Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ballooning is not PE

Originally Posted by kingpole
I’m about ready for a change again. I’m currently on a decon break. I love the MEM routine I’m going to do it again for another six weeks.
But, I’m also going to combine it with ballooning. Perhaps two days per weak of Meming and two days per week Ballooning. Hehehe!

Where is the Mem routine found?

Would that be Mem’s momentous rapid gain mechanism?

Mem’s Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism


Thanks Thunder

Sorry to bust the bubble on this but I have gained from Ballooning when nothing else seemed to really work. If PE stands for penis enlargement and it gets larger ballooning, what exactly is the problem? Aren’t we being a little nitpicky about this. If people benefit, I say good on them, what’s good for the goose is not necessarily good for the gander, and for me, ballooning was key.

From what I have read on these forums very few people stick to one exercise but attack the problem from different angles. To me ballooning is defenitely part and parcel of P.E. I’m happy with it because of results.

Last edited by rhubarb : 07-07-2007 at .


How much have you gained from ballooning. Never mind I’ll answer that one myself. Nothing. Masturbation is fun and good (mutual masturbation is also fun and good). Lots of blood flowing around the dick is a good thing. Increasing your “stamina” by keeping erections for long periods is also a good thing but thinking you are gaining from it is a Very Bad Thing ™. Why is it a bad thing to lie to yourself? Because in the end you’ll end up digging a hole in your fucking gut to measure yourself bigger each month and this is a Very Very Bad Thing ™.

This leads nicely on to:


>I don’t agree with this. You can combine ballooning with isometrics (pressing down) to hit the suspensory ligament. There’s also megalophallus to consider, which proves an erection alone does cause enough force for gains.<

That’s clamping. OK in a priapism you don’t actually have a physical clamp but then you do need something like cycle cell or a chicken and Michael Hutchence. That’s not a normal erection. When you get a normal erection you don’t stand a chance of having your dick cut off in ER (or any other TV soap).

If that proves erections cause gains, hey I’ve had a bunch of erections just today - should I be measuring?

Why in the name of the easter bunny you want to stretch the suspensory ligaments I’m not sure. They seem harmless. Personally I like my erection angle and as far as I can tell it’s only the extra weight now that has made a difference to it.


>If we’re going by that then using the same logic I could say that jelqing isn’t PE. I have not gained one bit of length or girth from jelqing and just use it as a warm up for other exercises… as some do with ballooning.<

If you don’t know how to jelq that’s fine. Take some time and read up on everything to do with it. I think the average person takes several months to learn to jelq if they are paying attention. There’s no point in wanking for 20 minutes and then complaining that jelqing does nothing for you. Jelqing requires significant pressure to be exerted.

I don’t see a problem with people (like kingpole for instance) saying that they balloon for ED or to warm up or to learn to better control their erections or increase their “sexual stamina”. This has always been what it’s about. What I take issue with are people saying they enlarge their dick with ballooning, which is excrement oodled into people’s minds by the likes of charlatan Lin.

In the same way, though Kegels are a part of the newbie routine: Kegels do not enlarge your dick. Kegels are simply there to allow you better control for the stuff that does enlarge your dick and a kegel enhanced jelq or kegeling in blood for a horse is a wonderful thing.


Trying and failing to understand your point. You say it’s not PE but is an effective workout.




I figure your point is heading in the same direction as this post has so far. Can we consider a technique that doesn’t enlarge your dick as a penis enlargement technique. I would contend no for the simple reason that it doesn’t enlarge your dick and therefore fails on the first hurdle. Is it reasonable to include it in a routine even though it doesn’t enlarge your dick? Probably but I would think a hot wrap is a better and faster facilitator.

If we PE we have to think about what is a sensible use of time. Most of us don’t have limitless time so it would make sense to concentrate our efforts on things that actually increase the size of the dick. I don’t know if you’ve ever dissected a penis. I have and that is some tough material. If it were as easy as the period of time the penis stays erect, then the size whores would be seeking out the over 70s.

