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Body Genes And PE Gains Relation Theory

Body Genes And PE Gains Relation Theory

I have been looking into this for a while, I have identified what type of body I have by reading up on the 3 types that exist. I think most of you here will be able to do the same. I am basing this study on a theory made by William Sheldon who said that there are 3 types of body genes, and want to discuss if the same thing can be associated with PE and GAINS. Most would probably say no. I’m not sure if anyone here has already covered this theory and related it with PE, but I thought Id do so anyway.

The theory behind my thoughts are…. Do our genes hold the same gaining ability’s for PE that they do for bodybuilding. Most of you will be shaking your head and thinking, our penis is not a muscle (though it does contains some). A lot of you might be nodding your heads and I understand why, but I want to look closer and the 3 types of body genes, which some of you will already know.

We have known for quite some time now in bodybuilding that different body types respond differently to both training and nutrition. As a result, it is incredibly important to be aware of what your body type is so that you can design a training and workout program accordingly. In this article, the history of body types and some interesting pieces of information to help you identify them will be mentioned. But first lets have a look at the man who came up with the theory of the 3 body types.

William Sheldon

William Sheldon (1898-1977) was an American psychologist who spent his life observing all the variety of human bodies. He taught at several universities and spent his career doing valuable research. As a child he was an avid observer of animals and birds, and as he grew up, this hobby turned into a strong ability to observe the human body.

Here are the body types, (which one are you?)

The basics of body types are listed below:

Definitive “Hard Gainer”
Delicate Built Body
Flat Chest
Lightly Muscled
Small Shouldered
Takes Longer to Gain Muscle

The extreme ectomorph physique is a fragile and delicate one. The bones are light, joints are small and muscles are slight. The limbs are relatively long in proportion and the shoulders droop. The ectomorph is a linear physique. Straight up and straight down, and may appear longer than he or she really is, due to the length of limbs coupled with lack of muscle mass developed on those limbs. The ectomorph is not naturally powerful and will have to work hard for every ounce of muscle and every bit of strength he or she can gain.

Other Ectomorph Traits

The extreme ectomorph may have long fingers, toes and neck are long. A pencil neck you could say. The features of the face are sharp, and the shape of the face is triangular. The lower jaw is somewhat receding. The skin tends to burn easily. Extreme ectomorphs may suffer from extremes of temperature. Due to the great body area in relation to muscle mass, the ectomorph may suffer from great heat, and due to low body fat, the ectomorph may suffer from great cold. The hair is fine and grows quickly and is sometimes difficult to keep in place.

Famous Ectomorphs

Lisa Kudrow, Kate Moss, Brad Pitt, Seth Green, Edward Norton.

Hard Body
Hourglass Shaped (Female)
Rectangular Shaped (Male)
Mature Muscle Mass
Muscular Body
Excellent Posture
Gains Muscle Easily
Gains Fat More Easily Than Ectomorphs
Thick Skin

The Mesomorph Body

The mesomorph has well-defined muscles and large bones. The torso tapers to a relatively narrow and low waist. The bones and muscles of the head are prominent. Features of the face are clearly defined, such as cheek bones and a square, heavy jaw. The face is long and broad, and is cubicle in shape. Arms and legs are developed and even the digits of the hand are muscled.

Other Traits of the Mesomorph

The skin of the mesomorph is thick and the mesomorph tans well. The hair is heavy in texture.

Famous Mesomorphs

Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone, the majority of Mr. Universe winners.


Soft Body
Underdeveloped Muscles
Round Physique
Weight Loss is Difficult
Gains Muscle Easily Like the Mesomorph.


The body of the extreme endomorph is round and soft. The physique presents the illusion that much of the mass has been concentrated in the abdominal area. This may or may not be true. The arms and legs of the extreme endomorph are short in length and taper. This may give the appearance of stalkiness. The hands and feet of the endomorph are comparatively small, and the upper arms and thighs are often more developed than the lower parts of the arms or legs. The body has a high waist.

Other Traits of the Endomoprh

The skin is soft and smooth, and the hair is fine. The head of the endomorph is spherical. The head is large and the face broad.

Famous Endomorphs

John Goodman, Roseanne, Jack Black.

Combinations of Body Types

Very often, people cannot be easily classed as one of the three main body types. Although there are some people who are purely ectomorphs, endomorphs, or mesomorphs with little or no characteristics of the other body types, very frequently, people fall into mixed categories, such as ecto mesomorphs, or endo mesomorphs, where largely, they are like the mesomoph, but with traits of the ectomorph (such as small joints or a trim waist), or traits of the endomorph (such as a tendency to gain fat easily).

Can we associate the hard gainers “Ectomorphs” with the hard gainers of PE?, I m going to make a poll IF this thread generates enough interest, if not then not, but lets all try and associate one body type with our own, that way we might see if most of the hard gainers out there in the world of PE are in fact “ectomorphs”
,And if in fact the good gainers are the “messomorphs” the easy gainers.

This in fact might contradict the whole LOT theory, but it’s a study after all and weather it’s correct or a load of rubbish, I think that research (right or wrong) is always the way forward as id guess a lot of you would agree.

