stop sucking the tube for water whenever the penis won’t get any longer. I routinely do this through the session to ensure that it is at it’s max length (this is where the creep happens). I’m not sure what hg I’m at, as I don’t use a pump anymore.
Water Pumping: Alternating Hot & Cold
That thread describes my use of heat in more detail, we can continue this discussion there. I am quite intrigued by your method though. I found swinging to be a ridiculously effective way for gaining length, but I have fallen back on it recently because of the degree to which it strains the soft tissues at the constriction point (with a Bib).
Ok good. Recently that’s basically what I’ve been doing, often with some light jelqing and firegoat rolls inbetween each set.
My goal has always been maximum expansion but I find it quite difficult to obtain increased expansion. I have to sit at an angle which causes a higher blood pressure in my penis to get above .25” expansion, which can be uncomfortable and annoying. I also find that the expansion seems to increase after the 2nd or 3rd yet.
I think I am going to look into getting a second cable clamp.
Thanks for the site LV ;)
Like I do understand what you’re saying. But I find it really hard to get fatigued from clamping to the point my EQ decreases much if at all. (I can always get Great EQ everyday) Probably due to the fact I sleep for a long time, between 8-11 hours. I don’t take rest days very often unless I get injured (hurt my frenulum the other week from rubbing like way to hard with not enough lube). But generally in my PE routine I don’t find much need to take them.
There’s one thing you change in your explanations that I noticed. So on OLR days should you do no PE at all or just lessen it? I mean I could consider doing a little less clamping some days which I could call my OLR phase?
But yeah this is why I’m having trouble with your method because I don’t think it really suits me and others too I assume. I didn’t mean 5on2 off is perfect for everyone, it’s just way simpler and people do tend to ride whatever fatigue they have in those 5days.
But I’m trying to stay with this thread because I do really think days off is when we grow and actually gain. So I’m trying to make your OLF/OLR thing fit with my routine.
Okay I just thought, If I clamped for like 1 hour the first day, then everyday add an hour. So Mon = 1 hour, Tues = 2 hours, Wednesday = 3hours. If I did this till I wake up feeling fatigued(Whatever day that would be on), I would then just lessen the time for the next few days riding the fatigue till I couldn’t get a decent EQ, then take my OLR phase till I feel fine again which would probably end up being only one day. Sound good?
Couple questions for the OP. Why would two clamps (at the base like I use) be “inferior” as you stated? Also, how about using a hose clamp which would be a more uniform means of constriction.vs a clamp.