Thunder's Place

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Ballooning is not PE

Regardless of the theme of the thread - whether or not ballooning is PE - I am going to agree with the guys who believe that maintaining a max erection for as long as possible is a good thing.

I don’t balloon, so I don’t have a dog in that fight. But I do edge when I masturbate, and only to repeat, I think that riding the absolute maximum erection before letting go can only be good. Otherwise, as with most things body related, someone could train themselves to cum with much less than a full erection.

And considering that I have been exercising (body) since I was pretty young with sports, I know that overall work load can have an effect. Meaning that considering that other things are being done to the penis with PE, ballooning or edging can very well add to the stress that the penis is under, overall.

In fact, I do believe that a few of my edging sessions have added to my overall soreness - and subsequently, added to the overall stress that was put on my penis.

So, for sure, I think ballooning or edging can, at the very least, add to a PE regimen - and may even cause someone to begin to overtrain, if done too much.

Again, I don’t really have a dog in this fight, and while I am trying to remain neutral and not take sides (knowing that getting drawn into Internet debates can be time consuming), I might agree that ballooning (even though I don’t do it) or edging may have a ceiling and not be able to produce enough stress after a while.

But, again, along side other things, I can see it as definitely having the ability to add to a PE routine - when done responsibly, because I do believe it can be too much when other forms of PE are already stressing the penis. So finding the right amount, while tricky, is the key.

Originally Posted by ys
Did your dick explode? ;)

Not taking sides, but that is funny! :D

Edging and ballooning are two different things.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Please do explain kazooplayer. How exactly are they different?

Edit: A previous post by someone claiming that edging is somehow different from ballooning, as in edging you ejaculate after two hours, is complete nonesense by the way. There is no difference between the two, just different words for the same thing, probably originating from different communities. Kind of how Americans say trash and we say rubbish.

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Last edited by The Beasty One : 07-13-2007 at .

Uh, no, you’re completely off base Beasty.

If you want to know how ballooning and edging are different, read the thread in which I tried to thoroughly explain the basics, and if you still think they’re the same, well then you’re beyond me.

Take it from someone who has done both - two… different… things.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Where can I find this fabled thread, oh kazooplayer resident master of male multiple orgasm? How I’m ‘off base’ I really do not understand, I asked a simple question and you have pretty much avoided it and instead provided some vague reference to your (previously to me: unknown) knowledge on the subject and how you wrote a thread ‘explaing the basics’ on it.

Would you be surprised to know it’s general belief on these forums that edging and ballooning are one of the same, and has been advocated as so for a very long time now? In fact we should really put this information in the FAQ. It would obviously stop a lot of confusion, as of right now they’re one and the same on the FAQ.

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Originally Posted by The Beasty One
Where can I find this fabled thread, oh kazooplayer resident master of male multiple orgasm? How I’m ‘off base’ I really do not understand, I asked a simple question and you have pretty much avoided it and instead provided some vague reference to your (previously to me: unknown) knowledge on the subject and how you wrote a thread ‘explaing the basics’ on it.

Would you be surprised to know it’s general belief on these forums that edging and ballooning are one of the same, and has been advocated as so for a very long time now? In fact we should really put this information in the FAQ. It would obviously stop a lot of confusion, as of right now they’re one and the same on the FAQ.

No need to get rude Beasty. He was probably assuming you knew how to use the search feature or that you could see his thread listed just a few below this one on the main page. It probably didn’t occur to him that you needed a link.

Link to Ballooning Gains! thread

I do know how to use the search function thank you, I don’t have the brain of a mouse thanks. Only you may have noticed that that thread is written by Mr. Hanky, not kazooplayer. And furthermore, assuming his posts are in that thread somewhere, why I should extend myself to read that thread for his ‘basic tips’ on why ballooning and edging are different is beyond me.

He can explain it simply here now, or rather could have explained it in his previous post which is why I was slightly annoyed. (I also did search for topics posted by him on ballooning/edging, and I found none.)

And it’s common courtesy to provide a link if you’re making a point around here bluto.

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There’s about a thousand ballooning threads out there and they’re all composed mainly of posts like “Am I doing this right?” or “I know this works, but I don’t know what it is?” It’s a pain to figure out, especially since the few guys who do say it works say something along the lines of “Just try it and you should feel a difference. If you don’t then you’re doing it wrong.” which is a ton of help.

My take: it sounds like ballooning is just training your BC to really pump the blood in while you masturbate, so you get stronger erections. You basically do kegels while you edge, that’s it. You could just do kegels and not have to hide for an hour. I’ve seen a few modifications (“you can touch the penis here but not here”, “you need to rub the base a certain way”) but it’s just obfuscation. Even so, I’ll probably get jumped on for not giving the complete explanation.

Westla gave a bunch of links here: westla90069 - Ballooning but you have to wade through a bunch of crap posts to get any explanation.

Originally Posted by The Beasty One
why I should extend myself to read that thread for his ‘basic tips’ on why ballooning and edging are different is beyond me.

He can explain it simply here now, or rather could have explained it in his previous post which is why I was slightly annoyed. (I also did search for topics posted by him on ballooning/edging, and I found none.)

I don’t know why you should either. You are the one that asked what he thought the differences were. I guess I just assumed you wanted to know.

