Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A Primer to Clamping & the OLF/OLR Method

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
I guess we’re at the same length then. I feel the same way, I want to reach 8, but I realize it’s not anywhere near as important to girth for me. In addition, that extra 0.6 would be possible to reach even with the girth work…it’s just the 2 more inches of length goals that I think I can’t pursue.

4.9” isn’t bad, within 6 months you’ll be on the large side! We’re rooting for you.

Sounds good. Have you felt any desire for more length while having sex with your new size? I am talking about practical benefits, not vanity of course ;) I have not had sex since I gained 0.8” in length (half of that due to poor EQ) and some girth, so I should have improved a lot already but it was definitely my inadequacy back then that made me get serious about PE once again.

I`m reasoning that if I reach my girth goals now and successfully cement my current length, I can decondition for longer periods of time and then chip away at my length with shorter cycles of hanging throughout the years when I have time. If it does not work, it is not a disaster.

Within 6 months I`ll be on the large side? Nice! But how big is that and how much do you think I can reach within that time period?

Hell, I`m not even sure if I want 6” in girth, but I`m shooting for at least 5.5”. Her pleasure among a wide variety of females are more important than my ego. And I like blowjobs :)

I will start a detailed log as I did with my hanging when I get started in 3 weeks or so. I may do some light jelqing and pumping for a few weeks to hopefully get sky high EQ before starting my serious girth work. I will consider ordering some cheap Cialis for daily use as well.

Originally Posted by Renholder
Sounds good. Have you felt any desire for more length while having sex with your new size? I am talking about practical benefits, not vanity of course ;) I have not had sex since I gained 0.8” in length (half of that due to poor EQ) and some girth, so I should have improved a lot already but it was definitely my inadequacy back then that made me get serious about PE once again.

I`m reasoning that if I reach my girth goals now and successfully cement my current length, I can decondition for longer periods of time and then chip away at my length with shorter cycles of hanging throughout the years when I have time. If it does not work, it is not a disaster.

Within 6 months I`ll be on the large side? Nice! But how big is that and how much do you think I can reach within that time period?

Hell, I`m not even sure if I want 6” in girth, but I`m shooting for at least 5.5”. Her pleasure among a wide variety of females are more important than my ego. And I like blowjobs :)

I will start a detailed log as I did with my hanging when I get started in 3 weeks or so. I may do some light jelqing and pumping for a few weeks to hopefully get sky high EQ before starting my serious girth work. I will consider ordering some cheap Cialis for daily use as well.

Actually, not at all. I’m not sure who these women are that enjoy more length than what I have, but I have NOT encountered them. The girth on the other hand seems to be bigger is better, it’s more difficult but they enjoy it much more. Any additional length would exclusively be for vanity purposes, in my case.

I was able to gain approximately 0.5 inches in the first six months, maybe a bit more. I can’t really remember accurately, since I was not actively posting at that time. I think 5.5 is the point at which I no longer felt inadequately thin, so it’s a good point to aim for.

As for Cialis, I would be careful with that. It can hide the signs of fatigue (which is critical to watch for this to work) and lead to overtraining. If you want to use it for sex purposes, I’d say go ahead, it’s a great product with little adverse side effects, just get the generic kind in a large shipment from India and you’ll be set.

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
Actually, not at all. I’m not sure who these women are that enjoy more length than what I have, but I have NOT encountered them. The girth on the other hand seems to be bigger is better, it’s more difficult but they enjoy it much more. Any additional length would exclusively be for vanity purposes, in my case.

I was able to gain approximately 0.5 inches in the first six months, maybe a bit more. I can’t really remember accurately, since I was not actively posting at that time. I think 5.5 is the point at which I no longer felt inadequately thin, so it’s a good point to aim for.

As for Cialis, I would be careful with that. It can hide the signs of fatigue (which is critical to watch for this to work) and lead to overtraining. If you want to use it for sex purposes, I’d say go ahead, it’s a great product with little adverse side effects, just get the generic kind in a large shipment from India and you’ll be set.


The reason I am considering Cialis is because I`ve had some ED issues the last year. After I started hanging though, it seems like my EQ in general has become much better. I`not sure if there is a correlation, but I`m not complaining ;) If I can not get back consistent strong erections naturally when I quit hanging, I will consider Cialis.

