Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ballooning is not PE

Originally Posted by kazooplayer
No, you would be misinformed there; ballooning is primarily anti-BC clenching, and while you can still balloon and kegel, it won’t be as effective.

Many times while in the middle of a ballooning session, I’ve found it near impossible to not kegel, and when I do, I can feel a rush of blood exit the penis - the same rush that when it comes in, signals proper ballooning.

Ballooning is a combination of mechanical manipulation and energy direction, whereas edging is simply withholding from cresting over into ejaculation.

I started out kegelling during ballooning, however I don’t kegel, anal breathing is enough to keeps penis pumped. By definition edging is basically base stroking. Ballooning is more sweet spot rubbing and glans rubbing. And not ejaculting at all. Of course I often fail at this. I find after a few days of not ejaculating that the physical energy level is to m uch to handle so I release that energy by ejaculating. But I hold on to enough of it to maintain normal energy levels. If I’m going to need more energy I wit hold for a few days from ejaculating.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

beasty, yep it’s so unfair and selfish of me to tend to my well-being over starting a pointless fight with someone trolling :)

Originally Posted by kazooplayer
No, you would be misinformed there; ballooning is primarily anti-BC clenching, and while you can still balloon and kegel, it won’t be as effective.

Many times while in the middle of a ballooning session, I’ve found it near impossible to not kegel, and when I do, I can feel a rush of blood exit the penis - the same rush that when it comes in, signals proper ballooning.

Ballooning is a combination of mechanical manipulation and energy direction, whereas edging is simply withholding from cresting over into ejaculation.

kazooplayer, where did you learn of this distinction? Is there any you know, authorative source on the subject of ballooning and edging and the difference between them? Because as it stands on these forums, in all the information pages and in many topics I have posted on the subject, ballooning and edging are explained to be the same thing.

Furthermore, your definition is very hard to understand. One second it’s ‘keeping the blood trapped inside the penis with the BC muscle’, and next it’s a reverse-kegel (at least that’s what I think you mean by anti-BC clenching).

You say ballooning is a ‘mechanical manipulation’. But so is edging: you manipulate the same muscle. Furthermore, surely it’s also true that in ballooning you are ‘withholding from cresting over into ejaculation’, yes? As you can see, there doesn’t seem to be any real distinction between the two.

Both are controlled through manipulation of the BC muscle, both - as can be understood from your previous post - include reverse and normal kegels to keep that control, both can include concious energy direction up the spine, and both gets the penis pumped to maximun erection.

Where any real distinction lies, I am still at a loss.

ys, its nice to see you can still read my posts. Thought I’d lost you into oblivion.

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Well, conventional edging implies masturbating to the crest of orgasm, then playing along the edge, hence, edging. You certainly can incorporate energy direction into an edging routine, but at that point I think you’d be crossing over into another realm of practice, as I don’t think the word “energy” would be used to define edging.

When I said “mechanical manipulation”, I was also referring to the physical, hands-on work that you do - rubbing key spots, pushing in the perineum and pulling on the testicles, lightly pulling up the anus, squeezing down on a reverse kegel - in proper ballooning, you never squeeze the BC.

I learned this all through the spiderweb of information on Dr. Lin’s site; after seeing how convoluted his site is, it’s no wonder few people understand what ballooning actually is, that’s why I tried to simplify it to the nitty-gritty.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

I see. Seems to me that like most people will probably do something inbetween edging and ballooning, no? Because I doubt everyone will completely follow one of the two, it will probably be a mixture. Some may play with their balls, lol, others might send the sexual energy up their spine, some might even do both, or neither and at the same time contract their BC muscle from time to time.

We should make up a new name for the people who neither balloon nor edge but do something inbetween, like me. Or maybe we should stop trying to create rigid definitions for edging and ballooning, and just say they’re both simply orgasm control? Surely that will stop this confusion you say has arised at Dr Lins website. (By the way, I’ve never read his website/forums or whatever, but was under the impression they all use the term ballooning over there, and never edging? Or is this not true? And I was also under the impression Dr Lin made up the name ballooning so he could market it as his own discovery when the techniques were already out there under the name edging?)

So to get this straight edging is avoiding ejaculation through contracting the BC muscle, while ballooning is controlling orgasm through reverse-kegeling (not contracting the BC muscle at all). Yes?

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Last edited by The Beasty One : 07-14-2007 at .

The “Mem routine” is NOT PE~!!!

Why? Because I say so, that’s why….and all you who have reported gains need to realize that all of this fancy wrapping your shlong around a can and making it all warm and rosy afterwards with a warm towel rub is just a masturbatory dalliance for your own pleasure ONLY! If you want to see how I’M RIGHT and how YOU’RE WRONG then just stop the “Mem routine” for ______(insert whatever length of time it will take your gains to receed) months and you will see that I AM RIGHT and that YOU ARE WRONG.