Why should he take the time to explain it again anyway if you don’t even want to take the time to read it.

That is my bad on the thread being created by him. I was assuming that was Kazoo’s thread where he explained it. I knew the thread he was talking about so I just posted the link without even looking to see who started it. I was thinking it was his for what ever reason.

I have no problem with you Beasty. I just felt you were being a little rude with Kazoo and didn’t see a reason for it. Thankfully this forum is generally not a place where people take shots at one another. Hopefully it will stay that way.


Originally Posted by hbgreek
My take: it sounds like ballooning is just training your BC to really pump the blood in while you masturbate, so you get stronger erections. You basically do kegels while you edge, that’s it.

Oh right, I see what you’re saying. So basically ballooning is a form of PE (Penis Enhancement/Enlargement whatever). While edging is the male multiple orgasm masturbation ‘technique’. Yes? Well this is all new to me. Always thought ballooning was multiple orgasm, and so was edging.

Furthermore I can also say from personal experience, that this ‘training the BC muscle to keep blood pumped in the penis’ thing is not really worth doing. Surely it would take a lot of effort, and it sounds rather un-fun. If you become multi-orgasmic however, you’ll nice you’re at 120% erection at all times while you orgasm (and the orgasm can last up to 10-20 minutes). You’re actually harder when you orgasm than you are if you tighten the BC muscle and keep the blood inside the penis. A lot harder.

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Originally Posted by bluto
I don’t know why you should either. You are the one that asked what he thought the differences were. I guess I just assumed you wanted to know.

Why should he take the time to explain it again anyway if you don’t even want to take the time to read it.

Of course I’ll take the time to read it. I’m not going to take the time however to go through X number of pages of posts talking about anything but what he’s on about, just to argue with myself. I asked a question, this is supposed to be a learning enviornment, he could explain or direct me to where I can go to learn. It would save me a lot of time. Not just assume I know what he’s on about when he talks about ‘his posts’. I don’t read every post and topic on here, even if some of you do.

Originally Posted by bluto
That is my bad on the thread being created by him. I was assuming that was Kazoo’s thread where he explained it. I knew the thread he was talking about so I just posted the link without even looking to see who started it. I was thinking it was his for what ever reason.

Yes. And here lies the problem, just because you know something without having to consider it doesn’t mean I do. Obviously I don’t know what thread he was on about, and obviously it wasn’t easy to come by. And why I should immediately assume it might be ‘the thread a few threads down’ is beyond me.

Originally Posted by bluto
I have no problem with you Beasty. I just felt you were being a little rude with Kazoo and didn’t see a reason for it. Thankfully this forum is generally not a place where people take shots at one another. Hopefully it will stay that way.


Well sorry if I sound a little off tone, don’t intend to. I don’t have a problem with you or the other geeza kazoo not in the least. I was just a bit annoyed at how condescending it was of him to talk it off like that with ‘you’re completely off base’ when I am actually quite interested in the edging/ballooning subject and have written countless long and detailed posts helping people asking about this subject. And now I’m asking, and he hasn’t explained anything, or made any substantial points about why ballooning and edging are different things, where both terms originated from, etc. etc..

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On a totally unrelated sidenote: Isn’t there a feature like “ignore user” ? :)

OK, first and foremost, thank you Bluto for fighting a fight I’m losing interest in; second, Beasty, I never intended on condescending you in any way, but frankly, my good will has been spent on this subject.

I have never claimed to be a master at ballooning, in fact, to the people that have been successful, I have asked THEM for advice - the only thing I claim to have done, is to try relay a technique I learned, that I thought would be helpful, in as simple of terms as I possibly could.

I feel like some of this stuff is venomous, and I don’t like being told that - in effect - I’m either delusional, or full of shit because I say ballooning worked for me - if somebody said that to me face to face, I would tell them to fuck themselves, sincerely.

Now, people who don’t know anything about ballooning are telling us all what it is and what it isn’t, and to me, that’s a bit ignorant. If ballooning doesn’t work for you, fine, but don’t try to discourage others from a painless exercise that might work for them.

Edit : To beasty - to be honest, I didn’t even see your question, I just saw your edit where you claimed edging and ballooning were the same thing, so I apologize for not answering you question, or directing you to the thread.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

kazooplayer, I’m not arguing that edging/ballooning doesn’t help or directly lead to gains. In fact I think it does. I was just confused at the fact that in all my previous time on here they were both said to be the same thing: multiple orgasm.

And I have read that they both help gains, because they act as an inside out pressure thing. I just never realised there was a distinction between them. And by the sounds of what I have learned thus far, ballooning is holding the BC muscle for as long a time as possible while erect. Which has nothing to do with multiple orgasm, despite the fact I’ve heard countless times ballooning being referred to as multiple orgasm.

ys, thanks for that it’s great to feel loved as part of the community, really.

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No, you would be misinformed there; ballooning is primarily anti-BC clenching, and while you can still balloon and kegel, it won’t be as effective.

Many times while in the middle of a ballooning session, I’ve found it near impossible to not kegel, and when I do, I can feel a rush of blood exit the penis - the same rush that when it comes in, signals proper ballooning.

Ballooning is a combination of mechanical manipulation and energy direction, whereas edging is simply withholding from cresting over into ejaculation.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.


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