Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Cell Recycling and Cementing Gains

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Cell Recycling and Cementing Gains

Is it true that you’ll lose gains after your cells recycle even after you cement them with a 6+ month maintenance routine? Man, would that blow if you worked for a year to get a bigger unit and then the gains just disappeared after a while.

A related question - When you gain, does the penis grow more cells, or do the cells physically enlarge?

One last question - is it safe to use a hair dryer for warm-up?

I don’t believe you lose gains once they are cemented. The reason for that is the answer to your second question. Instead of enlarging cells, PE works by causing cell division. As for the hair dryer, if you’re going to use that heres my suggestion. Use a wash cloth or something that is wet with warm water and wrap yourself with, then use the hair dryer over that, so as you don’t get hit directly with that kind of heat.


Some PE Theory:

When you PE, you’re basically engorging your unit with blood, so this:
——— (6 cells in a row)
becomes this:
- - - - - - (the same 6 cells, but spaced apart because there is now a lot of blood)

Then, when you cement gains, those cells divide, so this:

becomes this:

Now that can’t really go back to this:

The body is really wonderful, isn’t it!

That’s a nice way of explaining it, but is there any confirmation that it is what really happens? People like wadzilla have reported of losing nearly all of their gains, while others years later have reported no loss of gains.

Originally Posted by CubanB
That’s a nice way of explaining it, but is there any confirmation that it is what really happens? People like wadzilla have reported of losing nearly all of their gains, while others years later have reported no loss of gains.

I read about wadzilla`s case and it was sure a sad thing, but correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t he say that he didn’t do any maintenance routine or any form of PE at all for like 2 years of something like that?

Was (july 07): 5.25 nbp (5.9 bp)X 4.5

July 10 :6.15 nbp (6.65 bp)X 4.8

Goal: 6.75 nbp (7.1 bp) x 5.1 Final goal : 7.25 nbp x 5.3

Yep that’s true. But according to frosh’s diagram it wouldn’t matter would it? Or does this cell division and cementing only happen during the maintainence period?

It’s possible that the chain that frosh used shrinks without constant use.

As of 1/1/2009 - 6.25" BPEL // 5.0" EG

I’ve read a lot on this site about this subject on here. Two main reasons that I’ve found for the reason why people lose their gains are, too much of gains come from the ligs which can, and do shrink back after awhile. Second, those who seem to have a tough time gaining, lose it after a while. Those are the two things that keep repeating. I have gained now, 1.5 inches in length and its almost all from stretching the tunica. If you focus on stretching the tunica, and you go from, say 6in to 9in from it, don’t worry about losing it. You won’t. Just make sure you cement your gains.

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"


You can no more “cement” PE gains than you can “cement” a suntan, a callous or an 18-inch biceps measurement. Forget such a notion.

I’m sorry, but the responses in this thread are nothing but baseless speculations - mixed with pseudoscience.

I gained more length than you have, and I’ve lost nearly all of it. Same with girth.

I doubled the size of my erect penis, by volume, via rigorous PE. After having stopped PE, and retained all but 1/8” EL x 1/8” EG of my size - AFTER 3+ YEARS - I thought I was “living proof” of *cemented gains.*

Then the bottom fell out. In the ensuing months I kept losing and losing.

I suffered no illness, injuries, STDs, etc. I could find no alternative explanation as to why this happened…other than “cellular recycling.”

The GvM model (Growth via Mitosis) cannot provide any reasonable explanation as to how the onset of “decompensation” could have been so delayed (3+ yrs) or why my losses actually accelerated (once they began).

I’ve been through this song & dance here, ad nauseum.

PE gains are NOT permanent. However, a “maintenance program” is possible (in my deformation model) - it just isn’t as scaled down as one might hope for.

Good news: PE gains are real. As I said, in my case, I doubled the size of my woody.

Originally Posted by CubanB
That’s a nice way of explaining it, but is there any confirmation that it is what really happens? People like wadzilla have reported of losing nearly all of their gains, while others years later have reported no loss of gains.

It’s all theory as of yet.

It’s been proven in birds and cats but to perform this experiment on a human would mean killing them and dissecting their muscles. They hung a weight to a wing of a bird and after 6 months put the bird to sleep and dissected both wings. They found the muscles in the weighted wing were larger in number as well as size.

Imagine doing this to a person. Although I’d have no problem if they did it to someone on Death Row, at least in a sense they’re giving something back to the community with their death.

Cell division has been proven in fat so why not muscle or other tissues? We start off as a single cell organism and through gestation period our cells keep doubling. Who’s to say this will never happen again after birth or perhaps even after puberty?