I’m not sure I believe in decon breaks. People come back from them, regain the 1/2” they lost over the break quickly and think everything is rosey. It seems that if you want to increase the size of your dick, you need to keep it on the edge of healing, rather than allowing it time to get nice and strong and resistant.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Ok… I really have no idea why you’re trying to force your personal opinions on other people like they’re simply the truth.

Just because I didn’t gain anything from jelqing doesn’t mean I don’t know how to jelq… I know how to jelq and I just use it for warming up.

I don’t see how you can say that rhubarb gained nothing from ballooning when he said specifically above “Sorry to bust the bubble on this but I have gained from Ballooning when nothing else seemed to really work.”… i.e. he gained from ballooning ALONE… meaning he enlarged his penis from ballooning alone. Penis enlargement is PE.

It actually seems that you’re not very informed on ballooning having read what you just wrote. Ballooning is NOT simply masturbating for an extended period of time. There is much more involved in it and it takes practice to get it right. If you think it’s just masturbating then you should read the ballooning thread again.

I agree, reread the ballooning thread because it is not simply an erection, far from it. However that thread is full of members having trouble getting it right, this is not the easiest thing to master and I think that I just got lucky and stumbled on the right combination quite quickly. I will say like I posted on that thread, when you get it, you get it.

I think that this is a pressure point excercise, but very few seem to be able to hit that pressure point, it has nothing to do with manually stretching the ligs or anything else. You are forcing blood into the penis way beyond what the body was designed to do to simply gain an erection.

Originally Posted by memento
That’s clamping. OK in a priapism you don’t actually have a physical clamp but then you do need something like cycle cell or a chicken and Michael Hutchence. That’s not a normal erection. When you get a normal erection you don’t stand a chance of having your dick cut off in ER (or any other TV soap).

If that proves erections cause gains, hey I’ve had a bunch of erections just today - should I be measuring?

Why in the name of the easter bunny you want to stretch the suspensory ligaments I’m not sure. They seem harmless. Personally I like my erection angle and as far as I can tell it’s only the extra weight now that has made a difference to it.

Cycle cell? I respect your opinion on most PE issues, but you haven’t done enough reading to talk with any authority on this. The high-flow priapism leading to megalophallus is NOT like clamping. And a normal erection CAN lead to an ER visit if you keep it going for too long. I got 1/4” bpfsl gains from ballooning, and had a permanent LOT raise, so it’s definitely for real.

In my experience the real argument against ballooning is that you need to do it for 3-4 hours every other day to see gains, and the gains aren’t that much better than those from regular PE. I’ve found you also condition much faster, so gains and pain stop after about 6 weeks.

Originally Posted by brazillionaire
Cycle cell? I respect your opinion on most PE issues, but you haven’t done enough reading to talk with any authority on this. The high-flow priapism leading to megalophallus is NOT like clamping. And a normal erection CAN lead to an ER visit if you keep it going for too long. I got 1/4” bpfsl gains from ballooning, and had a permanent LOT raise, so it’s definitely for real.

In my experience the real argument against ballooning is that you need to do it for 3-4 hours every other day to see gains, and the gains aren’t that much better than those from regular PE. I’ve found you also condition much faster, so gains and pain stop after about 6 weeks.

I agree.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by brazillionaire
In my experience the real argument against ballooning is that you need to do it for 3-4 hours every other day to see gains, and the gains aren’t that much better than those from regular PE.

Life, meet the trash can. Or the morgue, more to the point.

Originally Posted by BusterHymes

Life, meet the trash can. Or the morgue, more to the point.

Exactly. At least with chemical PE you can multitask and do paperwork at the same time.


>Ok… I really have no idea why you’re trying to force your personal opinions on other people like they’re simply the truth.<

Actually all I’m doing is being a responsible member of this community. Any member of the community should be willing to call out bullshit, like the bullshit that people get gains from ballooning. This is not opinion. This is not something you won’t hear from many other people, if they can be bothered.

