Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Cell Recycling and Cementing Gains

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I was being a smart ass on that last part, tossed. Im far from an idiot, tossed. I understand dna. There absolutely are some intelligent people on here who can answer this. If wad wants to revise his theory, and stop being so negative, he ma realize he answered his question with his own answers. There absolutely are guys here that have done this for around or more than 7 years. Yet, only a few have bitched about losing a significant amount, more than 1/4 to a 1/2 inch, of their claimed gains. I would say, through my own time spent reading on this site, that about 95% only claim a lose of less 1/2 inch. Im talking about guys that have been doing this for years. Were the hell is bib, aristocane, big girtha, bennett8, westsidetoni, etc…… to say they lost all of what they gained? did I miss their threads claming of it? If you prove me wrong, then so be it.

My apologies to most, but don’t come on here and shatter the hopes of the newest among us. That does piss people off. If you don’t know what im talking about, read this goddamn thread!

To the newbies who read/ asked a question on this thread, this stuff takes time and you will most likely succeed.

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

Mods, before you get on to me, I hit the wrong button and failed to spell check that last post. sorry.

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

Originally Posted by E man
Wad, i thought u said u lost all but 0.8’, so if what you are saying is right, then how can you explain this?

Maybe each person has a different cell cycle, and you need to be PE well into the next cycle of cells so that the new cells will consum the space by numbers and not size. just a thought.

Forum Guidelines

hardbodyper, how much do you want to bet some horny scientists are figuring out an enlargement gene right now!? In 10 years, all we will need to do is have gene therapy and presto!! You grow a 10 inch cock! cool, huh.

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

Originally Posted by bigtiny454
Thanks marinera. Some will lose, some barely nothing at all. Under your theory wad, I should have lost all the weight I gained in the past 7 years, nope its still there. What about a woman who was 100 lbs, gets pregnant, gains 50lbs . She doesn’t have to do a damn thing, she’ll be back at 100lbs in 7 years. Of course we all know that’s wrong, right? When your cells recycle, they will replace the ones you created when you stretched your pecker out.

How about the people who stretch out their ear lobes with rings the size of cigars and larger? Under your theory, their ears will be back to normal, even if they leave the rings in!

Try this for your theory. You and all who lost anything after you stopped p.e. did so because you didn’t wait til the 7 year mark to make those cells permanent. Sounds far fetched? So does what you are saying.

Wad’s point is that you will lose your gains eventually if you STOP stimulating your penis with (maintenance) excersize. That’s exactly what has happened to him. As far as I’ve read it he hasn’t said anything about losing gains while still being on a PE program. Nope, he hasn’t done any for 3 years and lost his gains, that’s what he said.

So a person who gains 50lbs will not lose weight as long as that person does not stimulate his/her body enough to lose it again. The stimulation in this case would be to follow a diet and to do cardio excersize, etc. If the person would stop eating, he/she would eventually lose that 50lbs, but realisticly speaking, would probably die of starvation before that.

I’m not a strong believer of “cementing” ones gains. You can’t maintain muscle size and fitness level when you’re not actively keep working on them, so why would PE be any different? Hell, if there were a cementing-routine for body-building then a lot more people would have been muscular I guess. It takes hard work and it must become a permanent activity in your life in order to keep your gains.
Of course, once you’ve reached your goals you can back down a bit, since you only have to do enough excersize to keep the gains, not to stimulate growth anymore. But probably a lot more than most people think you need to do. My guess is that you can’t really cut in the amount of work you do per session, but rather in the number of sessions you do per week. You can easily skip weight-lifting for a week without losing any size/strength, but skip it for weeks on end and you will lose, if not all what you’ve worked so hard for. This is, at least, what I believe, but I’m still a long way from reaching my PE goals so I have no personal experience with maintenance-routines.

Some persons may lose their gains sooner than others when they stop, just like it is the case with all other forms of excersize. I’m afraid I’ll just have to agree with Wadzilla on this one. Keep it stimulated!

My Stats:

THEN: BPEL: 5.39 inch || EG Base: 4.33 inch || BPFL: 3.23 inch || EG Mid: 4.1 inch

NOW: BPEL: 5.59 inch || EG Base: 4.33 inch || BPFL: 3.23 inch || EG Mid: 4.1 inch

Last edited by Dark Blight : 01-19-2009 at .

Originally Posted by Dark Blight
I’m not a strong believer of “cementing” ones gains. You can’t maintain muscle size and fitness level when you’re not actively keep working on them, so why would PE be any different?

Because PE isn’t bodybuilding. It has more in common with african tribes that stretch their earlobes to extreme sizes, then it does with bodybuilding. When I did stretches every day with no rest in month 4, I had one of the best gaining months I’ve ever had. When I lift weights every day, I get exhausted and think I am going to die or physically can’t lift anymore wieght.

