Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.




Is hanging - 3 times 20 min at 3lbs and jelqing 2 times, 250 each time once day, once night good enough to show improvement, and how long should it take to see gains? Also using deer antler, maca and horny goat weed?

Originally Posted by tryingharder
Is hanging - 3 times 20 min at 3lbs and jelqing 2 times, 250 each time once day, once night good enough to show improvement, and how long should it take to see gains? Also using deer antler, maca and horny goat weed?

Hello tryingharder, Welcome to Thunders

New to this? Start with the newbie routine, I have a link below. You should condition your penis first. Then move on to more complex exercises.

Start 11/20/16 ====> 5.75" BPEL/ 4.5" EG. 1/19/17====> 6.625" BPEL/ 4.75" EG. 11/24/17====> 6.75" BPEL/ 4.75" EG.

Glad to be here.and making progress! :jelq: Check it out at: This is your life: My cock in pictures.

New Here? This is a great place to start.====>START HERE -----> NEWBIE ROUTINE <----- Important Newbie Info

Have you done PE exercises before?

What you describe is too much to start with. It is more likely to lead to penis fatigue and injury rather than gains. If it does lead to gains, they’re likely to crawl at a very slow pace then stop early.

Do not do the routine you propose. It is too much for someone who is just starting.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Yes, been reading your site and started month ago, also L-Arginine(sic?) I’m 50, 3 weeks to a month in, started 1 lb, was silly, then 2 lb, now 3 lb, just started jelqs about a week ago steady, 6.25 BPEL (I think thats right, from base to tip erect) just wondering, besides patience and consistency, am I going in right direction, I’ve read about longer sessions but this is pretty much what time I have. And as far as supplements? Any advice/feedback is appreciated, Thanks

RE: Advice

I’m sorry for not being clearer, forgive me since I am new, let me simplify my questions. Is my exercise routine enough to see results? I will add weight as per the guide. And any thoughts on the supplements I am taking, any previous results? Again, any and all feedback is really appreciated, thanks in advance!

Allow me to be more clear.

What you propose is roughly 2 hours worth the PE twice a day. Which is 4 hours daily.

That is absolutely absurd for your first month.

The Newbie Routine as written is the best advice anyone can give you at this point. Otherwise you will slow your gains, if you get any at all, and get hurt.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Thanks for taking your time, more questions

The hanging is roughly over an hour, the Jelqing is roughly 15 minutes twice a day, no more than 2hours a day, not 4 hours, 4-5 times a week, weekends are almost impossible, maybe a 15 minute jelq (if lucky) which part do you think I’m overdoing? Less hanging, which seems to be the most useful, less jelqing which is the most convenient, I re-read your thread and its well written, but I am losing something in translation. Should I hang less, less often, less weight? Should I not jelq so much, not jelq on days I hang? I’m down with the heat, Jelqing in the bathtub is pretty sweet. You spoke of other techniques, pumping? Clamping? I’m not really cool with having anything removed. If you had to do it over.Again, your time and knowledge is appreciated.

I honestly cannot break down every discipline of PE for you. There are numerous threads that do so and I recommend using the Search Bar above with the ‘advanced search’ function enabled if you need specific information.

All I said was follow START HERE ——-> NEWBIE ROUTINE <——- Important Newbie Info and nothing else. Do that for 90 days. Period. See where you are afterwards before jumping into other things. That is my advice for you at this point.

If you want to do more or different things then that’s fine. It isn’t recommended at this point but it is your choice and your penis.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

I just want to ask sir, do you read our comments? I asked you if you were new to PE, because when I saw your routine I thought it was too intense for a newbie and thought you may have some previous PE experience. Your original post didn’t say you were completely new to this. But like I always do with new members, I steered you in the right direction with the newbie routine. Then TG did the same and you seemed to totally avoid everything he said. Then he told you again and you did the same. You started rambling about things you should have no concerns about at this point of PE. What you should be doing is learning the different methods by searching the site while you’re doing the newbie routine and conditioning your penis.

