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Bundled extending?

Bundled extending?

Anyone ever tried bundled extending for longer periods of time? Any results? Seems safe enough if it doesn’t cut off blood flow right (using vac head)?

28 Aug 2014: 6.25" x 6" (MEG) >>>>>>>> 30 Dec 2015: 7.25" x 6.5" (MEG)

Goal: Pump 40 min 2x daily 6 mos start 8/23/17 PICS AND PROGRESS

PE Growth Rate Study | Most Efficient Gainers List

It gets painful really fast.

I did it with an extender and my really comfortable strap. It cuts of blood so fast that you have to open up rather fast.
I managed about 20 minutes into either direction.

But its a great idea for girth I think.

I will start bundled hanging with a vac hanger soon ;)
Its free hanging and you can switch sides easily and get blood back I suppose.

ok, yeah I should have specified I was talking about with a vac extender. I tried it out and the first time it was at least an hour and everything was fine, then another time it started to get uncomfortable and I took it out and it was getting numb, so I think it might be ok if you get the tension and angle right and keep an eye on it/check every so often.

28 Aug 2014: 6.25" x 6" (MEG) >>>>>>>> 30 Dec 2015: 7.25" x 6.5" (MEG)

Goal: Pump 40 min 2x daily 6 mos start 8/23/17 PICS AND PROGRESS

PE Growth Rate Study | Most Efficient Gainers List

Originally Posted by GettinGrown
ok, yeah I should have specified I was talking about with a vac extender. I tried it out and the first time it was at least an hour and everything was fine, then another time it started to get uncomfortable and I took it out and it was getting numb, so I think it might be ok if you get the tension and angle right and keep an eye on it/check every so often.

Sure just start with 90 degrees into each side and increase the degrees slowly over days and intra workout too.
Also start each day with a different rotation side left /right to not develope uneven.

You dont want to have the numbness too often happening. Take care.

I think maybe the second time I bundled it too much, going to try a conservative bundle and see if it holds up for awhile without loss of circulation like it did the first time.

28 Aug 2014: 6.25" x 6" (MEG) >>>>>>>> 30 Dec 2015: 7.25" x 6.5" (MEG)

Goal: Pump 40 min 2x daily 6 mos start 8/23/17 PICS AND PROGRESS

PE Growth Rate Study | Most Efficient Gainers List

Originally Posted by GettinGrown
I’m really only focused on length for now, do you think bundling is only/mainly for girth?

It targets the circular layer and thus can impact the girth more then the length.

There is also discussion if it hardens the tissue rather much and favours girth at the cost of future length.
The longitudal and circular if too much interconnected might restrain some colalgen to expand longitudal.

The tunica collagen mesh is very strongly disturbed with bundles that is clear in my opinion.

It might make sense as a small part of a length workout at the beggining of it loosening the tissue up.
Think of it wringing/bundling a t-shirt.

But if you focus solely on bundling I think it wont be wise to do if length is main aim.

Cool thanks for that I will focus mainly on normal extending as many hours a day as I can with a couple hanging sessions. I honestly have gained nothing during times I was not extending and possibly even lost a little with ~40 min jelqing daily although probably gained a little in girth during that time.

28 Aug 2014: 6.25" x 6" (MEG) >>>>>>>> 30 Dec 2015: 7.25" x 6.5" (MEG)

Goal: Pump 40 min 2x daily 6 mos start 8/23/17 PICS AND PROGRESS

PE Growth Rate Study | Most Efficient Gainers List

Originally Posted by GettinGrown
Cool thanks for that I will focus mainly on normal extending as many hours a day as I can with a couple hanging sessions. I honestly have gained nothing during times I was not extending and possibly even lost a little with ~40 min jelqing daily although probably gained a little in girth during that time.

Doing some sort off light all day stretching or all day clamping in combo with a routine felt always right to me.
Alternativly doing piss pulls throughout the day.

I have done bundled extending before and really didn’t like it, I felt it was extremely risky and would not recommend it unless you are in a place where you can remove your extender the second the onset of pain comes on - which for me was usually around the hour mark, almost religiously. Be careful :)

I would love to try this, but don’t have an extender. Maybe I should buy one. Any recommendations on the best extender to buy and where?

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