Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Attacking the fat-pad! Join Me!

No big boys on this forum? My fat pad is so thick that it’s hard to press all the way to the bone. It’s easily an inch and a half. It use to be closer to 5 or 6 when I was 400lbs+ nbpl would be 4 inches, now it’s closer to 7. At the same time I stopped worrying about measurements for the same reason I stopped looking at weight on the scale. I just look at how I fit in my clothes and how I feel.

I lost a majority of my weight riding my bike but specifically hill climbing. I would also walk all over the place and count my steps. My biggest motivation was that I had a really close friend who gave up completely and got to 730lbs before he got a septic infection, had a heart attack and died. I also had another friend die from a drug related heart attack and 2 of my aunts die of the same thing, all within 2 or 3 weeks. Now I go to the gym 3-4 times a week with a trainer and started doing cardio on my days off.

The biggest thing holding me back was my hormones. I got tested and found out that I needed to be on testosterone replacement therapy. For the longest time I would do something very mild and feel pain in my muscles for weeks later so I could only train 1-2 times a month. In 4 months my free test went from 96 to 797, my bmi went from 42 to 30, and my weight went from 285 to 295. My lifts went up and my muscular recovery got really efficient. One down side is that since I always pump with the same hand, my right forearm is getting bigger than my left so I’ve been switching it up; using my pump and doing all of my manuals lefty.

If you want to lose weight, eat less simple. Download MyFitnessPal App. Calculate calories. Cut out fat by eating less or by doing more to expend energy.

Wow, 400 lbs plus, that is huge. No offense to you friend.

I am heavy set, I weight more than is the norm for someone of my height, I am at the border BMI between normal and overweight. But I am not overweight. I am 44” around my deflated chest, normally men of my height are 36”. My fat pad is less than 1”, close to 0.5” I estimate.

Losing weight is fine, but how can you be sure that you would lose weight in your fat pad? Different parts of your body lose weight at different rates.

Originally Posted by Ponto
Losing weight is fine, but how can you be sure that you would lose weight in your fat pad? Different parts of your body lose weight at different rates.

Gotta do kegels to isolate that stubborn fat! lol

Actually you’re body loses fat very evenly . If different parts lost weight at different rates, then it would be possible for one arm to be fatter than the other. You’re body actually produces most of it’s fat cells during adolescence and if someone was obese as a child, they could have more fat cells than someone who was thinner. As we get older these cells inflate with fat, and deflate when the fat is used for energy. So you can deflate these fat cells by working out, but the cells are still there and some people have more unfortunate fat deposits.

One girl I was dating had uneven breasts and a huge fat pad. Like in certain pants she looked like a hernia survivor and absolutely forget bikinis. She actually got her foot ran over by a cop during parade and got a fat chunk of change she used on surgeries and tattoos. She got fat grafted from her thighs and pubic mound and injected into her breasts. to me it doesn’t look any better to have a gut and thighs still crowding her now flat vagina. Not to be sexist but it would look a lot better with a dick; especially when sitting down. I’ll think about surgeries like this when I lose enough weight to warrant body sculpting. It’s gonna cost as much as a sports car and make me look like one so I’ll look into PE surgery when I go

I’m on TRT and noticed a huge difference in EQ, labido, fat loss and muscle gains. I’ve been thinking about getting PRP shot into my knee but I’d be willing to try it out on my dick. From what I’ve read, it increases the penises ability to heal and recover so it would be interesting to work my way up to 1+ hours a day 7 days a week, then get the shots and keep it going to see if you can get some tunica gains. You could also beat your dick black and purple, get this shot and recover faster than usual with some possible gains.

Your body doesn’t lose fat evenly. The first place you store fat is the last part that goes. For most men, that would be arms, gut, love handles, and the back. For me personally my fat goes to my butt, thighs, and back.

If you’re using PED’s get a good diet and a good workout plan. Since you are obese you can easily lose 10lbs a week. Your muscle will stay since you are using drugs. High fat/high protein diet, lifting 4+ days a week, doing cardio(preferably sprints), will give you a huge boost in metabolism.