I’m so glad I finally cleared that up….that was on my mind for like, minutes….

I basically feel that ANYTHING you do which increases either your length, or your girth is PE. I also feel that anything which compliments said activities by keeping your penis at a higher volume/erection level or longer length than it would have been otherwise is also PE. Nowadays, whenever I get the slightest whiff of a chubby coming on, I go to lengths to try and make sure it lasts as long as possible. Expansion is expansion- period- and expansion is good. Also, anything that aids and abets erection level is also good and is also PE, PE through supplements maybe, but PE and PE related nonetheless.

PE= P-E-N-I-S E-N-L-A-R-G-E-M-E-N-T… any means necessary

Perhaps we need something like a “Gold Medal Award” or something….U.S.D.A., Grade-A PE…..???

My PE is better than your PE? And all in the name of The Brotherhood?

This post reminds me less of Official Brotherhood Rhetoric than it does of a fundamentalist cult in the making…..back to traditional PE values or it’s not PE at all….I don’t care what you say, I’m NOT wearing a Burka while I jelq, not now, not ever…..


>I never claimed to make any girth gains with ballooning, so I never recommended it for those looking for girth - since then, I think a few others have made some gains with girth, and I myself have gone back to it to try it out.<

I never mentioned girth. You never claimed anything for ballooning full stop. That’s my point. If it’s the wonder thing you claim why didn’t you shout it from the hilltops when you arrived rather than leaving it ‘til just recently.

>Anytime I get an erection nowadays, it almost NEVER dips below 7”, and if it does, only in cases where I’ve been working girth heavy and my dick just doesn’t have it in it to get up.<

Can I take this to mean that your 7.5” measurements are taken immediately after a ballooning session then.

Your measurements seem to vary greatly. I suggest again that what you are doing in ballooning is maximising your erections and that’s no bad thing.


I’m discussing a misunderstanding that is currently rife on this board, i.e. that ballooning is PE. If you want to see me attacking someone, you’ll need to look quite far, it’s a rare occurrence.

The edging is not ballooning thing is just a case of limiting the definition of edging so that you can call ballooning something else. This is a subset of techniques that have roots in tantra and yoga, not some recent discovery by the vaunted Lin. The fact that it’s not a penis enlargement technique, shouldn’t worry people imo.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

The 7.5 is when I avoid girth routines for a while (2-3 days), and I get a good, strong erection going - it’s true, my erection’s do vary a great deal, but I seem to be affected greatly by heavy girth routines.

I already explained this, but I’ll explain again - when I first came here, I was more concerned with making MY dick bigger, not anyone else’s, and seeing as there already was a thread dedicated to ballooning (and others dedicated to exposing Dr. Lin) I figured the subject was covered here; when I saw an opportunity to spread the word, I went ahead and spread it.

Beasty - The basics of ballooning are:

1. Rub between the pubic bone the base of the shaft, looking for a sweet spot that feels good and causes the erection to increase and curve back towards the body.
2. Anal breathing, which is basically a combination of light pulls on the anus, and reverse kegels, which at the highest level go in tune with the breath.
3. Energy direction and withholding of ejaculation.

There’s some more, but that’s the gist, and I think you can see it is more involved and detailed than edging. If you want to know more, I suggest you really read through that “Ballooning Gains!” thread, it seems to have worked for others.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

>The 7.5 is when I avoid girth routines for a while (2-3 days), and I get a good, strong erection going - it’s true, my erection’s do vary a great deal, but I seem to be affected greatly by heavy girth routines.<

It’s fairly normally for heavy girth routines to impact on erection vitality. But you continue ballooning in this 2-3 days, right?

>I already explained this, but I’ll explain again - when I first came here, I was more concerned with making MY dick bigger, not anyone else’s,<

Sure and that explains some of the questions in your early posts, it doesn’t explain why when you were giving out advice (as you did and do regularly) you neglected to mention ballooning. It’s fairly natural for people to talk about what the areas that they know well and, looking through your posts, you aren’t averse to chipping in comments.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

memento, well, I hereby decide to perceive your attacks as something else then.. let’s say.. unqualified rants and ad hominems.. I advice you to do the same :)

And for the more ontopic bit:
Ballooning is edging without edging. Nor is it ballooning if you get close to the point you reach when holding back while edging.
Both feel great and both get good expansion.. Ballooning even more so due to the prolonged time of expansion compared to edging which is more of a constant up and down (in pressure).