I don’t feel too confident commenting in this topic (cementing gains) and have tried to stay out of it. It is all theoretical and hypothetical unless you have gone through it yourself. And very few people have, and alot of those that do go through it don’t post here anymore (they dissappear and rarely return). I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

I have tried to stay nice about it, and not post but I don’t even think wadzilla is qualified to talk about it. On the losses yes, on the effectiveness of maintenance, no. When asked in his original topic if he did maintenance, he didn’t even do 5 mins per day ( in the shower, piss pulls etc) and criticised how helpful 5 mins per day could be in stopping the losses, but if you don’t try you can’t say can you? That goes back to the basics of PE in the first place. It’s not real, until you try it. And the reason I tried to stay nice about it, is because if you lose all your hard earned gains, I think you have the right to be a bit pissed off and negative about things.

This is what I have summarised from this topic so far -

- No maintanence can equal total loss of gains = do some type of maintenance to ensure no big losses.
- Measure every few months during maintanence, so that if you see some gains starting to disappear you can ramp up maintanence a little higher.
- Try to go a little past your length and girth goals because some length or girth losses are inevitable (even if you aren’t a PE’r you lose size as you age).
- If you are one of the lucky ones that don’t lose much gains without mainenance, that is great but better to be safe then sorry.
- If I believed PE to be trully not permanent like muscle gains are, I would quit PE because while additional size is great, having to do so much PE for the rest of your life to maintain your size would be too much. (For me, can’t speak for others).
- Actual proof of cementing will always be hard to prove. Unlike PE itself, which can be proved by reading this forum and looking at members comparison pics, there’s no one thing that can prove you have cemented your gains. Also, if someone doesn’t do maintenance, then chances are they don’t on this forum anymore, and so these people are never heard of again. If you made a survey for people who haven’t PE’d in x years, how many have lost gains and how many haven’t.. there would be only a few people voting.

Originally Posted by bigtiny454
hardbodyper, how much do you want to bet some horny scientists are figuring out an enlargement gene right now!? In 10 years, all we will need to do is have gene therapy and presto!! You grow a 10 inch cock! cool, huh.

I’d pay a pretty penny to have this gene! Of course, not sure I would wanna be ten (although I’d want at least 9 nbpel, if I’m gonna pay for this gene) and a significant amount of girth 6.5-7, then to me, that gene would be worth like 100K.

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

For 100K I would know better things to spend it on. Yes my cock ain’t big but I wouldn’t fork out 100K to make it bigger. Well… Unless I have so much money that 100K would be mere pocket change!

Originally Posted by CubanB
Because PE isn’t bodybuilding. It has more in common with african tribes that stretch their earlobes to extreme sizes, then it does with bodybuilding. When I did stretches every day with no rest in month 4, I had one of the best gaining months I’ve ever had. When I lift weights every day, I get exhausted and think I am going to die or physically can’t lift anymore wieght.

So true! I know that you can’t really compare the two but I meant it more in a way like this: Almost all the things you wan’t to improve about your body need constant maintenance to last, so how would PE be any different? ;) And you are quite confident that stretching brought good gains to you? I hate stretching but maybe I should just do a bit more of it because I’m just mainly Jelqing at the moment and not much else.

My Stats:

THEN: BPEL: 5.39 inch || EG Base: 4.33 inch || BPFL: 3.23 inch || EG Mid: 4.1 inch

NOW: BPEL: 5.59 inch || EG Base: 4.33 inch || BPFL: 3.23 inch || EG Mid: 4.1 inch

Who said that the “African earlobes” doesn’t shrink back also? Who said that the long neck thing won’t shrink back?

Was there any study on those subjects, i’m sure someone put some earlobe tisseu under the lens..

I can add something to this discussion. I made decent, but not great gains in my first year+ of PE. I was healthier and younger during that time. I took nearly 4 years off PE with little to no maintenance. During my time off, I was less healthy (began smoking again, among other things). I did lose gains. Not all my gains, but some of the gains. I did the occasional “piss-pull” during my time away from PE, but that’s the extent of it. In a nutshell, I lost .1” (1/10 inch) length, and .3” (just under 1/3”) girth from inactivity over nearly 4 years. MOST of the LENGTH stuck, I lost a little more than HALF the girth I had gained. (I had originally gained 1.1” length, and .55” girth)

I am back at PE full-time as of 9/1/08. I have updated my stats and routine on the PE data site. Check it out for a more in-depth look. I’m beginning to gain again, but it is not as fast/easy this time around. Age and health are factors I am certain, but it is starting to get better as I work harder and longer.

My take is this: Wadzilla’s situation is indicative of the far end of the spectrum. Mine is in the middle. Those that have lost nothing are the lucky ones at the top. Everyone will fit in somewhere, but I am certain that most will lose at least some percentage of their gains over time without maintenance. The “use it or lose it” theory does apply here, in that maintenance is a MUST after reaching our goals. I do look at it somewhat like weight lifting. Don’t maintain it, you will likely lose much of it over time. I know, been there/done that myself. In my late teens/early 20s I was cut and in great shape. I’m fit now, but almost all that muscle mass is gone. I haven’t lifted in nearly 15 years!

