Originally Posted by bigtiny454
….There are too many counter-points to that theory. Keep searching for the reason, or believe that to be. Not all of us will loose everything we worked for, I haven’t really done shit since the end of july and my weiner settled into an easy bpel of 7.5, I.e I gained a 1/4. I myself will always do p.e. just for the e.q. improvements….
(1) That’s odd because I haven’t heard any valid “counter-points” to my theory, let alone “many” (or I would revise/reconsider my theory).
(2) So, you haven’t done PE since July (‘08?)? You haven’t read what I posted, either. If you don’t touch your penis, and keep 98% of your gains, until about Aug/Sept 2011, then you haven’t even gone nearly as long as I did without losing anything. See? Six months is nothing.
(3) * EVERY VETERAN * here who has made significant gains, then took a long layoff (not 6 months), has reported size losses. Supersizeit most readily comes to mind. He made huge gains (something like 10 or more years ago), quit altogether and, in time, lost ALL of his gains.
Clubber “Wad, you fell victim to the “use it or lose it” philosophy.”
Good God, man! You’ve fallen victim to the “let’s apply a false, irrelevant analogy” ruse.
I’ll break it down slowly…
(1) PE imparts stressors to penile tissues.
(2) Those tissues respond to the stressors (by whatever “theory”).
Do you agree with me so far? If not, then you’re arguing that PE has no causal relationship to gains; at best, merely casual (perhaps its the lubricant, heating pad or powder that causes the gains?).
(3) Those stressors appear to be necessary for increased size, else your penis would’ve been growing BEFORE you ever tried PE.
(4) Upon cessation of PE, the stressors are also discontinued - as is the “need” for the body/penile tissues to respond/adapt.
This applies to all stressor-induced responses: suntanning, callous formation, hypertrophy, cardio vascular fitness, etc. Which indeed states “use it or lose it.”
Now, one might argue that all of this might refute a GvM type of response, but what about a deformation theory? Shouldn’t my tissues have remained “deformed”? Well, they did…for 3+ years.
Then I lost my size (which I had, up to that point, believed was “cemented”).
I’ve revised my PE views several times since I began PE (Aug. 2002). Indeed, most recently last fall when my losses mounted.
And, please, I’ve heard enough about cat tunicas, I’ve seen enough cross-sections of a monkey’s balls…that’s irrelevant. Certain amphibians can lose a limb, then regrow a new one.
We can’t.
That you’ll keep doing PE is your best bet. That’s the best approach.