Now for the less practical ideas:
I’m getting the feeling that Ballooning or (to a lesser extent and only if done gently) Edging do help healing injuries.
Edging needs a dick at least functional enough to provide a near normal erection, so in case of pain you probably will have trouble getting a good enough erection.. especially since you’ll most probably injure your already injured dick some more by the manual stroking.
Ballooning on the other side doesn’t need manual stroking and some people even get to the point where they don’t even have to do anything other than mentally. Which means it’s simply a plain very prolonged at least close to, if not bigger than normal erection, providing the usual increased bloodflow and healing in a much more than flaccid state. Ergo causing additional injury by Ballooning is more than unlikely (or at least as unlikely as say the dozens of nocturnal erections, used to sustain your dick’s size and healing of damage at this size).

The question now is:
Will a more natural powerful erection possible even during times where healing is happening help reach your PE goals ? Probably.
Does feeling good have any value? Or does it even have to? Who knows.. I think yes on both, but some masochistic people may disagree.
And last but not least, will holding your bigger than normal erection (due to prolonged mild stress from internal pressure) increase your dick size? I don’t see why not.
Is that by itself enough to have “fast enough” gains in this game of marathon exercises ? Who knows. Lots of the people on here are extremely hindering their dick growth (or anything else for that matter) potential by holding inappropriate beliefs for the goal at hand. Hence the overexercisers and “Let’s do all the PE I didn’t do for years within a few weeks” newbies :)


Originally Posted by The Beasty One
I see. Seems to me that like most people will probably do something inbetween edging and ballooning, no? Because I doubt everyone will completely follow one of the two, it will probably be a mixture. Some may play with their balls, lol, others might send the sexual energy up their spine, some might even do both, or neither and at the same time contract their BC muscle from time to time.

We should make up a new name for the people who neither balloon nor edge but do something inbetween, like me. Or maybe we should stop trying to create rigid definitions for edging and ballooning, and just say they’re both simply orgasm control? Surely that will stop this confusion you say has arised at Dr Lins website. (By the way, I’ve never read his website/forums or whatever, but was under the impression they all use the term ballooning over there, and never edging? Or is this not true? And I was also under the impression Dr Lin made up the name ballooning so he could market it as his own discovery when the techniques were already out there under the name edging?)

So to get this straight edging is avoiding ejaculation through contracting the BC muscle, while ballooning is controlling orgasm through reverse-kegeling (not contracting the BC muscle at all). Yes?

What about rubbing the top of the glans, you guys ought to try that, man you really get a throbbing one from head rubbing!

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Yeah kingpole, good idea man we should follow Dr Lin’s example and make up a new name for masturbation depending on what part of the penis you rub. Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

Beasty - The basics of ballooning are:

1. Rub between the pubic bone the base of the shaft, looking for a sweet spot that feels good and causes the erection to increase and curve back towards the body.
2. Anal breathing, which is basically a combination of light pulls on the anus, and reverse kegels, which at the highest level go in tune with the breath.
3. Energy direction and withholding of ejaculation.

Thank you for finally explaining what I already knew, and for clarifying that ballooning is edging. Your definition can describe both edging and ballooning.

Don’t you think you’re being a tad silly to say that if you ‘rub certain sweet spots’ it makes the fundamental thing you’re doing somehow a completely different thing? For example most lads rub the pubic bone base without even considering it’s some special technique Dr Lin figured out to make erections harder, the very large majority probably have no idea who he even is - Dr Lin doesn’t need to tell us what parts of the penis feel good thanks.

I would also like to direct you to my previous posts, you seem to have ignored large parts of my posts (even when they’re phrased as questions inviting you to make a comment).

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Which is where my ideas come into play.. IMO it’s not “withholding ejaculation” but “simply not going there, but somewhere much sweeter and again and again (and again)”. Could be just my two cents though :P


Yeah I know what you mean by that description ys its a good description for the continious orgasm. But that feeling can easily be carried over into ejaculation if you get me, its the feeling you get just before you ejaculate so it is sort of withholding ejaculation, or at least maintaining the body/mind in the state before ejaculation. I guess ejaculation control isn’t a good name for it, orgasm control would probably be better.

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Memento - Whenever anyone has asked about my length gains, I’ve always told them they all come from ballooning, without hesitation - you aren’t privy to my PM’s, so there’s no way for you to know that, but trust me that I’ve directed everyone who’s asked to ballooning.

Beasty - I know you don’t believe that rubbing the sweet spots is that big a deal, but trust me when I say it is - when you find it, you’ll know. I’ll say it like this: When you edge, does your dick pop out a 1/2” more? If it doesn’t, ballooning and edging are two different things.

Also, I’ve never seen edging defined as you define it Beasty, I’ve always known it to just be masturbating to the brink of orgasm and then playing on that edge; your definition seems to be more inclusive of male multiple orgasm techniques, and I think most would not define it as you have… not that there is anything wrong with what you’re doing, keep up the good work :) .

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.


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