I may have just wasted my breath, because apparently you don’t get it. START WITH THE NEWBIE ROUTINE! TG gave you a link and I have one in my signature as well. Just click on one or the other. That simple!

Now, If you want, do the routine your way. We can help you on your path, but can’t choose it for you. Remember though, we have warned you. Don’t expect us to be here giving you advice and trying to sooth you when you post your “I’m injured” thread.

Start 11/20/16 ====> 5.75" BPEL/ 4.5" EG. 1/19/17====> 6.625" BPEL/ 4.75" EG. 11/24/17====> 6.75" BPEL/ 4.75" EG.

Glad to be here.and making progress! :jelq: Check it out at: This is your life: My cock in pictures.

New Here? This is a great place to start.====>START HERE -----> NEWBIE ROUTINE <----- Important Newbie Info

Yes, I've been reading ALL posts

And they are terrific, and yes newbie, 1 month in, I also read the post on newbie hanging, 20 min 3x’s light weight, don’t increase sets and weight same week, fish weights 1/2 lb yadadada, just was wondering if any body had any experience with this and do you approve, I warm up, I warm down, please just an opinion? And the same for Jelqing, at these rates, about an 1hour and a half, breaking all 3 up into morning then noon then nite? And I assume you are not fans of supplements? Thanks for your advice inadvance.

I’m coming late to the party, but I’m definitely getting the vibe that regardless of how many times you ask for opinions, your mind is made up and you’re going to forge ahead with the plan you’ve outlined. By all means, do so, but if you get injured, or your gains either don’t happen or stall out early (which are distinct possiblities) our minds will be clear because we did warn you.

:_pump: :donatecar

Originally Posted by tryingharder
And they are terrific, and yes newbie, 1 month in, I also read the post on newbie hanging, 20 min 3x’s light weight, don’t increase sets and weight same week, fish weights 1/2 lb yadadada, just was wondering if any body had any experience with this and do you approve, I warm up, I warm down, please just an opinion? And the same for Jelqing, at these rates, about an 1hour and a half, breaking all 3 up into morning then noon then nite? And I assume you are not fans of supplements? Thanks for your advice inadvance.

This a is quote from Hanging 101: “If you’re not an experienced PEer, you shouldn’t be hanging. If you decide to hang without proper conditioning (unwise), you should start with only 2.5lbs and perhaps only 2x sets.” This is why we say to start with the newbie routine so you can condition your penis first, before moving on to hanging. If you choose to hang, it’s entirely up to you, but it’s unwise to do so.

As far as jelqs, 10 minutes once a day 2 days on 1 day off. No more is required. What you propose will toughen your penis and you will have a hard time achieving any gains at all.

I take maca and L-arginine daily. I’m sure there are other supplements that can aide with PE, but haven’t done much research. There’s a whole section on supplements and doing a search may get you better answers.

Start 11/20/16 ====> 5.75" BPEL/ 4.5" EG. 1/19/17====> 6.625" BPEL/ 4.75" EG. 11/24/17====> 6.75" BPEL/ 4.75" EG.

Glad to be here.and making progress! :jelq: Check it out at: This is your life: My cock in pictures.

New Here? This is a great place to start.====>START HERE -----> NEWBIE ROUTINE <----- Important Newbie Info

Hanging after only one month of PE? I knew a guy who did that. His penis ran off looking for another owner. Last I heard he was still looking!

James, Thank you, I wanted to know if hanging was to soon, if I was doing too many jelqs, rest days and of course supplements. How long should I wait to start hanging? I experience no pain or discomfort when I do, and length wise it does work, however not cemented gains, jelqing fills up and makes it full, especially when I use heat (thanks to thoughtfulgold) I.e. The bath tub, how long should I wait until I hang? I know eveyone is different and I know these are expert opinions so any help is appreciated.

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