Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Cell Recycling and Cementing Gains

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Originally Posted by Beretta92
It is a real shame Wad lost nearly all his gains. That should serve as an example of what not to do following reaching your goal, or retiring from full-time PE. I don’t think his specific experience indicates that everyone will lose all their gains eventually due to inactivity, or no maintenance program though.

Do you think that because you want to believe it or do you have a theory as to why it may not be true for everyone? I read Wad’s EtP theory, and honestly, its pretty hard to argue with it.

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

Originally Posted by Beretta92
I am curious, the statement that nobody has reported keeping at least 75% of their gains over a 5-10 year period, is this with or without consistent maintenance?

Without consistent maintenance. If I can see photo proof of members who were able to do that, then maybe Wad’s theory has a hole in it, until then, I think its the best explanation that I’ve read why PE works and why people lose gains.

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

Not at all, lampwick. I came on here, tried to ease the concerns of the new guys in this thread, wadzilla posted that, it pissed me the fuck off that he would try and scare the newbies with his “theory” and so I fired right back. Is that a problem? Half of all the theories on here either contradict each other, or they are just horse shit. That’s all.

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

Originally Posted by HardbodyPEer
Do you think that because you want to believe it or do you have a theory as to why it may not be true for everyone? I read Wad’s EtP theory, and honestly, its pretty hard to argue with it.

4+ years without PE, I didn’t lose all my gains. Wad’s theory is an excellent piece of work no doubt, but I think it doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone the same way, that’s what I was getting at. For me, it seems that the length gains are most permanent. For me at least, I’ve concluded that Wad’s theory makes the case for a doing a maintenance program once goals are met, or PE is suspended, that’s all.

It was in no way my intent to argue against his theory, rather simply add my experience to the mix. The more data we have, the more we can conclude regarding the long-term effects of PE.

Originally Posted by Beretta92
4+ years without PE, I didn’t lose all my gains. Wad’s theory is an excellent piece of work no doubt, but I think it doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone the same way, that’s what I was getting at. For me, it seems that the length gains are most permanent. For me at least, I’ve concluded that Wad’s theory makes the case for a doing a maintenance program once goals are met, or PE is suspended, that’s all.

It was in no way my intent to argue against his theory, rather simply add my experience to the mix. The more data we have, the more we can conclude regarding the long-term effects of PE.

Interesting, your the first guy that I’ve heard about who has gone so long and not lost your gains. Thanks for the input.

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

Maybe you vets can give more data about your PE gains over time, your maintnence, your loses, etc. so we can try and make some kind of sence about the cells cycle?

As far as I’m aware PE has only been around for 10 years or so, unless of course the whole claims about it dating back to Arab culture are true.

Maybe in another 10 years time, when enough people have done PE long term and then taken a substantial break will we really have an idea as to what to expect.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Originally Posted by Tossed Salad
As far as I’m aware PE has only been around for 10 years or so, unless of course the whole claims about it dating back to Arab culture are true.

Maybe in another 10 years time, when enough people have done PE long term and then taken a substantial break will we really have an idea as to what to expect.

The most succinct statement on this discussion so far.

Unfortunately with the lack of belief and legitimacy of PE in the medical arena, we may not have answers even in 20 years.

While I respect the work you have done concerning PE in the past, coming back to these boards and spreading a ‘theory’ as a ‘rule’ is both false and disingenuous. ALL theories on these boards consists of SOME secondhand medical knowledge, usually gained through online sources, combined with averages or personal experience. These THEORIES will remain theories, until such time as REAL medical research DIRECTLY concerning the tissues involved, is conducted. Your conduct recently on these boards is reminiscent of a petulant child. If your theory was correct, all medical practices and procedures would involve a “maintenance” program until such time as the affected tissue regenerated naturally, no reason to undergo any type of tissue replacement therapy at all.


We KNOW PE works, on average, for most people.

Most people with gain SOME. Some people will gain A LOT. Some people will gain NOTHING.

We are just beginning to ‘address’ loss on these boards, but I will almost guarantee that we will see the same thing there.

Most people will lose SOME. Some people will lose A LOT. Some people will lose NOTHING.

That’s what we KNOW.

Posting 'newbie' but 2+ year lurker and PEer.

Start: ~6" BPEL, ~5" MSEG (If I remember correctly) Now: 7.25" BPEL, 5.25" MSEG (After an 8 month break) GOAL: I'll be finished when I'm done.

*** ALWAYS mind your PI's and EQ's :) *** PE takes knowledge, time, and commitment. If you can't do that, you can't PE. ***

Long-lurker, great post! I agree, PE is still pretty new in terms of what long-term data we have. Cock pumps and ADS have been around for quite a while, but putting it all together in a total workout system like many of us here do, is still pretty new. I got into this in early 2002. A lot has been learned even since then.

This (losses) is a new area that seems to warrant further study. Wad’s theory does lend some good information to the mix, but it can’t be taken as the “rule” just yet. My case is a good example of that. I’m sure there are many vets here who are “retired” and on maintenance. I would like to see their info, and have that taken into account, so we can get a clearer picture of what to expect down the road.

I honestly believe I would have lost little to none of my gains, had I kept up maintenance. My most obvious observation is that most of my length stuck. I never lost the larger flaccid either, or saw very little reduction, if any. I know, the loss is very gradual, it does not appear overnight. Only when I measured a few times over a week or so, did I realize, holy shit! What happened to my girth!? I still had/have the minor stretch marks, and that slightly dark ring around my cock, basically showing the additional inch in length I still had/have following my time off. I did notice that “veiny” look had disappeared along with girth though. That has come back now, along with about all of my lost gains, since re-starting PE in September 2008.

It’s a real fucking shame, I want to kick myself! I went from a bit below average (5.5 BPEL X 4.375 EG) to about “average” at 6.6 BPEL X 4.9 EG. Then I kind of rested on my laurels…. I re-started at 6.5 BPEL X 4.6 EG on 9/1/08. We can analyze all the data, compare and everything, but I think the bottom line is that this is a lifetime thing, if we are to keep our gains.

Originally Posted by Dark Blight

And you are quite confident that stretching brought good gains to you? I hate stretching but maybe I should just do a bit more of it because I’m just mainly Jelqing at the moment and not much else.

Well I only do about 3 mins of dry jelqs and O bends, 3 nights a week. Where as I stretch for 20-40 mins 6-7 times a week. :) I think I am one of the only stretch only PE’rs here at Thunders. (Ok so I jelq but very very little.)

Good post lurker!

Tossed, there are cultures around the world that extend the penis with the thought that it helps fertility. This is my own thought, its been used for generations, in some of the pics I’ve seen, even the old men are well hung.

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

Originally Posted by bigtiny454
Good post lurker!

Tossed, there are cultures around the world that extend the penis with the thought that it helps fertility. This is my own thought, its been used for generations, in some of the pics I’ve seen, even the old men are well hung.

I just wish they’d sign up here and share their experiences. :)

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Very interesting. One of us needs to conjure a biologist into joining our community.

November 08: BPEL = 6.2

August 09: BPEL = 7.0

We have some already, Lambros (not me) :)

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