Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ballooning is not PE

Originally Posted by memento

Thanks for the detail.

If you’re saying doing that routine helped you regain length, then maybe the routine did less than you credit it with.

>Edging erection are 100% ballooning erections are 120% to 150%. This is the only way I can describe it. <

I know what you mean and I still say that you have a limited view of edging. I forget all the tantra jargon now but edging is a tantra thing and there is nothing new in ballooning. You get the great flaccid hang afterwards, it’s a positive feeling but it’s still not PE.

Well perhaps it is for some. For the last 6 to 8 weeks iv’e been doing almost exclusive ballooning, how be it I failed a few time by that I mean I blew my load.

I regained a half an inch on the Mem routine and a bit of girth to boot. About a tenth o an inch. Got to lovde those Uli”s and horse 440”s.
So because I had great recovery with the MEM routine I want to work ballooning in with it. I started on it Saturday. Now that I’m well I want to see how much I gain from both routines.

I believe ballooning increases blood volume to the penis thus creating new cell memory, thus some growth occurs.

The Mem routine does this by murdering your dick to death and creating micro tears a bit greater than just jelqing alone such as the Newbie Routine.

The two combine who knows what may come of it.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

The main effect of ballooning very well may be inverse pumping though ;)
Not that this is anything not helping for gains.

Heck, even visualizing _while_ having a feeling of perfect well-being will increase your size, once you’ve let go of hindering beliefs.
If anything it’s too darn easy. Of course you have to decondition and untrain yourself from all the “precious” beliefs brainwashed into you by society, parents and the rest of your environment, but once you got rid of that pile of steaming crap, you’re ready to go ;)


Ok… there’s obviously no convincing memento… this is ridiculous.

I’ve seen many people tell you (memento) that they have gained specifiacally from ballooning and you just call them a liar… either by saying it outright or by completely contradicting them. How you can do this I don’t know as THEY’RE the ones who are doing this stuff… not you.

Then you go on to tell people who haven’t gained from jelqing that they just don’t know how to jelq. How the hell do you know? Is it maybe possible that jelqing just didn’t work for these people? Don’t even answer that because I know what you’re going to say. I really just have no idea why you keep telling people these things… obsviously ballooning DOES work for some people and you just can’t accept that for some reason.


I think that is something for another thread. Certainly I was still learning the nuances 6 months in.

It’s terrible hard to get an idea of where people are going wrong and it might be simpler to go into how to get it right. There are a bunch of threads on this already but here’s a quick summary:

The grip needs to match the erection. The grip needs to be minutely looser than a ULI#3 grip. Probably the easiest way to find the appropriate grip is to grip so hard you can’t move the grip forward and then knock it back until you can.

The erection needs to be maintained. There’s no point in having one good jelq stroke followed by any number on a dick that’s almost flaccid. When we talk about 70% erection plus, that’s volume and that is actually pretty close to a full blown erection. 70% is probably a little too low.

The stroke length needs to match the grip and the erection. As an erection fades it might be sensible to speed up the stroke length or kegel with each stroke (which is a good thing anyway).

IMO jelqing is two separate things, it’s a pressure gradient/deformation process above the grip in a wave up the penis and the general pressure in the bit between the glans and the grip. A ULI#3 is just pressure between grip and glans.

That’s about as much detail as I can go into without moving seriously off topic. I think that people who post that they are getting it right straight off the bat are missing the nuances but that’s the way it goes.


>I started on it Saturday. Now that I’m well I want to see how much I gain from both routines.<

The trouble with putting two things together is you don’t know what’s doing what. I don’t think that’s a particular problem with ballooning though, it would seem to count as a productive rest day.

>I believe ballooning increases blood volume to the penis thus creating new cell memory, thus some growth occurs.<

Coming from a position of sloppy erections I can understand how ballooning would make you think that. Is the fact that you are maximising your erections not enough? I’m sure there are many men who would consider this to be a wonderful thing without conferring extra powers on ballooning.

>The Mem routine does this by murdering your dick to death and creating micro tears a bit greater than just jelqing alone such as the Newbie Routine.<

Unfortunately the tunicae are made of extremely resistant material. If they weren’t everyone would find this stuff easy.


