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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.
I’ve been edging/ballooning (whatever you want to call it) since my young teens (over three years). I’ve had enough practise to have discovered all the sweet spots there are to be had. ;)
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sure it can easily carry over into ejaculating.. if you WANT to.
But why would you?
IMO you can’t reach this state of mind while leaving even a little space for ejaculation in your mind. Trust, feel and simply be…
Or as some other long-gone dudes called it: Riding the wave (which is a pretty accurate description of what you do).
Ah, and about the edging/ballooning topic:
My definition on edging includes going to the brink of ejaculation and then stopping to not fall over into ejaculation.
“Ballooning” would be playng at said brink without the feeling even including a possibility of ejaculation.. Doesn’t really matter what you need to believe for you to ALLOW YOURSELF TO BELIEVE that it’s possible, be this “anal-breathing”, “energy redirection” or the big flying spaghetti monster in the sky. ;)
>memento, well, I hereby decide to perceive your attacks as something else then.. let's say.. unqualified rants and ad hominems.. I advice you to do the same <
I guess you’ll have to do that, though you might note that I actually qualify many of my statements, from the first post on.
>Both feel great and both get good expansion.. Ballooning even more so due to the prolonged time of expansion compared to edging which is more of a constant up and down (in pressure).<
I think we’ll have to agree to differ on that one but only because I think the definition of edging used is highly stunted. I assume by edging you mean simply masturbating while avoiding coming and using none of the techniques that you associate with ballooning, and indeed none of the other techniques that are discussed frequently here in MMO threads or indeed further techniques that rarely get an airing here.
>I'm getting the feeling that Ballooning … help[s] healing injuries.<
I think that might well have a basis in fact. It’s fair to say that blood flow is a necessary part of the healing process; certainly increasing blood flow is likely to open out capillaries to their maximum.
>And last but not least, will holding your bigger than normal erection (due to prolonged mild stress from internal pressure) increase your dick size? I don't see why not.<
OK, let me help you out there. The tunicae are somewhat elastic but also very tough, they have to be tough or an erection would be enough to deform them permanently (and that is effectively what you are talking about). Filling to capacity is generally not something that provides enough force to deform anything.
A plastic jug is also somewhat elastic and rather tough, filling it to capacity will not deform it. Filling it to capacity with water, sealing it, and then microwaving it to increase the pressure might work but you’d have to go beyond the point where it will elastically deform and apply enough pressure for it to plastically deform.
When one exercises physically on a regular basis: more blood is pumped, muscles grow, and limb vein and artery sizes increase. Should we assume from this that if we pump more blood through the penis, it will grow measurably? Arteries have substantially thicker walls than veins and yet they increase in size, does it then follow that the tunica albuginea (which is substantially more robust than a forearm artery) will grow in size. On the face of it, it seems like a reasonable assumption.
The CC tunicae have a mean thickness of 1.4mm (the carotid artery has a wall thickness of around 0.82mm and the aorta has a mean thickness of 2.32mm). They are much thicker than the arteries supplying, say, the forearm. They respond differently to internal pressure, with the collagen in the tunica albuginea unfurling in the face of an erection to produce a solid structure. Irrespective of the material similarity with arteries, these are different structures and they respond differently.
In PE we are attempting to overcome the innate elasticity of the tunicae and this in itself is some feat for a structure with an elastic modulus of 10^8 N/m^2 and tensile strength of 10^5 N/m^2 (14.5 lbs per square inch if I converted it correctly). We are not trying to rupture the CC but we are trying to break down the structure in a small way. Ballooning will not do this, it is well within the confines of what the penis is designed for.
>Is that by itself enough to have “fast enough” gains in this game of marathon exercises ? Who knows. Lots of the people on here are extremely hindering their dick growth (or anything else for that matter) potential by holding inappropriate beliefs for the goal at hand. Hence the overexercisers and “Let's do all the PE I didn't do for years within a few weeks” newbies<
I agree: people hold inappropriate beliefs. That was the reason for this thread.
So far on this thread I’ve seen one guy who says he’s gained from ballooning but the facts don’t sit with the claims. Will we see other people claim ballooning gains? Yup, that is the nature of a fad and it in the nature of many people to optimistically measure and this factor is not unique to ballooning.
