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Can someone help me with kegals

Can someone help me with kegals

Can someone suggest a kegal routine. Looking for harder erections mainly.

You simple do kegels whenever you feel you can. You can hold for a few seconds or do short sets, it’s really up to you. You can do like 1 second holds and then release and repeat as much as you can and when you can’t anymore, just rest.

Progress Report Thread: New guy, never done anything like this before

Pictures: Dude151 Pictures

Stats also at Profile

My suggestion is to do them while jelqing.

Posteado por Big Girtha

Hey, that's nothing. I once rode fifteen miles on a Honda Goldwing with my dick in a 2" tube at 10 inhg, because I had a hot babe waiting for me. Clamping while driving a car is a piece of cake. I also once removed a clamp, jelqed in fresh blood and reclamped underneath the table in a restaurant. Dedication is the name of the game. Some guys say they have no time for PE. I say make time.

What worked for me was at first to do a light routine once or twice a day every day with a rest day every now and then if the base area were the logs are felt sore so I could recover.

I progressively worked my way up to doing more reps and for part of my routine I could easily hold kegels for a longer time.

After about three to four weeks I knew this worked my erections were way harder then before and I could shoot my loads out much better then before.

Check out to see the starting routine I did for week or two.

Good luck and happy gains.

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