Very “life coach” ;) Which of course doesn’t stop it being true.


>Ok… there’s obviously no convincing memento… this is ridiculous.<

Clearly it is ridiculous that I started this thread but, hey a head of steam gets up about some crap here and you’ll tend to find someone like me trying to correct the issue. This is the thing with a forum, it’s surprisingly easy for people to be taken in. Lin is not the first to rename an old technique and confer special new properties on it.

>I’ve seen many people tell you (memento) that they have gained specifiacally from ballooning and you just call them a liar… either by saying it outright or by completely contradicting them. How you can do this I don’t know as THEY’RE the ones who are doing this stuff… not you.<

Really? I’ve seen one guy in this thread (kazoo) say that he gained significantly from ballooning and somehow he’s the same size he was when started ballooning.

Got any other examples for me?

>Then you go on to tell people who haven’t gained from jelqing that they just don’t know how to jelq. How the hell do you know?<

The results speak for themselves. If someone cooks you an egg and you crack it open and it’s a runny mess, is it reasonable to assume that they didn’t cook it properly?

>Is it maybe possible that jelqing just didn’t work for these people?<

No. It’s certainly possible that they misunderstood the level of commitment required.

>Don’t even answer that because I know what you’re going to say. I really just have no idea why you keep telling people these things… obsviously ballooning DOES work for some people and you just can’t accept that for some reason.<

Show me an example of someone who has gained from ballooning. A real gain, not an increase in the strength of their erections that gives a ruler gain of 1/2” or whatever. Give me the example of someone who’s gained from solely ballooning over a period of several months consistently.

This is a penis enlargement forum and so it’s a responsible thing to talk about what technique are related to penis enlargement and what are not. That doesn’t mean ballooning doesn’t have a place, it simply means that it should probably be discussed in the sexual health forums because it’s not a penis enlargement technique.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.



What are you saying? I started ballooning three years ago, when I was a young buck; I made all my length gains there, and did no other PE until I found this site a year-and-a-half ago; any discrepancies in my stats page are made because I wanted to show that I had grown, for statistical purposes - I never imagined my stats page would be used as evidence to condemn me as someone guilty of :

1. Self-Aggrandisement
2. Self delusion
3. Shilling/Advertising
4. Trolling

Like I said before, I don’t give a shit what happened to my dick physically - when I put a ruler up to it now, it’s bigger, and that’s good enough for me.

When I started ballooning, it was purely as a possible cure for premature ejaculation, growth was a very welcome side-product.

Trust me, when I first saw it happening, I did not believe it was actually happening, but there you go.

Ah! I truly don’t understand where you’re coming from.

Edit : If you’ll notice if you read that ballooning thread thoroughly - I’ve always claimed that ballooning causes a sort of, super-erection, ie if your normal erection is 100%, ballooning creates a 120% erection, so we’re not entirely in disagreement on the issue of what’s actually happening.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.


By this logic, I would consider hanging not to be a PE technique because I never got any gains from it. ;)

My personal feeling is that ballooning by itself is not particularly effective, but when included in a workout that includes stretching, jelqing, and ULI’s, it becomes one more item in the toolbox to help guys gain.

I like ballooning after a good jelqing and squeezing workout, because it helps to to achieve my best possible BPEL. My sense is that the more often a guy can hit his max BPEL during workouts, the more likely he is to be able to hit it again and again, until eventually he hits something a little bit bigger.

So I won’t discourage anyone from ballooning, unless they expect it to give them gains all by itself.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

My 2 €-cents? Just like modesto put it :)
Besides I will never get why people fight (sometimes even out there to the death), simply to “defend” their personal reality.

I like my reality as it is and I’m the only builder of my reality. Why not keep it that way?
It’s not as if anyone could ever understand the full being that is you anyhow.. except for yourself.


Originally Posted by Kazoo
I started ballooning three years ago, when I was a young buck; I made all my length gains there, and did no other PE until I found this site a year-and-a-half ago;

How old were you three years ago? My dick kept growing on its own until I was about 20, I think, long past the point when I had achieved my (approximate) full height.

