Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ballooning is not PE

No, other way around. Anabolic steroids will build muscle without weight resistance exercise. However, adding weight resistance exercise on top of intake will dramatically increase lean tissue gains.

The anabolic phase is a phase of body growth where a person is gaining weight, much of it lean tissue. It’s a chemical (hormone level) status in your body that occurs naturally if you overeat to a heavy degree. You will gain much body fat, but also a certain amount of lean tissue will be added to the body as a counterbalance. Add that with heavy weight resistance and you get a dramatic effect. It’s called the ABCDE or ABC system. I jumped from 165 to 180 in 6 weeks, about 1/2 of that being muscle. It’s not an advisable routine, though.

So if you can do that without the benefit of anabolic steroids, whether just a plain overeater or on the training system I described above, imagine what steroids would do for you.

OK, that is a bit over the top for the original thread topic, but hopefully that dispels the concept that anabolic steroids have to be used in conjunction with weight resistance training. That works for repairing injuries in horses (the original usage of steroids in sports), but why would a person do it (w/o training)?

Memento I understand where you’re coming from but I really have to disagree with your post. I maybe new to the forums but not to PE. I’ve been doing PE since college. I took a break then I started again a few months ago. Since then I have not had any significant gains with stretching and jelqing but I pressed on. I knew that if I kept working on it I’d reach my goal. However, for the past few months without any progress I was frustrated. Then I read about ballooning 2 weeks ago and decided to put it in to my regular program. Since then I have gained almost a QUARTER of an inch in length the past 2 weeks. More than anything I gained in the last few months. I also started to supplement my diet with Korean Ginseng and increased my L-arginine intake to twice daily. I don’t know if the gains are permanent or not but I’m 100% sure it’s there. So my point is even tho it may not be permanent it still helped me to gain and it has helped to rejuvenate my dedication to PE. And even if it isn’t permanent it sure does give me hope. Ballooning in itself may not be PEing but neither is taking Ginko or other supplements, together tho it can help, IMHO.

Originally Posted by penisenvy
Memento I understand where you’re coming from but I really have to disagree with your post. I maybe new to the forums but not to PE. I’ve been doing PE since college. I took a break then I started again a few months ago. Since then I have not had any significant gains with stretching and jelqing but I pressed on. I knew that if I kept working on it I’d reach my goal. However, for the past few months without any progress I was frustrated. Then I read about ballooning 2 weeks ago and decided to put it in to my regular program. Since then I have gained almost a QUARTER of an inch in length the past 2 weeks. More than anything I gained in the last few months. I also started to supplement my diet with Korean Ginseng and increased my L-arginine intake to twice daily. I don’t know if the gains are permanent or not but I’m 100% sure it’s there. So my point is even tho it may not be permanent it still helped me to gain and it has helped to rejuvenate my dedication to PE. And even if it isn’t permanent it sure does give me hope. Ballooning in itself may not be PEing but neither is taking Ginko or other supplements, together tho it can help, IMHO.

Oh, how many days per week do you balloon, and how long is a session?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I don’t know where this is coming from - while I appreciate that you care about your fellow Thunder-Placeians(???) I have to say this seems a little venomous.

I have been an active member here and I have weighed in on all things PE, and most things not PE, so the insinuation that I advocate ballooning simply as a shill for Dr. Lin is a bit bewildering to me - do you really think I’d invest this much time and energy in the small possibility that I might sell a book?

Before I ballooned, I never measured more than 6.5 inches at MOST; after ballooning my largest measurement was 7.75 inches, and a bad erection for me is still well over my pre-ballooning… sorry, pre-PE best. I used to balloon every day, for half-an-hour to an hour at a time, and it was almost all done without pain or discomfort - the only painful experience I encountered, I have explained in the ballooning thread.

If it doesn’t work for you, fine, but I think you’re doing fellow members a disservice by lambasting a simple, pleasurable form of PE that might work great for them.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by BusterHymes

Anabolic steroids will build muscle without weight resistance exercise.


The OP is a bit like saying “Being multiorgasmic even though improbable will not pay your bills.”
What’s the point? :)

On a sidenote my multiorgasmic skills have turned yet another tip of the tide just yesterday.. bliss. :)


Thanks for clearing that up, Buster.


>Since then I have gained almost a QUARTER of an inch in length the past 2 weeks.<

You make my point for me. What you’ve done in two weeks is maximised your erection potential. What PE is about is gaining and continuing to gain for a period of months. In ballooning (and possibly with the aid of the supps) you seem to have found what a lot of guys find from jelqing in the first month.

The fact that you didn’t get this from jelqing and stretching pretty much proves that you don’t know how to jelq and stretch. This is not something that is particularly surprising, jelqing is actually quite hard to master (despite seeming easy).