I have some significant fat pad. I am 80kg and 1.81m tall. Bone pressed measurements give me 2.1 inches of extra length. If I could lose some of that fat, I’d add over an inch to my penis. That’s 1 inch of added length without PE.

I have been losing weight for a while now. Down about 60lbs+ has had a small effect on my fat pad which is around 1.25”. I am still pretty heavy though so i dont think i will see a huge reduction in fat pad til i get down around 10% body fat which will take another year or so. If i could get .75” back from fat pad loss and 1.5” from PE i would be pretty happy.

Originally Posted by RiseAboveMorty
Gotta do kegels to isolate that stubborn fat! Lol

Actually you’re body loses fat very evenly . If different parts lost weight at different rates, then it would be possible for one arm to be fatter than the other. You’re body actually produces most of it’s fat cells during adolescence and if someone was obese as a child, they could have more fat cells than someone who was thinner. As we get older these cells inflate with fat, and deflate when the fat is used for energy. So you can deflate these fat cells by working out, but the cells are still there and some people have more unfortunate fat deposits.


I understand your situation are are enthusiastic about your progress, but please for the love of your dick do not go to extreme measures if they are not needed. One mistake doing something extreme can have long term lasting consequences. As to your comments regarding rates of fat loss, I think you’re a little off base. You are correct that it loses fat evenly in that we cannot spot reduce fat, so for example a 1lb loss of fat will generally be spread over the entirety of the body not just one location. But your point regarding arm sizes is false, and it is a common measured occurrence for arm sizes to differ. Mine differ by over an inch.

Originally Posted by BvckWood
Your body doesn’t lose fat evenly. The first place you store fat is the last part that goes. For most men, that would be arms, gut, love handles, and the back. For me personally my fat goes to my butt, thighs, and back.

If you’re using PED’s get a good diet and a good workout plan. Since you are obese you can easily lose 10lbs a week. Your muscle will stay since you are using drugs. High fat/high protein diet, lifting 4+ days a week, doing cardio(preferably sprints), will give you a huge boost in metabolism.

I too carry the majority of my fat in my legs, but they also hold the most significant muscle mass for me. I’m not sure that Morty would actually be considered to be using drugs or PEDs since his body doesn’t produce the hormones naturally, his therapy only brings him to parity with the average male not above it.

Originally Posted by speedbird6
I have some significant fat pad. I am 80kg and 1.81m tall. Bone pressed measurements give me 2.1 inches of extra length. If I could lose some of that fat, I’d add over an inch to my penis. That’s 1 inch of added length without PE.

Just establish a healthy diet under the amount of calories required to maintain your current weight and implement physical activity to your routine. For what it’s worth, you are an inch taller than me yet I outweigh you by 40lbs and my fat pad is give or take 0.6 inches.

Originally Posted by Johngalt987
I have been losing weight for a while now. Down about 60lbs+ has had a small effect on my fat pad which is around 1.25”. I am still pretty heavy though so I don’t think I will see a huge reduction in fat pad til I get down around 10% body fat which will take another year or so. If I could get .75” back from fat pad loss and 1.5” from PE I would be pretty happy.

Congratulations on the weight loss! 60lbs is an impressive feat!! Don’t forget that as your weight lowers your EQ should correspondingly increase too!

The only constant in life is change, it is how you respond to it that determines who you are.

01-01-2018: BPEL: 7.4375in MEG: 4.625in Volume: 12.67 cubic inches

03-26-2018: BPEL: 7.875in MEG: 5.75in Volume: 20.73 cubic inches

Originally Posted by Bond_James

I understand your situation are are enthusiastic about your progress, but please for the love of your dick do not go to extreme measures if they are not needed. One mistake doing something extreme can have long term lasting consequences. As to your comments regarding rates of fat loss, I think you’re a little off base. You are correct that it loses fat evenly in that we cannot spot reduce fat, so for example a 1lb loss of fat will generally be spread over the entirety of the body not just one location. But your point regarding arm sizes is false, and it is a common measured occurrence for arm sizes to differ. Mine differ by over an inch. ——- I too carry the majority of my fat in my legs, but they also hold the most significant muscle mass for me. I’m not sure that Morty would actually be considered to be using drugs or PEDs since his body doesn’t produce the hormones naturally, his therapy only brings him to parity with the average male not above it.