So which one were you? And how did you gain over time, are there any relations? Id like to hear about them.


Do not go there brother. Its not productive to think about these things.

I know for fact all the relations between the different Somatypes. And I will carry on this discussion in a PM.

"You shall call him E.Honda"

"Demokrati är inget annat än att ge majoriteten rätten att mobba minoriteten. Min kropp, mitt kapital och mitt liv ska vara mitt val!"

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Why a PM? I had a hunch this was a forum, am I wrong?

Because it will make a certain “type” of people discouraged.
And we need everyone to know that they can make gains.

This is like the experiment Swedish universities did on people around 1940-1950. Measuring which head and nosetype people had and the dividing them into different categories where “Jews” were the lowest rank and Arians were the best.
But it all turned out to be bullshit.

Which this will also be.

"You shall call him E.Honda"

"Demokrati är inget annat än att ge majoriteten rätten att mobba minoriteten. Min kropp, mitt kapital och mitt liv ska vara mitt val!"

I wouldn’t say it leads anyone to thinking that any of the 3 gene types would be incapable of gaining.

If anything it suggests (if correct) that one gene type finds it harder to gain than others, and it’s a well known fact on PE forums that some people gain harder than others, why not try to discover if it’s a certain type of gene that faces these issues.

I want to hear if there is any truth to the theory, after all it’s only a theory, and there is only one way we are going to find out, there has to be evidence and results for it to be respected as anything yet.

Do we all agree that there are some people out there who find it hard to gain no matter what they try?

Wouldn’t it be great if we discovered why?

I’m not saying this is the answer but if we don’t find the problem then how will we find a solution

What body type would you say you were C. Phantasy?

I’m a mesomorph

Are you also a mesomorph Thunders SS?

Last edited by 17ml : 09-01-2009 at .

Maybe a poll would make more sense, 17ml.

Originally Posted by 17ml
I wouldn’t say it leads anyone to thinking that any of the 3 gene types would be incapable of gaining.

If anything it suggests (if correct) that one gene type finds it harder to gain than others, and it’s a well known fact on PE forums that some people gain harder than others, why not try to discover if it’s a certain type of gene that faces these issues.

I want to hear if there is any truth to the theory, after all it’s only a theory, and there is only one way we are going to find out, there has to be evidence and results for it to be respected as anything yet.

Do we all agree that there are some people out there who find it hard to gain no matter what they try?

Wouldn’t it be great if we discovered why?

I’m not saying this is the answer but if we don’t find the problem then how will we find a solution

What body type would you say you were C. Phantasy?

I’m a mesomorph

Are you also a mesomorph Thunders SS?

I´m also Mesomorph.

I will not put in any more information into this thread as I object to it with the motivation it will discourage a lot of people and bring focus more and more away from PE.

"You shall call him E.Honda"

"Demokrati är inget annat än att ge majoriteten rätten att mobba minoriteten. Min kropp, mitt kapital och mitt liv ska vara mitt val!"

Ok, I think we can survive without knowing your “secret informations”, C.P..

Originally Posted by marinera

Ok, I think we can survive without knowing your “secret informations”, C.P..

You will have too.

"You shall call him E.Honda"

"Demokrati är inget annat än att ge majoriteten rätten att mobba minoriteten. Min kropp, mitt kapital och mitt liv ska vara mitt val!"

Originally Posted by marinera
Maybe a poll would make more sense, 17ml.

Yes, that is a good idea, I did mention that I was planning to do so, with your permission I will start one.

Thank you for your views big M.

I don’t know if it’s possible but I’m between Ecto and Mesomorphs. If I worked out I’m sure I could cement myself into the Mesomorph category. I have to really work hard acedemically this year though, otherwise I’m getting kicked out of College. So working out isnt my #1 priority.

On a gains note, I haven’t seen any gains yet, I’ve only properly started working these past 3 weeks. So there is time yet.

Conscious effort to gain that 3/4 inch in length starts now! 21/07/09

(21/07/09) NBPEL 7.25, BPEL 7.5inch * 6inch EG.

(12/08/13) NBPEL 7.30, BPEL 7.9inch * 6.1inch EG

The somatypes have nothing to do with the sort of tissue found in the penis. I mean not nothing, but I doubt you’d find a major correlation. The somatypes themselves aren’t that clear anyhow, just a way for people to make more sense of how we look. That’s why you end up having people saying I’m an “endo/meso” and breaking it down further, its really just an easy way to describe the physique in my opinion.

I wouldn’t put too much belief in a theory that seems so limited by it’s suppositions.

Originally Posted by LongVehicle

The somatypes have nothing to do with the sort of tissue found in the penis. I mean not nothing, but I doubt you’d find a major correlation. The somatypes themselves aren’t that clear anyhow, just a way for people to make more sense of how we look. That’s why you end up having people saying I’m an “endo/meso” and breaking it down further, its really just an easy way to describe the physique in my opinion.


"You shall call him E.Honda"

"Demokrati är inget annat än att ge majoriteten rätten att mobba minoriteten. Min kropp, mitt kapital och mitt liv ska vara mitt val!"

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