I don’t even know what ballooning is, really (have never read the long threads about it), so I’m not taking a position on it. But if you were a very “young buck” when you started ballooning, I do wonder whether your size increases can be considered strong evidence for its efficacy (in the absence of anyone else gaining from ballooning alone).

If ballooning isn’t PE, then perhaps pumping isn’t either. Arguably, pumping gains are “temporary” if you don’t keep pumping. The same may be true of ballooning, but gains is gains - and the only gains I have seen from PE have been from ballooning. Yes, they are temporary, but ballooning has given me a technique to achieve the largest possible erection, and I’ve found this can be incorporated into sex (grabbing/rubbing the base when stopping ejaculation gives a larger erection for the rest of the session). Whether ballooning gives permanent gains is indeed arguable, but to limit the definition of PE only to those practices that give permanent gains is purely arbitrary, and therefore in itself arguable. But not, it seems to me, really worth arguing about.

Originally Posted by memento

I think that is something for another thread. Certainly I was still learning the nuances 6 months in.

It’s terrible hard to get an idea of where people are going wrong and it might be simpler to go into how to get it right. There are a bunch of threads on this already but here’s a quick summary:

The grip needs to match the erection. The grip needs to be minutely looser than a ULI#3 grip. Probably the easiest way to find the appropriate grip is to grip so hard you can’t move the grip forward and then knock it back until you can.

The erection needs to be maintained. There’s no point in having one good jelq stroke followed by any number on a dick that’s almost flaccid. When we talk about 70% erection plus, that’s volume and that is actually pretty close to a full blown erection. 70% is probably a little too low.

The stroke length needs to match the grip and the erection. As an erection fades it might be sensible to speed up the stroke length or kegel with each stroke (which is a good thing anyway).

IMO jelqing is two separate things, it’s a pressure gradient/deformation process above the grip in a wave up the penis and the general pressure in the bit between the glans and the grip. A ULI#3 is just pressure between grip and glans.

That’s about as much detail as I can go into without moving seriously off topic. I think that people who post that they are getting it right straight off the bat are missing the nuances but that’s the way it goes.


>I started on it Saturday. Now that I’m well I want to see how much I gain from both routines.<

The trouble with putting two things together is you don’t know what’s doing what. I don’t think that’s a particular problem with ballooning though, it would seem to count as a productive rest day.

>I believe ballooning increases blood volume to the penis thus creating new cell memory, thus some growth occurs.<

Coming from a position of sloppy erections I can understand how ballooning would make you think that. Is the fact that you are maximising your erections not enough? I’m sure there are many men who would consider this to be a wonderful thing without conferring extra powers on ballooning.

>The Mem routine does this by murdering your dick to death and creating micro tears a bit greater than just jelqing alone such as the Newbie Routine.<

Unfortunately the tunicae are made of extremely resistant material. If they weren’t everyone would find this stuff easy.


Very “life coach” ;) Which of course doesn’t stop it being true.


>Ok.. There’s obviously no convincing memento.. This is ridiculous.<

Clearly it is ridiculous that I started this thread but, hey a head of steam gets up about some crap here and you’ll tend to find someone like me trying to correct the issue. This is the thing with a forum, it’s surprisingly easy for people to be taken in. Lin is not the first to rename an old technique and confer special new properties on it.

>I’ve seen many people tell you (memento) that they have gained specifiacally from ballooning and you just call them a liar.. Either by saying it outright or by completely contradicting them. How you can do this I don’t know as THEY’RE the ones who are doing this stuff.. Not you.<

Really? I’ve seen one guy in this thread (kazoo) say that he gained significantly from ballooning and somehow he’s the same size he was when started ballooning.

Got any other examples for me?

>Then you go on to tell people who haven’t gained from jelqing that they just don’t know how to jelq. How the hell do you know?<

The results speak for themselves. If someone cooks you an egg and you crack it open and it’s a runny mess, is it reasonable to assume that they didn’t cook it properly?