>So my point is even tho it may not be permanent it still helped me to gain and it has helped to rejuvenate my dedication to PE. And even if it isn’t permanent it sure does give me hope.<

Nothing is better than having a positive outlook on your PE and if ballooning has given you that, this is a great thing. Whatever happens, when you fail to continue growing, don’t get despondent; instead, take that positive outlook and push hard with the PE techniques that will give you gains! I wish you success.


>I have to say this seems a little venomous. <

Then you misunderstand. What this is about is giving people a heads up about what they are actually doing and what it will and won’t do. This is needed because there is a huge amount of inaccurate information being posted on ballooning recently. In the end this is a PE site. People come here to enlarge their dicks and it’s important that they are given the best information to achieve this goal.

>I have been an active member here and I have weighed in on all things PE, and most things not PE, so the insinuation that I advocate ballooning simply as a shill for Dr. Lin is a bit bewildering to me - do you really think I’d invest this much time and energy in the small possibility that I might sell a book?<

When did I mention you? This is about ballooning, not you, though if you advocate it clearly it’s about your opinions. Are you a shill? I don’t know if I’ve read any of your posts, certainly not enough to actually associate your posts with you as an individual above the hubbub. I may well have replied to your posts before, I don’t know.

>Before I ballooned, I never measured more than 6.5 inches at MOST; after ballooning my largest measurement was 7.75 inches, and a bad erection for me is still well over my pre-ballooning… sorry, pre-PE best. I used to balloon every day, for half-an-hour to an hour at a time, and it was almost all done without pain or discomfort - the only painful experience I encountered, I have explained in the ballooning thread.<

Clearly this is either bullshit or you were incapable of much more than a soft erection before you started ballooning. Why you are suggesting this I don’t know. If I took the time to read your posts maybe I’d find out.

Anyone else know why Kazoo is suggesting this?


>On a sidenote my multiorgasmic skills have turned yet another tip of the tide just yesterday.. bliss.<

Cool. You see there’s really no need to hype up the claims for ballooning, there’s a lot to be said for techniques that increase your sexual prowess without suggesting that they will increase the size of your manhood.

This place should be as much as possible about the unvarnished truth of PE.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento

What I take issue with are people saying they enlarge their dick with ballooning, which is excrement oodled into people’s minds by the likes of charlatan Lin.

This is what I was referring to when I said you were insinuating things - true, you didn’t come out and say “kazoo is trying to sell things for Dr. Lin!” but it doesn’t take a large leap to assume that you bunch anyone who says they’ve gained from ballooning in this group.

And I really don’t understand what you’re getting at. Before I ballooned, I would get frequent, rock hard erections (I was 22 when I started) so the claim that I was “incapable of much more than a soft erection before you started ballooning” is an incorrect statement.

Why would I bullshit? What do I stand to gain by it?

I’ll put it like this: Before I ballooned, I never measured more than 6.5 inches, after ballooning, even with a “soft erection” I measure at 7”; is this penis enlargement? I don’t know, and I don’t care - I have more dick now, at a better erection angle, and I’m very happy for it.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

You appear to be bunching. Maybe you are leaping to conclusions because you have that link already? What do I know about what’s going on in your head?

Why would you bullshit? I don’t know. Here are the reasons I’ve seen at this forum before:

1. Self-Aggrandisement
2. Self delusion
3. Shilling/Advertising
4. Trolling

This is not a complete list, just the first things that popped into my head as to why people bullshit here.

>I’ll put it like this: Before I ballooned, I never measured more than 6.5 inches, after ballooning, even with a “soft erection” I measure at 7”; is this penis enlargement? I don’t know, and I don’t care - I have more dick now, at a better erection angle, and I’m very happy for it.<

Clearly if this sentence were factual it would be penis enlargement. Clearly it is not factual or incomplete in it’s explanation.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento
You appear to be bunching. Maybe you are leaping to conclusions because you have that link already? What do I know about what’s going on in your head?

Why would you bullshit? I don’t know. Here are the reasons I’ve seen at this forum before:

1. Self-Aggrandisement
2. Self delusion
3. Shilling/Advertising
4. Trolling

This is not a complete list, just the first things that popped into my head as to why people bullshit here.

>I’ll put it like this: Before I ballooned, I never measured more than 6.5 inches, after ballooning, even with a “soft erection” I measure at 7”; is this penis enlargement? I don’t know, and I don’t care - I have more dick now, at a better erection angle, and I’m very happy for it.<

Clearly if this sentence were factual it would be penis enlargement. Clearly it is not factual or incomplete in it’s explanation.

I’ve been edging for over two years just got into ballooning, I will say this one thing about ballooning you do get great erection angles, mine now stands to attention when I stand instead of being a wimpy limp erection. Which I did not mind because it was big. I embrace all PE.