>Memento - Whenever anyone has asked about my length gains, I've always told them they all come from ballooning, without hesitation - you aren't privy to my PM's, so there's no way for you to know that, but trust me that I've directed everyone who's asked to ballooning.<
So let me get this straight. In public you said nothing about ballooning. You mentioned many other techniques when giving advice but you never mentioned ballooning. However in private you told many people that ballooning was the perfect way to gain. Do I have that right? I ask because there’s a possible logic hole in your paragraph revolving around no one asking you and therefore you telling no one.
When I answer PMs on PE I tell people pretty much what I say in public. I often include a suggestion to post a thread to get a range of opinions, after all this is a forum where penis enlargement techniques are supposed to be discussed in the open and freely.
>Also, I've never seen edging defined as you define it Beasty, I've always known it to just be masturbating to the brink of orgasm and then playing on that edge; your definition seems to be more inclusive of male multiple orgasm techniques, and I think most would not define it as you have… not that there is anything wrong with what you're doing, keep up the good work<
Yeah, I think it’s fair to say that those people who edge do not limit the definition of edging to masturbation to the brink of orgasm. I think we are basically all talking about techniques for self manipulation which are based in tantra (Lin copied some good bits from tantra books and mixed them with lincrap™).
Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.
I think that might well have a basis in fact. It’s fair to say that blood flow is a necessary part of the healing process; certainly increasing blood flow is likely to open out capillaries to their maximum.
I’d just like to chime in on this one. I’ve recently been mixing in extended erections (80-90%) before and/or after my morning workouts and I think they’re having a very definite effect on the healing process. Although ballooning possibly brings a bit more blood into the penis than a regular erection I think a regular erection is going to get the job done just fine. In my own case, the extended erections must be coupled with stretches to see gains.
Aggravated… what’s so hard to understand about this, memento?
When I came to the forum, I was more or less happy with my length - if I found more length while doing some girth exercises, I was happy, if I didn’t, maybe I’d focus on it later. In my first few months, I just soaked it all up, reading what I could on every subject. As I started to gain a handle on girth gains, I started to chime in - ON GIRTH GAINS… as I said before, I never gained girth from ballooning, so I NEVER RECOMMENDED BALLOONING FOR GIRTH.
No one has ever - in my memory - come to me in a thread and asked me where I made all my gains, so I never specifically mentioned ballooning, but in the PM’s I got where people SPECIFICALLY ASKED HOW I MADE MY GAINS, I told them ballooning for length, jelqing and clamping for girth; my reply has not changed any since the first PM I got.
The reason I’m aggravated is, this doesn’t seem that hard to understand, and I know you’re not a stupid guy, so I’m just assuming you’ve written me off as a troll or a shill. Your arguments against my claims seem to be trailing off into the ad hominem department.
Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.
Side note : After bumping deep into and hurting my ex this Sunday, tell her ballooning doesn’t give you any extra length, and I hadn’t ballooned in at least a week before having sex with her.
Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.
Reread my posts. You keep coming up with this girth thing from who knows where. You’ve already claimed that ballooning gave you length. I get that. OK.
>No one has ever - in my memory - come to me in a thread and asked me where I made all my gains, so I never specifically mentioned ballooning, but in the PM’s I got where people SPECIFICALLY ASKED HOW I MADE MY GAINS, I told them ballooning for length, jelqing and clamping for girth; my reply has not changed any since the first PM I got.<
OK, so you never mentioned ballooning in public (despite giving plenty of other advice on how to gain) but you mentioned it to several people in private because they specifically asked you how you’d gained.
The strange thing, from my point of view at least, is that when you talk about length gains, you still don’t mention ballooning in public. In fact here you attribute length gains to stretching:
I’ve noticed that on days where I do heavy stretching, my penis get’s longer but really thins out, and - unfortunately, like you said, my length gains don’t make up for my girth losses. Very upsetting, but nice to have a longer dick.
and here you are even more blatant (the bold is mine):
I’d suggest just stretches, I’ve gained length with no jelqing that way.
Why did you tell people in public you gained from stretches when you now claim you did nothing of the sort and in fact where busy telling people a different story in private?
