Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Cell Recycling and Cementing Gains

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Originally Posted by Clubber
Wad, you fell victim to the “use it or lose it” philosophy. Even people who have never PE’d lose some size as they age do to less sexual activity and much less masturbation.

Regardless if you use it or not everything in the human body deteriorates. Ever seen an 80year old who still looks like a 25 year old?

Cell breakdown is part of life, nothing you can do to stop it but PE and exercise can slow it down and postpone it.

Nothing humans create or contain will last forever, we are after all Failible.

Talking about “Cementing Gains” is like talking about the “Holy Grail”, I agree with Wad when he says you can’t cement PE gains but you can hang on to them by doing some sort of regular maintenance.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Cementing gains means that initial gains are lost if one stops right after they appears. It’s something happened to so many members that denegating it because ones doesn’t like the sound is not wise, IMO.

About how penile growth happens, probably the penis can grow both via hyperplasia and hypertrophy. When connective tissue is stretched, cells proliferation is seen.

If the question is: “penis growth happens mostly via hypertrophy or via hyperplasia?”, the answer is: probably cells proliferation is the foremost mechanism, but this is just an hypothesis, since we should cut a penis that has grown by PE to be certain.

So, at least some loss of gains is inevitable even after the so-called ‘cementing’ process? Is it possible to enlarge your penis permanently with no complications or side effects?

Does one have to PE throughout their entire life if they want to keep gains forever?

Oh no way I never knew you could loose, that sucks!! Oh well I’ve not really gained yet so I guess I’m okay

Sorry I guess it’s no joke. Did you know 80% of life is maintenance, why should PE be any different.

Originally Posted by bigtiny454
….There are too many counter-points to that theory. Keep searching for the reason, or believe that to be. Not all of us will loose everything we worked for, I haven’t really done shit since the end of july and my weiner settled into an easy bpel of 7.5, I.e I gained a 1/4. I myself will always do p.e. just for the e.q. improvements….

(1) That’s odd because I haven’t heard any valid “counter-points” to my theory, let alone “many” (or I would revise/reconsider my theory).

(2) So, you haven’t done PE since July (‘08?)? You haven’t read what I posted, either. If you don’t touch your penis, and keep 98% of your gains, until about Aug/Sept 2011, then you haven’t even gone nearly as long as I did without losing anything. See? Six months is nothing.

(3) * EVERY VETERAN * here who has made significant gains, then took a long layoff (not 6 months), has reported size losses. Supersizeit most readily comes to mind. He made huge gains (something like 10 or more years ago), quit altogether and, in time, lost ALL of his gains.

Clubber “Wad, you fell victim to the “use it or lose it” philosophy.”

Good God, man! You’ve fallen victim to the “let’s apply a false, irrelevant analogy” ruse.

I’ll break it down slowly…

(1) PE imparts stressors to penile tissues.
(2) Those tissues respond to the stressors (by whatever “theory”).

Do you agree with me so far? If not, then you’re arguing that PE has no causal relationship to gains; at best, merely casual (perhaps its the lubricant, heating pad or powder that causes the gains?).

(3) Those stressors appear to be necessary for increased size, else your penis would’ve been growing BEFORE you ever tried PE.
(4) Upon cessation of PE, the stressors are also discontinued - as is the “need” for the body/penile tissues to respond/adapt.

This applies to all stressor-induced responses: suntanning, callous formation, hypertrophy, cardio vascular fitness, etc. Which indeed states “use it or lose it.”

Now, one might argue that all of this might refute a GvM type of response, but what about a deformation theory? Shouldn’t my tissues have remained “deformed”? Well, they did…for 3+ years.

Then I lost my size (which I had, up to that point, believed was “cemented”).

I’ve revised my PE views several times since I began PE (Aug. 2002). Indeed, most recently last fall when my losses mounted.

And, please, I’ve heard enough about cat tunicas, I’ve seen enough cross-sections of a monkey’s balls…that’s irrelevant. Certain amphibians can lose a limb, then regrow a new one.

We can’t.

That you’ll keep doing PE is your best bet. That’s the best approach.

Don’t people that don’t PE lose size as well?

10/10/08 Bpel 6.50 Eg 4.9 base 5.0 few weeks off due to injury :( 12/10/08 Bpel 6.875 Eg 5.0

03/10/09 Bpel 7.25 Eg 5.0625 base 5.25 Donations Keep The Community Going, Click Me

05/10/09 Bpel 7.50 Eg 5.1 base 5.5 11/10/09 Bpel 7.6875 EG 5.125. Goal is as much as I can

Originally Posted by lil12big1
The good news is that most of my gains have stayed. What is even more remarkable is that I haven’t done ANY PE since 2002 - no jelqing, hanging, stretching or other manipulation designed to enhance the size of my member nor any kind of maintenance routine - nothing, zero, zilch! For me at least, that is compelling evidence of permanent gains.