Edging is not ballooning by the way, with edging you cum after two hours or so. With ballooning you don’t. Have I failed a few times yes, and blew my load. It is more than just stroking your dick. At the least it is great for ED and premature ejaculation. At best it causes penile growth.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

>I’ve been edging for over two years just got into ballooning<

Here you mention being 7.5” (1st January this year). Your first ballooning post was on 6th March (is this what you mean about just getting in to?) but somehow I guess you’ve been ballooning since some time after 1st January without making any gains. What’s up with that? Especially when you’ve just said you didn’t get to beyond 6.5” before you took up ballooning.

>Edging is not ballooning by the way, with edging you cum after two hours or so<

That’s a limited view of edging.

>I will say this one thing about ballooning you do get great erection angles, mine now stands to attention when I stand instead of being a wimpy limp erection. Which I did not mind because it was big. I embrace all PE.<

This is something that I think is beyond dispute about edging/ballooning, it can give you great erections.

But a second ago you said before ballooning your erections were fine.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento
>I’ve been edging for over two years just got into ballooning<

Here you mention being 7.5” (1st january this year). Your first ballooning post was on 6th march (is this what you mean about just getting in to?) but somehow I guess you’ve been ballooning since some time after 1st january without making any gains. What’s up with that? Especially when you’ve just said you didn’t get to beyond 6.5” before you took up ballooning.

>Edging is not ballooning by the way, with edging you cum after two hours or so<

That’s a limited view of edging.

>I will say this one thing about ballooning you do get great erection angles, mine now stands to attention when I stand instead of being a wimpy limp erection. Which I did not mind because it was big. I embrace all pe.<

This is something that I think is beyond dispute about edging/ballooning, it can give you great erections.

But a second ago you said before ballooning your erections were fine.

I was edging at the first of the year and gains came from jelqing with high erections. Your routine also gave me gains. I’m now combining the two ballooning and the mem routine.

Edging erection are 100% ballooning erections are 120% to 150%. This is the only way I can describe it.
I had shrunk in march and April, it was temporary the mem routine brought it back up. Remember I was pm’n you a lot about it. Decided to do the mem routine. It brought me back up.

Because of the medication around the clock codeine and when that ran out I took motrin.
I could not reassess my lot, I pm’d you about that. I had a lot of every number on the clock from 6 am to 12noon. I guess I at one time had a twelve o’clock. It is now about 9:30. I’m not sure what that’s all about. Do you lose lot when your ligs have been stretched to their limit?

The cause of the temporary shringage was sciatica, pain killers and nsaids. The nsaids caused my blood pressure to rise greatly I’m not suppose to take them because I have weak kidneys. I have not gone beyond 8.25”bpel since January of this year. My gains have been small and in the area of girth thus so far this year.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Excuse me getting two people muddled up in my previous response. I should learn to read.

This part is aimed at kazoo:

Here you mention being 7.5” (1st January this year). Your first ballooning post was on 6th March (is this what you mean about just getting in to?) but somehow I guess you’ve been ballooning since some time after 1st January without making any gains. What’s up with that? Especially when you’ve just said you didn’t get to beyond 6.5” before you took up ballooning.

Scratch the “But a second ago you said before ballooning your erections were fine.”

and the rest is aimed at kingpole:

>Edging is not ballooning by the way, with edging you cum after two hours or so<

That’s a limited view of edging.

>I will say this one thing about ballooning you do get great erection angles, mine now stands to attention when I stand instead of being a wimpy limp erection. Which I did not mind because it was big. I embrace all PE.<

This is something that I think is beyond dispute about edging/ballooning, it can give you great erections.

Sorry about that.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.


Thanks for the detail.

If you’re saying doing that routine helped you regain length, then maybe the routine did less than you credit it with.

>Edging erection are 100% ballooning erections are 120% to 150%. This is the only way I can describe it. <

I know what you mean and I still say that you have a limited view of edging. I forget all the tantra jargon now but edging is a tantra thing and there is nothing new in ballooning. You get the great flaccid hang afterwards, it’s a positive feeling but it’s still not PE.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.


Pardon me if you’ve answered this already, but how exactly is jelqing so hard to learn, such that it takes months to get good at it? How does one tell if he’s gotten good at jelqing? What are the common mistakes newbies make with it?

I ask because every time I tried jelqing in my PE career, it never seemed to do anything to my dick (i.e., not even a temporary enlargment), so I assumed it wasn’t a useful exercise for me (plus I’m lazy and preferred hanging for that reason ;) ). Maybe I just didn’t give it enough practice. Most guys seem to post as if they get the hang of jelqing right away, with obvious efficacy, so I may have been misled…


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