No big boys on this forum? My fat pad is so thick that it’s hard to press all the way to the bone. It’s easily an inch and a half. It use to be closer to 5 or 6 when I was 400lbs+ nbpl would be 4 inches, now it’s closer to 7. At the same time I stopped worrying about measurements for the same reason I stopped looking at weight on the scale. I just look at how I fit in my clothes and how I feel.
I lost a majority of my weight riding my bike but specifically hill climbing. I would also walk all over the place and count my steps. My biggest motivation was that I had a really close friend who gave up completely and got to 730lbs before he got a septic infection, had a heart attack and died. I also had another friend die from a drug related heart attack and 2 of my aunts die of the same thing, all within 2 or 3 weeks. Now I go to the gym 3-4 times a week with a trainer and started doing cardio on my days off.
The biggest thing holding me back was my hormones. I got tested and found out that I needed to be on testosterone replacement therapy. For the longest time I would do something very mild and feel pain in my muscles for weeks later so I could only train 1-2 times a month. In 4 months my free test went from 96 to 797, my bmi went from 42 to 30, and my weight went from 285 to 295. My lifts went up and my muscular recovery got really efficient. One down side is that since I always pump with the same hand, my right forearm is getting bigger than my left so I’ve been switching it up; using my pump and doing all of my manuals lefty.