At present I measure about 16.5cm (roughly 6.5”) BPEL so I’ve “lost” only about 1cm in 6 years - all things considered, not too shabby! (I’ll have to amend my progress bar).

lil12big1 - lil1’s Progress Report

Thanks marinera. Some will lose, some barely nothing at all. Under your theory wad, I should have lost all the weight I gained in the past 7 years, nope its still there. What about a woman who was 100 lbs, gets pregnant, gains 50lbs . She doesn’t have to do a damn thing, she’ll be back at 100lbs in 7 years. Of course we all know that’s wrong, right? When your cells recycle, they will replace the ones you created when you stretched your pecker out.

How about the people who stretch out their ear lobes with rings the size of cigars and larger? Under your theory, their ears will be back to normal, even if they leave the rings in!

Try this for your theory. You and all who lost anything after you stopped p.e. did so because you didn’t wait til the 7 year mark to make those cells permanent. Sounds far fetched? So does what you are saying.

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

Here we go again.

And it begins again.webp
(12.2 KB, 81 views)

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Wad, i thought u said u lost all but 0.8’, so if what you are saying is right, then how can you explain this?

Maybe each person has a different cell cycle, and you need to be PE well into the next cycle of cells so that the new cells will consum the space by numbers and not size. just a thought.

Nice thought, E MAN. You and I are on the same page. It is really starting to look like 7 years is the magical number at which gains become permanent. Can the most intelligent among us tell me if im wrong? If so, why? I have read a lot of very intelligent theories and some really stupid theories on here. So make it good. Don’t tell me im going to lose all the cells I created either, otherwise I would have died at the age of 7 from a lack of cells!

My apologies for your thread being hi-jacked like this, hillbilly.

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

Originally Posted by bigtiny454
It is really starting to look like 7 years is the magical number at which gains become permanent. Can the most intelligent among us tell me if im wrong?

No, nobody can answer this question.

If so, why?

Because there is no factual evidence to suggest this is true or false. It’s all theories.

I have read a lot of very intelligent theories and some really stupid theories on here.

Well, they’re theories after all.

So make it good. Don’t tell me im going to lose all the cells I created either, otherwise I would have died at the age of 7 from a lack of cells!

Cells replace themselves based on your “genetic structure”, aka DNA. DNA can be damaged and it’s been found they can be repaired, apparently red wine does this.

Your body will reproduce itself based on this genetic structure, as you get older the strands of DNA die off, muscles atrophisize, organs become weaker until eventually your body can no longer reproduce itself and you die. This is assuming you lead a perfectly healthy life.

I think I’ve raised a new question with this. Dammit, I hate answering with a question.

How long does it take to alter DNA naturally so cells reproduce themselves in the manner we want?

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Originally Posted by Tossed Salad
How long does it take to alter DNA naturally so cells reproduce themselves in the manner we want?

The answer to that question my friend is never, unless someone can map up the “penis size gene”, figure out how to safely insert recombinant DNA with desirable “penis size gene”. Sorry, your not going to alter your DNA by doing PE.

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

Originally Posted by wadzilla
Good news: PE gains are real. As I said, in my case, I doubled the size of my woody.

Wad, even before I became a member here at thunder’s place, everything you have read I believe has been very spot on. I just got done skimming through EtP deformation theory that you kindly made available to us, and I think you’ve made a very strong case. I don’t mean to hi-jack the forum, but I’d like to thank you for the work you’ve done and the advice you give on this forum. When I get more time, I am going to read EtP deformation theory in detail, I think its a dam good read for anyone who participates in PE weather newbie or vet!

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

Originally Posted by HardbodyPEer
The answer to that question my friend is never, unless someone can map up the "penis size gene", figure out how to safely insert recombinant DNA with desirable "penis size gene". Sorry, your not going to alter your DNA by doing PE.

I don’t know, sunburn can alter your DNA, your microwave oven can alter it just to name a few and these are environmental factors. The changes you cite are instantaneous, the human body can adapt to environmental factors.

If DNA can’t be altered by our own means then I’d hazard a guess and say going from 6x5 to 8x6 and stop PE is pointless. You would have to do PE your entire life to keep those results. Your body is designed to have the size it has and eventually you will go back to that predetermined size.

So I’m going to have to agree with Wad on this. You want to be bigger? Then you will have to do PE your whole life.
The intensity or your PE sessions is questionable however. How much is enough to retain size?

Although I do feel scepticle on this assumption considering the knowledge humans lack about their own bodies.

This is kind of relevant but not at the same time not really. It will make you think twice about heating food in a microwave.
The Hidden Hazards of Microwave Cooking

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

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