>Is it maybe possible that jelqing just didn’t work for these people?<

No. It’s certainly possible that they misunderstood the level of commitment required.

>Don’t even answer that because I know what you’re going to say. I really just have no idea why you keep telling people these things.. Obsviously ballooning DOES work for some people and you just can’t accept that for some reason.<

Show me an example of someone who has gained from ballooning. A real gain, not an increase in the strength of their erections that gives a ruler gain of 1/2” or whatever. Give me the example of someone who’s gained from solely ballooning over a period of several months consistently.

This is a penis enlargement forum and so it’s a responsible thing to talk about what technique are related to penis enlargement and what are not. That doesn’t mean ballooning doesn’t have a place, it simply means that it should probably be discussed in the sexual health forums because it’s not a penis enlargement technique.

Yes, but i was getting erections that were great for three years now from edging. Ballooning erections are even better. Bigger! Fatter!
And so the 2/10TH gain I got from doing it over the last 6-8 weeks is permanent.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
How old were you three years ago? My dick kept growing on its own until I was about 20, I think, long past the point when I had achieved my (approximate) full height.

I don’t even know what ballooning is, really (have never read the long threads about it), so I’m not taking a position on it. But if you were a very “young buck” when you started ballooning, I do wonder whether your size increases can be considered strong evidence for its efficacy (in the absence of anyone else gaining from ballooning alone).

Three years ago I was 22. The pace at which I grew with ballooning was undeniable - I think I saw a difference within a week, more penis just seemed to pop out.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.


>What are you saying? I started ballooning three years ago, when I was a young buck; I made all my length gains there, and did no other PE until I found this site a year-and-a-half ago; any discrepancies in my stats page are made because I wanted to show that I had grown, for statistical purposes<

So let me get this straight. There may be discrepancies in your stats and if they are it’s because you wanted to be seen as having grown?? I didn’t look at your stats, I have now.

Measurement Date
Erect Length
inches, bone pressed
Erect Girth
inches, midshaft
Flaccid Length
inches, hang
Flaccid Girth
Erect Width
inches, midshaft
Erect Volume
cubic inches

So what you are saying now is actually all the growth came before you got here and none of the stuff like clamping actually did anything for you because the stats you’ve input were just input to show growth. So why did you never mention ballooning (until recently)? If this was the exercise that gave you all that growth, surely you’d have been telling people back then rather than suggesting other stuff like horses and clamping.

>Like I said before, I don't give a shit what happened to my dick physically - when I put a ruler up to it now, it's bigger, and that's good enough for me.
Edit : If you'll notice if you read that ballooning thread thoroughly - I've always claimed that ballooning causes a sort of, super-erection, ie if your normal erection is 100%, ballooning creates a 120% erection, so we're not entirely in disagreement on the issue of what's actually happening.<

Right. So the obvious question is, when do you measure? The standard advice here is to take measurements after 2-3 days off PE to allow all the most temporary effects of a session to fade. Do you do that or do you balloon for several hours and then take a measurement? If the latter is the case, you aren’t just maximising your erections you’re counting phantom gains and it’s worth noting that almost anyone can add a significant amount to their measurements in this way. Maybe this explains your lack of gains since joining Thunders.

>Three years ago I was 22. The pace at which I grew with ballooning was undeniable - I think I saw a difference within a week, more penis just seemed to pop out.<

I’m not going to chip in on the age thing, I have no real info on that, but the one week thing is an obvious one. I’m guessing from this that you take measurements directly after a ballooning session.


>My personal feeling is that ballooning by itself is not particularly effective, but when included in a workout that includes stretching, jelqing, and ULI’s, it becomes one more item in the toolbox to help guys gain.<

Yeah, like kegels. Not something that increases the size of the dick but something that helps on the maintenance side and as an enabler. Totally agree.


This is a discussion not some fight to the death or something. Again, for the record. This isn’t a matter of personal belief this is a matter of physical possibility. If I was challenging some guy who said that eating popcorn made your dick bigger you’d have no issue with that but if there had been a series of threads planted here over a number of months suggesting that popcorn contained an ingredient that grew dick and people started posting that they’d gained from eating popcorn, maybe you would. If you want to gain a historical perspective on how PE has developed and the number of false dawns people have bought into (here and elsewhere) you can do nothing better than reading the Main Member and Newbie forums from the start to the present day. I did that when I got here.