Eman, the tribes usually leave the rings in their ears, around their necks etc… to keep them stretched so it won’t shrink. That’s their “maintenance program”. But, according to wadzillas thread and theory, no matter what, cell recycling will cause their ears to shrink back even if the rings are there to maintain the stretch! What do you think a maintenance program is? To keep it stretched.

Berreta9, thanks for your input. Its just proof there is a broad range of things that will happen.

CubanB, you are 100% right. You put it beautifully. I believe what the vast majority of vets say, to maintain what you have, a maintenance program is required.

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

Originally Posted by bigtiny454
Eman, the tribes usually leave the rings in their ears, around their necks etc… to keep them stretched so it won’t shrink. That’s their “maintenance program”. But, according to wadzillas thread and theory, no matter what, cell recycling will cause their ears to shrink back even if the rings are there to maintain the stretch! What do you think a maintenance program is? To keep it stretched.

Actually according to Wadzilla’s Elasticity to plasticity theory, these tribes people would need even less maintenance to keep their tissue stretched than to have a ring holding it in a stretched position. Wad’s EtP theory states that maintenance takes a lot less effort to maintain plasticity than it took to create the plasticity because cells regenerating at different times and once a cell becomes plastic, it stays that way permanently. So when you maintain, (jelq, stretch, whatever) you are working only the new cells. The analogy given was that it is hard to bend 40 metal coat hangers, but its easy to bend one or two of them.

Basically in a nutshell, according to Wad’s theory, you can get away with a minimal maintenance routine, but unless you have this minimal routine, your gains will disappear. If you go back and read the theory, it makes a lot of sense. Wad is obviously an intelligent guy and his theory has been well thought out. It may be incorrect, but the theory fits what he has experienced perfectly, and what many others have experienced considering no one has ever reported keeping at least 75% of their gains over a 5-10 year period.

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

It is a real shame Wad lost nearly all his gains. That should serve as an example of what not to do following reaching your goal, or retiring from full-time PE. I don’t think his specific experience indicates that everyone will lose all their gains eventually due to inactivity, or no maintenance program though. I think it sets a baseline. Obviously gains will be lost over time, but how much? Can regular maintenance completely avert this? I would really like to see more exploration of this topic. More input from the “old vets” would help to get everyone more informed. Who else has lost how much, and over how long, since quitting PE? Doing maintenance, or not? Great topic for further study, and/or a poll…

It’s now just a couple months short of 7 years since I first started PE. I am pretty confident that I would not have realized the losses I did, had I simply done maintenance during my 4+ years off. Maybe I’m wrong?
Live and learn I guess, but I won’t make the same mistake again! I’m almost back to where I was before my time off, and it’s been 4 1/2 months of damn hard work.

I am curious, the statement that nobody has reported keeping at least 75% of their gains over a 5-10 year period, is this with or without consistent maintenance?

Originally Posted by bigtiny454

I was being a smart ass on that last part, tossed. Im far from an idiot, tossed. I understand dna. There absolutely are some intelligent people on here who can answer this. If wad wants to revise his theory, and stop being so negative, he ma realize he answered his question with his own answers. There absolutely are guys here that have done this for around or more than 7 years. Yet, only a few have bitched about losing a significant amount, more than 1/4 to a 1/2 inch, of their claimed gains. I would say, through my own time spent reading on this site, that about 95% only claim a lose of less 1/2 inch. Im talking about guys that have been doing this for years. Were the hell is bib, aristocane, big girtha, bennett8, westsidetoni, etc…… to say they lost all of what they gained? did I miss their threads claming of it? If you prove me wrong, then so be it.

My apologies to most, but don’t come on here and shatter the hopes of the newest among us. That does piss people off. If you don’t know what im talking about, read this goddamn thread!

To the newbies who read/ asked a question on this thread, this stuff takes time and you will most likely succeed.

Are your hopes that easily shattered, bigtiny454?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by bigtiny454

My apologies to most, but don’t come on here and shatter the hopes of the newest among us. That does piss people off. If you don’t know what im talking about, read this goddamn thread!

To the newbies who read/ asked a question on this thread, this stuff takes time and you will most likely succeed.

This is actually a valid concern in my opinion. For the sake of those just beginning, and trying to absorb all the info they can, it would be a good idea to stress to them that gains will need to be “maintained” forever. If I were just starting PE for the first time, I might have been a little discouraged by reading that my gains, if I even got them, likely would not be permanent.

Starting out, luckily I did read enough to know that gains would likely be mostly permanent if maintained. Why then did I not do it myself for 4+ years? Pretty fucking stupid on my part, and I paid the price!

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