The trouble with a place like this is one geezer posts that he gains using Sauce X and maybe has a couple of other accounts (or little helpers) to keep the story going and then perfectly normal posters “believe” and that belief guides them to make claims that they’ve gained. Then months and months later they post the next post is that they’ve finally started gaining after switching to a reasonable routine (with no mention that they tried and failed with Sauce X). You’ve been here a while so you’ve seen that, right?

>Just because I didn’t gain anything from jelqing doesn’t mean I don’t know how to jelq… I know how to jelq and I just use it for warming up.<

Actually I think you’ll find that it does.

>I don’t see how you can say that rhubarb gained nothing from ballooning when he said specifically above “Sorry to bust the bubble on this but I have gained from Ballooning when nothing else seemed to really work.”… i.e. he gained from ballooning ALONE… meaning he enlarged his penis from ballooning alone. Penis enlargement is PE.<

See my reply to rhubarb.

>It actually seems that you’re not very informed on ballooning having read what you just wrote. Ballooning is NOT simply masturbating for an extended period of time. There is much more involved in it and it takes practice to get it right. If you think it’s just masturbating then you should read the ballooning thread again.<

Ballooning has a long history. It has a history that extends back beyond Lin and the name ballooning. Define masturbation (and maybe also understand the idea of a derogatory comment).


You’ve been here a while, so you know what gains are and what gains aren’t but for those who don’t: gains are not achieved in a day or two by increasing the power of your erections. Increasing the power of your erections is a great thing to do but you aren’t increasing the actual size of your dick. I have to say this because I’m about to quote you, rhubarb:

“I have tried this “ballooning” for the last couple of days, and I have to tell you that I have not run into anything quite like it. I have been a hard gainer, and I mean really hard, but after just three sessions with this I have seen improvement. Erections like I can hardly believe, and I actually have a flacid hang. Nothing that I have done with PE has come even close. “*

Now we both know that these aren’t gains. So what gains have you seen?

Have any of you guys hit this super hard erection thing during sex? One of you must have.


>Cycle cell?<

Joke. Clearly not a good one.

>I respect your opinion on most PE issues,<

Thanks for that.


Ah OK so you didn’t mean it ;)

>you haven’t done enough reading to talk with any authority on this. <

Hey, you’re borrowing my line. I’ve done all the reading needed on this. Hey I even read actioncon way back.

>The high-flow priapism leading to megalophallus is NOT like clamping. <

Here’s a simple definition of a priapism:

Persistent abnormal erection of the penis, usually without sexual desire and accompanied by pain and tenderness. It is seen in diseases and injuries of the spinal cord and may be caused by vesical calculus and certain injuries to the penis.*

Get the idea here? What we are normally talking about is something that restricts the vessels. Once the vessels become restricted, it can be self perpetuating because clots might form (stagnant blood thinkens)…

When I say it’s like a clamp I mean it’s based around vascular restriction of some kind somewhere.

>And a normal erection CAN lead to an ER visit if you keep it going for too long.<

Huh? That wouldn’t be normal now would it. Because if it were a normal ererction all you’d need is a picture of your grandfather fucking a dog and end of problem, right (unless you’re kinky that way)?

>I got 1/4” bpfsl gains from ballooning, and had a permanent LOT raise, so it’s definitely for real.<

Colour me skeptical. Actually scratch that. You’re bullshitting. Whether you are bullshitting yourself or just us, is I guess a matter for other people to judge while they read this thread and your other posts. Hang on a second: your other posts are all on chemical PE and buying cream.

Do you really want to encourage people to spend 3 hours a day on this?

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

The best analogy I can think of is this.

You do body-building, you enlarge your muscle.

You take steroids, you enlarge your muscles.

So, is “taking steroids” a body-building exercise?

I don’t necessarily associate ballooning with steroids …don’t get me wrong.

Never having taken steroids, and knowing little about them, I believe (though don’t quote me) that you also need to exercise to build the muscle, it’s just that the steroids help to gain bulk quickly.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.


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