There are different theories as to HOW it happens. One theory is Hyperplasia:

The theory of hyperplasia is: Given a sufficient challenge to muscle fibers - one that verges on producing severe injury - the body produces more fibres by either splitting muscle cells or converting other types of cells into muscle fibers

The second theory is that hyperplasia is caused by satellite cells, semiformed cells on the outside of muscle fibers that become new fibers when a mysterious physiological switch is turned on. This transformation has been shown to happen when young tissue grows and when muscle is injured. So far, no one has proved that exercise can lead to satellite cells to become new fibers.

This information is drawn from the book Muscle The world\’s most complete guide to building your body By Ian King and Lou Schuler
http://www.amaz … /dp/1405041412/

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Wad, I read your thread months ago and searched the hell out of it myself, as did a lot of others. That’s one hell of a theory I don’t buy at all. Remember, Im entitled to my own opinion. I can see your frustration. There are too many counter-points to that theory. Keep searching for the reason, or believe that to be. Not all of us will loose everything we worked for, I haven’t really done shit since the end of july and my weiner settled into an easy bpel of 7.5, I.e I gained a 1/4. I myself will always do p.e. just for the e.q. improvements. Again, sorry you lost all of what you worked so hard to get.

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

I believe taking enough rest when doing PE should help in making gains more permanent. Also really fast gains usually subside faster then gains that came slow. (As seen with weightlifting)

So if you gained a lot fast you should think about a long maintenance program.

22 years. BPEL 7.4 inches. Girth: 6.3 inches. Goal: Becoming a tripod!

My other hobby and project:

I think it’d be wise to stick to some kind of PE for life, both to prevent losses, and simply to maintain penile health as one ages. A regular, moderate program of jelqing or pumping is good for the penis. I can see how it might be hard to keep motivation to stretch or hang after reaching one’s PE goals — since these exercises don’t provide any direct benefits besides possible enlargement — but I doubt that one needs to keep hanging, specifically, to maintain one’s hanging gains, for example. I personally am trying to to adopt a semi-regular pumping program in my “PE retirement” in order to cultivate general penis health, gradually correct my leftward curve, and prevent the loss of the gains I made via hanging.

Originally Posted by wadzilla

You can no more “cement” PE gains than you can “cement” a suntan, a callous or an 18-inch biceps measurement. Forget such a notion.

I’m sorry, but the responses in this thread are nothing but baseless speculations - mixed with pseudoscience.

I gained more length than you have, and I’ve lost nearly all of it. Same with girth.

I doubled the size of my erect penis, by volume, via rigorous PE. After having stopped PE, and retained all but 1/8” EL x 1/8” EG of my size - AFTER 3+ YEARS - I thought I was “living proof” of *cemented gains.*

Then the bottom fell out. In the ensuing months I kept losing and losing.

I suffered no illness, injuries, STDs, etc. I could find no alternative explanation as to why this happened.other than “cellular recycling.”

The GvM model (Growth via Mitosis) cannot provide any reasonable explanation as to how the onset of “decompensation” could have been so delayed (3+ yrs) or why my losses actually accelerated (once they began).

I’ve been through this song & dance here, ad nauseum.

PE gains are NOT permanent. However, a “maintenance program” is possible (in my deformation model) - it just isn’t as scaled down as one might hope for.

Good news: PE gains are real. As I said, in my case, I doubled the size of my woody.

Wadzilla, isn’t it true that a ‘show[er]’ has less elasticity to begin with?

So erect gains are not totally permanent, but loss of elasticity is permanent? Or did you regain some of the elasticity after your hiatus?

Originally Posted by wadzilla

You can no more “cement” PE gains than you can “cement” a suntan, a callous or an 18-inch biceps measurement. Forget such a notion.

I’m sorry, but the responses in this thread are nothing but baseless speculations - mixed with pseudoscience.

I gained more length than you have, and I’ve lost nearly all of it. Same with girth.

I doubled the size of my erect penis, by volume, via rigorous PE. After having stopped PE, and retained all but 1/8” EL x 1/8” EG of my size - AFTER 3+ YEARS - I thought I was “living proof” of *cemented gains.*

Then the bottom fell out. In the ensuing months I kept losing and losing.

I suffered no illness, injuries, STDs, etc. I could find no alternative explanation as to why this happened…other than “cellular recycling.”

The GvM model (Growth via Mitosis) cannot provide any reasonable explanation as to how the onset of “decompensation” could have been so delayed (3+ yrs) or why my losses actually accelerated (once they began).

I’ve been through this song & dance here, ad nauseum.

PE gains are NOT permanent. However, a “maintenance program” is possible (in my deformation model) - it just isn’t as scaled down as one might hope for.

Good news: PE gains are real. As I said, in my case, I doubled the size of my woody.

Wad, you fell victim to the “use it or lose it” philosophy. Even people who have never PE’d lose some size as they age do to less sexual activity and much less masturbation.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

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