Yup, balloning is a technique that will help maximise your erections. Nuff said.


>Yes, but i was getting erections that were great for three years now from edging. Ballooning erections are even better. Bigger! Fatter!
And so the 2/10TH gain I got from doing it over the last 6-8 weeks is permanent.<

Changing edging technique can make a big difference. Whether the gains are permanent, whether they are in fact gains that you’ve made from your more intense work that are starting to show as you ease off, I can’t tell from here. I can tell you that I’ve grown while taking time off and so have many others. One reason for this can be that PE is demanding on the penis and as such erection quality can actually dip though gains are being made. Taking some time out and letting the penis normalise is probably a very effective way of finding out what you’ve actually gained.

If I missed anything, my apologies. I have no time right now.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I never claimed to make any girth gains with ballooning, so I never recommended it for those looking for girth - since then, I think a few others have made some gains with girth, and I myself have gone back to it to try it out.

I did tell people about ballooning! I think I posted in Werner Ashford’s thread, but if I didn’t, it was probably because I thought the details were spelled out for all to see; when this new thread came up, I saw my chance to simplify ballooning for others like I wish someone could have done for me, so there you go… there’s no conspiracy here :) .

Anytime I get an erection nowadays, it almost NEVER dips below 7”, and if it does, only in cases where I’ve been working girth heavy and my dick just doesn’t have it in it to get up. The one week thing was of course measured while I was ballooning, but I think it’s important to note that I was seeing a real difference in my erection size almost immediately, it was like more just popped out and I developed a nice curve back towards my body.

As far as gains go, I’ve made pretty significant girth gains, I feel; I’ve pretty much been content with my length from the ballooning gains I’ve made :D .

There you go.

Edit : Sometimes, if I don’t feel I’m up to par, like say right before getting it on with a lady friend, I will balloon for about a minute and I usually get right back to where I want to be, so it can also be used as a quick fix once you get it right.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by kazooplayer
I never claimed to make any girth gains with ballooning, so I never recommended it for those looking for girth - since then, I think a few others have made some gains with girth, and I myself have gone back to it to try it out.

I did tell people about ballooning! I think I posted in Werner Ashford’s thread, but if I didn’t, it was probably because I thought the details were spelled out for all to see; when this new thread came up, I saw my chance to simplify ballooning for others like I wish someone could have done for me, so there you go.. There’s no conspiracy here :) .

Anytime I get an erection nowadays, it almost NEVER dips below 7”, and if it does, only in cases where I’ve been working girth heavy and my dick just doesn’t have it in it to get up. The one week thing was of course measured while I was ballooning, but I think it’s important to note that I was seeing a real difference in my erection size almost immediately, it was like more just popped out and I developed a nice curve back towards my body.

As far as gains go, I’ve made pretty significant girth gains, I feel; I’ve pretty much been content with my length from the ballooning gains I’ve made :D .

There you go.

Edit : Sometimes, if I don’t feel I’m up to par, like say right before getting it on with a lady friend, I will balloon for about a minute and I usually get right back to where I want to be, so it can also be used as a quick fix once you get it right.

I think kazoo made remarkable growth with ballooning alone.
I too am inconsistent I wrote thousands of words and misspelled them all I’m sure I gave Thunder SS a big headache a time or two. And well, with that many documented words it hard to keep facts straight.

Even when I’m showing negative pi’s I never dip below 7” of course I did most of my growing with manual exercises over the course of three and half years. The 2/10 girth comes from ballooning over the last 6-8 weeks give or take.

For girth slow 3-5 second Uli’s and jelq squeezes really worked for me. As you get use to Uli’s increase the time of the jelqing speed to 5-10 seconds.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

memento, I wasn’t attacking you anywhere.. You were attacking in the beginning and you did so in the reply.. and I still don’t get quite why that is. Did your dick explode? ;)



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