Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



Hey guys I was wondering if ballooning works I tried it for a couple of days without ejaculating and today I fucked up and ejaculated :(
My routine consists of Stretches-5 mins
Jelqing- 10 mins
Massage-3 mins

I balloon before all this. Just wondering if it works or I should just stick to jelqing.

5/05/2007- 7.95-8 bpl x 5.9-6.0 Eg

Goal- 9x6.5

Stick with the newbie routine.

If you want to play around with ballooning have at it but do not substitute that for jelqing.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Dear New Member,

Please be aware that anything you may ask has already been asked before, probably dozens of times. We have an excellent search feature accessed by the “search” button at the top right of every page. Starting new threads on the same old subject and asking a question such as “does it work” is much less effective than looking it up yourself and reading what others have posted on the subject before. If you do not find the answer to your question, then you can ask it in one of the threads already posted.

Ballooning Gains!
Sweet rewards - balloning works
Ballooning your penis
Ballooning for beginners
Ballooning, Edging And How It’s Done
Secrets To Ballooning
Edging vs Ballooning
Is edging Ballooning
What’s the ballooning method
Ballooning Poll
My experience with Ballooning
ballooning method

This is only about 1/4 of the existing threads with “ballooning” in the title. Use the search feature and you’ll find quite a few more.

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