The responses in this thread has confirmed my theory that people who do PE are completely focused on numbers. LongVehicle’s idea of monitoring OLF via PI’s (as a method of determining OLF/OLR parameters) has been mostly ignored, instead posters have asked for time guidelines over and over. But enough about that…

For LongVehicle: Do you currently clamp and what are your TUC’s these days? You mention 18 min. in the first post but there’s some mention later on about acting stupid. Just wondering is that comment was referring to the TUC of 18 min or something else.

2010-01-09: BPEL: 19,7cm [7.75"] EG: 15,0 cm [5.9"]

2010-04-24: BPEL: 20,4cm [8.0"] EG: [???]

Can this work for length?

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Wow, I just stumbled across this thread. Great job. I no longer PE. The only PE I do is the piss pull and My wife pulling my unit when we are in bed talking about our day. My wife helped me PE and this was our routine.

I have reached my goals

Originally Posted by ebon00
The responses in this thread has confirmed my theory that people who do PE are completely focused on numbers. LongVehicle’s idea of monitoring OLF via PI’s (as a method of determining OLF/OLR parameters) has been mostly ignored, instead posters have asked for time guidelines over and over. But enough about that…

For LongVehicle: Do you currently clamp and what are your TUC’s these days? You mention 18 min. in the first post but there’s some mention later on about acting stupid. Just wondering is that comment was referring to the TUC of 18 min or something else.

Acting stupid? I don’t remember writing that, so I don’t know what it was about.

I have moved TUC’s down to 10 minutes. The reason behind this is because I concluded that deoxygenation was not the major cause behind girth gains (although it does add to it), expansion was. In an effort to get more expansion with less fatigue, I moved TUC’s down.

I don’t clamp now because I am trying to make my penis less efficient at enduring clamping stress (so it can adapt, again). To do this, I am trying to induce growth from other forms of PE. I had some gains from swinging and hanging, and now I am jelqing and water pumping.

Indeed, following numbers will simply make this process extremely inefficient. I’m glad you caught onto that ebon00.

Originally Posted by tntjockey
Wow, I just stumbled across this thread. Great job. I no longer PE. The only PE I do is the piss pull and My wife pulling my unit when we are in bed talking about our day. My wife helped me PE and this was our routine.
I have reached my goals

Thank you, tntjockey. That’s an interesting thread, I should enjoy perusing through it later today :) .

I threaded this back in 2006. This was my regiment, Although I do not recommend part of my routine because it is very risky and dangerous.

Originally Posted by tntjockey
Okay guys, I will post our regiment, but once again I want to thank everybody here at Thunders and to Thunder him self. This is a great place to share with friends. We are all here to help and mentor, because we are all in this together. We want the same thing. I have gotten advice from bird2, the Beastyone, Kaan and Hobby and used it. Drilla9 read a post of mine and PM’d me stating if I ever needed his help he would be around. I was flattered, because I see guys like Drilla as some sort of celebrity around here.

Okay here we go. First of all I have been asked how long I stayed on the Newbie Routine before I moved on to a more advanced exercise. Well the fact of the matter is I never left the Newbie Routine. The Newbie is a great routine. It is what I use as a warm up before clamping. It is a short routine and does not tire me out before the more intense exercise. In a nut shell, it is my warm up like an athlete would do before a game. I also use a 5 minute heat wrap afterwards before the clamping.

Putting on the clamp right is important and I don’t even have to have an erection to get it swollen, in fact, I prefer not to have an erection to start out.

We slip the clamp on and force it as close to the pelvic bone as possible, but we don’t click it as tight as possible, not yet, just enough to let the blood in and not to let it out while kegeling and continuing to force the clamp right up against the pelvic bone until it seems to disappear and my penis is engorged and then I click the clamp as much as possible. My Wife sqeezes the shaft and head while doing some pulling. We do this for 15 minutes. I then release the clamp for about 3 to 4 minutes. Once the clamp is released and new blood is kegeled in, your penis should start to swell up again on its own. That is when the second set of 15 minutes begins.