I mean the medical term for what I’m doing is called TRT, and I have medical reasons to do it, but I also go “above and beyond” the protocol and would consider this a blast and cruise more than anything. The only difference being that I don’t really need to worry about cruising unless my estrogen starts to go up. I’ve been doing 100mg a week for about 18 weeks now and haven’t had any negative sides. My right forearm is visibly larger from using the mityvac all the time but I’m switching it up now to see if it makes a difference.

Originally Posted by RiseAboveMorty
I mean the medical term for what I’m doing is called TRT, and I have medical reasons to do it, but I also go “above and beyond” the protocol and would consider this a blast and cruise more than anything. The only difference being that I don’t really need to worry about cruising unless my estrogen starts to go up. I’ve been doing 100mg a week for about 18 weeks now and haven’t had any negative sides. My right forearm is visibly larger from using the mityvac all the time but I’m switching it up now to see if it makes a difference.

Now this explains your mad scientist demeanor! Just be cognizant of the effects it can have on your personality and behavior, don’t want to see a story of man roid raging and beating people with his watermelon sized package!

The only constant in life is change, it is how you respond to it that determines who you are.

01-01-2018: BPEL: 7.4375in MEG: 4.625in Volume: 12.67 cubic inches

03-26-2018: BPEL: 7.875in MEG: 5.75in Volume: 20.73 cubic inches

Has anyone tries fat dissolving injections on fat pad?

Originally Posted by RiseAboveMorty
No big boys on this forum? My fat pad is so thick that it’s hard to press all the way to the bone. It’s easily an inch and a half. It use to be closer to 5 or 6 when I was 400lbs+ nbpl would be 4 inches, now it’s closer to 7. At the same time I stopped worrying about measurements for the same reason I stopped looking at weight on the scale. I just look at how I fit in my clothes and how I feel.

I lost a majority of my weight riding my bike but specifically hill climbing. I would also walk all over the place and count my steps. My biggest motivation was that I had a really close friend who gave up completely and got to 730lbs before he got a septic infection, had a heart attack and died. I also had another friend die from a drug related heart attack and 2 of my aunts die of the same thing, all within 2 or 3 weeks. Now I go to the gym 3-4 times a week with a trainer and started doing cardio on my days off.

The biggest thing holding me back was my hormones. I got tested and found out that I needed to be on testosterone replacement therapy. For the longest time I would do something very mild and feel pain in my muscles for weeks later so I could only train 1-2 times a month. In 4 months my free test went from 96 to 797, my bmi went from 42 to 30, and my weight went from 285 to 295. My lifts went up and my muscular recovery got really efficient. One down side is that since I always pump with the same hand, my right forearm is getting bigger than my left so I’ve been switching it up; using my pump and doing all of my manuals lefty.

To strip that fat do cardio every single day until the job is done. Keep carbs at under 100g for tge day. 30-60 minutes of cardio per day until the weight is stripped. Shoot for another 60-80lb and you’ll see all of your cock. Sleep apnea gone. Blood pressure good and in great health.

Originally Posted by Willy D
Has anyone tries fat dissolving injections on fat pad?

Lose the fat buddy. Be a masculine man and do the work.

Originally Posted by djrobins
Lose the fat buddy. Be a masculine man and do the work.

Careful. It has nothing to do with his masculinity. An apology my be due here.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist
Careful. It has nothing to do with his masculinity. An apology my be due here.

I didn’t mean he’s not masculine.

It’s meant as motivation. It’s tough times especially for men. We have to stop trying to look for shortcuts and make the effort required.


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