>The reason I’m aggravated is, this doesn’t seem that hard to understand, and I know you’re not a stupid guy, so I’m just assuming you’ve written me off as a troll or a shill. Your arguments against my claims seem to be trailing off into the ad hominem department.<
Then you’re not getting what I’m saying. I’m taking what you say and running it through logic loops. You’re the only person on this thread who claims to have gained from ballooning and yet you tie your story up with so many inconsistencies it’s very hard to take you seriously as a witness for your point of view. If you look back through this thread, you will see that all I’m doing is putting the inconsistencies to you and asking you to respond. I can’t clear these things up, you are the only person in a position to do so.
To summarize some previous points that haven’t really been dealt with by you:
1. Why did you say that you modified your stats to show a growth trend?*
2. Why did you say you made your gains from just stretching in public but told people in private that you made your gains from ballooning before you even found this forum?
3. You say your erections are variable. Do you not think it is conceivable that in ballooning you’ve found a form of sexual training that allows you to hit your maximum innate erect length on a more frequent basis, rather than actually gaining anything per se.*
4. You say you avoid girth routines before taking a length measurement, does it follow that you stop all PE before taking a measurement?
5. You consistently talk about gaining substantial amounts in short time periods; gains that (beyond the newbie surge) are unlikely using any other method of PE. Is that a fair summary?
Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.
1. My first stats reflect my pre-PE stats, the second after ballooning and girth work, the third reflect a short stint I had with stretching, where I made some temporary length gains, but felt it detracted from girth, so I gave it up - I have since lost whatever gains I made from stretching.
2. I didn’t say JUST stretching, I said stretching and not jelqing - this is also taken out of context, cause I believe the thread’s question was addressing whether or not one could gain from stretching alone, or if jelqing was a necessary component, which I don’t believe it is.
3. This would really come down to semantics and opinion, wouldn’t it? For my entire life, I never measured more than 6.5”, with erections that were generally hard to very hard. After ballooning, I vary between 7” and 7.5”, on very rare occasions going slightly below or beyond; variations I attribute mostly to excitement, PE work, and general health.
Is it possible that this technique maximizes your erection to a point you would never achieve without ballooning? In that sense, aren’t you ENLARGING it?
4. To further explain where I’m at : I have completely devoted myself to girth, I do absolutely nothing for length, except for occasional, very moderate ballooning while masturbating, which is rare in itself, as erections are pretty much devoted to girth routines or sex nowadays - that said, I still hover at the same length mentioned before. In other words, I don’t make a habit of measuring length, as I do nothing for it, but when I do, it’s sporadic in time, but the measurements are consistent.
5. I don’t know that I said that - I have said that, early on, during ballooning sessions, I would notice temporary increases in length almost right away, but I have no idea of the statistics within that time frame, though I know I ballooned seriously for at least a summer and some… conservative estimate, 6 months. It’s very hard to speak in some exacts, regarding all the particulars, because the process was mine, and mine alone, so it was very organic and fluid… basically, I wasn’t taking pictures and putting them up on a forum, dated and all.
I don’t know that I am the only person who’s made claims that ballooning has worked for them - the problem on this site is, few people are using ballooning exclusively, so how are we to know, right? I found ballooning long before I found Thunder’s, so I can assuredly say my length gains came from ballooning.
Edit : Ha! I see you think I meant I was telling people in my private life about ballooning, when I was merely referring to the PM’s I got on this forum, but come to think of it, there have been a few late night, drunken conversations, where I have mentioned ballooning to some friends who made mention of size.
Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.
It seems that glans rubbing offers an even bigger erection than base rubbing.
So you ballooners can try this.
While you maintain a thumb or finger on the sweet spot, take the other hand and make soft circles on the top side of your glans.
The penis really get huge and veins appear you never thought you had before, do about 200 hundred rubs.
Oh and the dry orgasms are longer and more intense than just rubbing the sweet spot and anal breathing alone.
You wan to time your breathing with the rhythm of the circles, this automatically causes stimulus to the sweet spot.
And while glans rubbing makes you have dry orgasms it is virtually impossible to cum, at least it is for me.
If glans rubbing was not part of ballooning before it should be, try it let me know how you like it.
VS, Kazoo and you to Beasty.
Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!
I actually recall reading about glans rubbing as a technique to male multiple orgasms, but I never found the sensation strong enough to induce orgasm; I’ll give it a try though, thanks for the tip.
Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.
This place really cracks me up sometimes.
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After about 50 circular strokes it really builds up to it.
Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!
This thread is NOT PE….not even close….