Once I get the clamp on for the second set, this time I don’t clamp the as tight as possible. We click the clamp as tight as possible then back off a click that way blood can enter while my Wife edges me during this set. This is my favorite set. This is the set where my penis becomes very fat (to us). If you use a partner to do this set, make sure you are in tune with each other to avoid ejaculating, because that could possibly ruin the next set. As you all know edging causes the penis to swell and if the clamp is too tight, then you won’t get the full effect and blood will not be able to enter the shaft. The clamp is released and the third set is ready to begin.

Before I continue to on, I just want to state that this part of our exercise is very very dangerous and caution should be applied. Bird2 and I have discussed this and he feels this is very risky. With that, I recommend that you need to be very careful if you try this. I also don’t recommend this exercise to anyone here. I really don’t share this exercise since it can cause injury, but I do know some here do it.

Third set is started and my penis is very huge at this point (to us). The clamp is as tight as possible and into the pelvic bone. Back to being in tune with your partner, if you use one. This is what Big Girtha calls C-pulls. She grabs my penis just under the glands and pulls it straight out, up and down, side to side, and around the world. This is very intense and your partner should be look at your expression to know when to ease up a bit, because she is fucking pulling it and it is intense.

Clamp is released and a hot towel is wrapped around my penis for about 5 minutes. We have a towel warmer in our bathroom so I rotate towels. At this point my penis is huge. We then get an Ace Bandage (24 inches long) and wrap it from the base up to the glands and back down and up. We wrap a little tight but not to cut blood circulation. Then we go for a walk. I believe the walk is beneficial since it gets the blood circulating. After the walk, wrap is released and exercising is over. My penis is fat for a couple of hours.

We do take 2 days off, but not back to back and not on the same schedule cause your penis will learn that schedule. We mix it up.

We have been double clamping for quit some time now. Also, let us not forget about pee pulls. Every time you go piss, pull that thing then piss.

I hope that this helps some of you, but remember listen to your dick, If it hurts a lot, back off. Everything we do here is dangerous and caution should always be exercised, after all we are talking about our dicks. Don’t ruin it. I also don’t recommend this to Newbies. We took it slow before we jumped into the more intense clamping. We are customizing my penis. You will notice the base of your penis where the clamp is positioned will gain faster than any other part of your penis. My base girth is 6 inches and my glands are just over 6 inches.

Also, after taking a 2 week layoff, yes, I clamp immediately.

I gained 1 1/4 in length and over 3/4 in girth in a just one year. After this thread I was 7.8 BPEL X 5.5, but we continued, I then reached 8 1/8 BPEL X 5.8. I stopped PEing because it started to cause having sex problems, I became to big for what ms tnt could handle (this is another thread), but it a big dick can ruin a good thing. The only PE I have done is the the piss pull and my wife pulling my penis when we are in bed talking about are day, it is just habit. Now then, pulling on your unit will create girth, how do I know? I have not did anything for girth other than the piss pull and what not, I am at 8 3/8 x 6 and really haven’t tried. Consistency is the key to all of this, it really is and don’t forget that.

I used Bigirtha’s technique and I also used Drillas as well. I clamped as tight as I could as close to the pelvic bone, and I clamped as close to the pelvic bone, but not clamped all the way while being edged, but I forced the the clamp to the pelvic bone as I was coming close to ejaculation, this swelled my unit so huge. I must post as I have Post before, pictures her give that size no justice. Hope this helps

Originally Posted by 10inchadvantage

I feel I gained the most when I did 2-3 x 20-30 minute clamping sets back in the day. You sir have now got me playing with the longer times again, thanks.

Isn’t 20-30 minutes of clamping very dangerous? The longest I have ever done is 18 minutes.

Historical graph since start including all Measures and Goals -

Start 2008-09-01: 5,9" X 4,5", 2012-03-31: 7,3" X 5.4" - Goal 7,5" X 5,5"

I have got back to try this method for clamping again. Mainly because I have days when I travel at work, preventing me to do any exercise at all. But what I do is not exactly as proposed but rather use the free days I have to add up to as many sessions on about 12 minutes I can. Today, I did break my record and counted 8 times X 12 minutes. Kind of sore right now, let’s hope it’s worth it :) .

Historical graph since start including all Measures and Goals -

Start 2008-09-01: 5,9" X 4,5", 2012-03-31: 7,3" X 5.4" - Goal 7,5" X 5,5"

I think this thread should be mandatory reading. I’m giving it a bump.


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