Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CABLE CLAMP buy what size (size)?


CABLE CLAMP buy what size (size)?

CABLE CLAMP buy what size (size)?

My cousin from the U.S. and will bring me 4 Calmp’s.
My penis is 14 cm (5.511 inches) in diameter and I want to squeeze up to 16.5 cm (6.496 inches) in diameter. I will squeeze the base and around the head (double squeeze).
what size should I buy Clamp: small, medium or large?


AlphaHighlander: -Physical Education Teacher/Exercise Physiologist/Coach Periodization Training for Sports/Student IT DBA.

My PICS/GAINS!5 months=2cm(0.79 inches) My PICS/GAINS!5 months=2cm(0.79 inches)

START: BPEL 5.9 x 5.1 -> NOW: BPEL 6.35x 5.1 -> TARGET: BPEL 8,28'' x 6,5 (Or more?)... I have a dream...

I’m not too sure, but I believe everyone uses a medium. By the way the size won’t automatically make you reach a certain amount of expansion, expansion varies based on intensity, time, and the individual.

Start:7.5 BPEL X 5 MSEG

Goal: 7 MSEG

Heere We GOOooh!

Originally Posted by LordVayne
I’m not too sure, but I believe everyone uses a medium. By the way the size won’t automatically make you reach a certain amount of expansion, expansion varies based on intensity, time, and the individual.

I thought about that too.
When in doubt, and not to be faulted. I want to buy two medium and two large.

AlphaHighlander: -Physical Education Teacher/Exercise Physiologist/Coach Periodization Training for Sports/Student IT DBA.

My PICS/GAINS!5 months=2cm(0.79 inches) My PICS/GAINS!5 months=2cm(0.79 inches)

START: BPEL 5.9 x 5.1 -> NOW: BPEL 6.35x 5.1 -> TARGET: BPEL 8,28'' x 6,5 (Or more?)... I have a dream...

Hi all, I think this might be of interest to some of you.

I have previously measured the internal circumference (or perimeter) of the medium size “Cable Clamp”: At it’s smallest (closed fully tight) it appears to be almost exactly 4 inches (approx. 10.16cm) perimeter. At it’s largest (closed only one click tight) it appears to be almost exactly 6 inches (approx. 15.24cm) perimeter. Due to it size, the medium size “Cable Clamp” is the most often recommended size for clamping of the penis.

And for the internal circumference (or perimeter) of the large size “Cable Clamp”: At it’s smallest (closed fully tight) it appears to be almost exactly 6.75 inches (approx. 17.14cm) perimeter. At it’s largest (closed only one click tight) it appears to be almost exactly 9.25 inches (approx. 23.49cm) perimeter. The large size “Cable Clamp” might be suitable for “behind the balls clamping”, but that activity in itself is not recommended to be done.

Regarding the internal circumference (or perimeter) of the small size “Cable Clamp”: At it’s smallest (closed fully tight) it appears to be almost exactly 1.75 inches (approx. 4.44cm) perimeter. At it’s largest (closed only one click tight) it appears to be almost exactly 3 inches (approx. 7.62cm) perimeter. The small size “Cable Clamp” has been said to be useless due to it’s small size, but I can think of a potential use.

I hope that information will be useful and enable you to make an informed choice before buying a “Cable Clamp”.

No, "mch" does not stand for "my cock's huger!"

... although it may do in the foreseeable future! :D


Originally Posted by AlphaHighlander
My penis is 14 cm (5.511 inches) in diameter and I want to squeeze up to 16.5 cm (6.496 inches) in diameter.

So you have 14*pi = 44 cm = 17” girth.

I can see the urgent need for clamping!

Originally Posted by theleviathan

So you have 14*pi = 44 cm = 17” girth.

I can see the urgent need for clamping!


Start:7.5 BPEL X 5 MSEG

Goal: 7 MSEG

Heere We GOOooh!

Use only one clamp, medium and never clamp anywhere but the base.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
Use only one clamp, medium and never clamp anywhere but the base.

How much expansion do you experience while clamping?

To the OP. I think you should trust the big guy on this one, seeing that he is 7” EG, and I am 4.75” EG. I would assume that anything that falls in between should use the medium as well(I use the medium).


Starting Stats(02/02/2010): 5.92" BPEL 4.3" EG -->

Current(07/02/2011) 7.60" BPEL 4.75" EG

Goal 8.5" NBPEL 6.5" EG

Yeah it really doesn’t matter what your girth is, the medium fits all, the other two sizes are not usable for PE. I get almost an inch of expansion, but I’ve slowly worked up to that for years. I’d say half an inch is pretty good engorgement for novice clampers.

Slow and easy does it.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

sure 14cm in diameter? you are GODZILLA, maybe 14cm in girth or 1,4 inches in diameter sounds right to me

now 7(18 cm) BP , 5.9(15 cm) MEG

Click me: my photos

When I first tried experimenting with hanging I used a medium cable clamp and “built up” the insides of both sides of the clamp with the glue from a hot glue gun. Its easy to mold and dries (cools) very rigid. It created an all in one clamp that fit similar to two dowels wired together.

Although I have not yet tried clamping, I’ve wondered if using the hot glue to create a shape the inside of the cable clamp to some sort of a triangle shape, which might be ideal for clamping?

Just my two cents on how to “custom” size the cable clamp.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Originally Posted by sta-kool

We waste our breath.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Medium and I would get more than one since they’re cheap. I think Walmart sells a 3-pack.

For padding I use neoprene that I cut from a can koozies. The link shows what they are and you can also get them cheap at Walmart.

http://www.amaz … /dp/B0027FJITU/

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