Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Cell Recycling and Cementing Gains

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Originally Posted by long_lurker



While I respect the work you have done concerning PE in the past, coming back to these boards and spreading a ‘theory’ as a ‘rule’ is both false and disingenuous.


long_lurker, while I respect your opinion, saying that Wad has been spreading a ‘theory’ as a ‘rule’ is both false and disingenuous. I’ve read the whole thread, and Wad’s two posts in this thread. If he’s spreading a ‘theory’ as a ‘rule’, it hasn’t been in this thread.

wadzilla - Cell Recycling and Cementing Gains

wadzilla - Cell Recycling and Cementing Gains

In fact, in the second post, he leads off with “That’s odd because I haven’t heard any valid “counter-points” to my theory”.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by bigtiny454
Not at all, lampwick. I came on here, tried to ease the concerns of the new guys in this thread, wadzilla posted that, it pissed me the fuck off that he would try and scare the newbies with his “theory” and so I fired right back. Is that a problem? Half of all the theories on here either contradict each other, or they are just horse shit. That’s all.

What’s scary about the prospect that PE works, but that you need to do something to maintain your gains?

Wad was reporting his experience. He made good gains and lost them. Why do you suppose that he’s reporting that he lost size? Because he’s proud of losing size? Do you really think he’s posting that to scare anyone?

Anyone who is that easily scared probably should not PE. You’ve got to gain the size before you lose it, and long before THAT happens… you could HURT yourself! Ever look at the Injuries / Treatments forum? Scary!

Now, do you suppose that I brought up injuries to try to scare even more newbies away from PE? Maybe we should eliminate the Injuries/Treatments forum?

Or maybe a newbie should be aware that injuries can happen, and gains can be lost, but appropriate knowledge and caution improves your odds of avoiding both.

I see Wad’s post as a reality check. You don’t weightlift and gain, completely drop your routine and expect to maintain your gains.

You don’t diet, lose weight, and then abandon your diet and expect to maintain your results.

I wouldn’t do PE, gain, completely stop PE and expect to maintain my gains.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Err, just saw Lamp’s post. Co-signing that brilliant analogy.

Not sure if anyone has elaborated this.but this is my thesis..

You would not work your fanny off to get an 8 pack and quit after 3 years of “cementing” the said 8 pack of abs would you?

No? And why is that?

Whatever answer is conjured in you, apply to your penis.

The body is like a car. Maintenance is mandatory, not optional (if you want your car to last a good while, that is.).

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
I think it’d be wise to stick to some kind of PE for life, both to prevent losses, and simply to maintain penile health as one ages. A regular, moderate program of jelqing or pumping is good for the penis. I can see how it might be hard to keep motivation to stretch or hang after reaching one’s PE goals — since these exercises don’t provide any direct benefits besides possible enlargement — but I doubt that one needs to keep hanging, specifically, to maintain one’s hanging gains, for example. I personally am trying to to adopt a semi-regular pumping program in my “PE retirement” in order to cultivate general penis health, gradually correct my leftward curve, and prevent the loss of the gains I made via hanging.

Amen Brotha! I agree with this! I also agree with WAD gains are not permanent some maintenance must be in place. Smooth muscle is like any other muscle it can grow or shrink. If you grow skeletal muscle you have smooth muscle to go with it (blood vessels,Arteries and veins). Often times when an athelete clogs up the arteries in thier heart the heart often re-routes clogged arteries by making new ones.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Amnesis, kingpole:

Stop scaring the newbies! :)

— Lampwick

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Wow lampwick! Keep drinking the kool-aid!!

Wadzilla IS going around spreading his “theory” as a goddamn rule! If you disagree with it, all the followers attack!

Lampwick, I had no idea you were here to destroy people’s hope of achieving a little happiness, a dream, or whatever you want to call it, with a dumb ass “theory”.

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

Somebody wants a kool-aid glass? :gulp:

Lampwick has no desires to destroy people’ hope, bigtiny, I think you are missing his points. You can like Wad’ theory or not, but it’s not the case to react so bad: theories are just an attempt to explain what happened, in the hope to find means to predict the future. Even wrong theories are a good thing, and Wad has done an appreciable effort thinking on this topic, and is also a good thing that his is sharing his thinking. It’s also normal that he defend his theory.

Wadzilla is an intelligent man and a valuable member; somebody could agree that his style is sometimes a bit aggressive, but it’s just that: style. Don’t judge a book basing only on the cover, right?

Marinera, like I said before, I have read through that theory 3 times now. It really seemed like he was forcing an answer to his own problem. That was what I gathered from it. Then I read through a lot of his posts and they seem to come off very negative in relation to his theory. There are SOME good points, that found or fit better in others theories.

There is no doubt about it, wadzilla is a veteran at this. Wadzilla is far from an idiot, he did his research, but even the most intelligent among fall flat on their face with what it is that they do. There are other theories that are flawed. I don’t see them being forced, or if someone criticized it they get attacked. Be civilized about it, realize none of you have an absolute answer, except that p.e. works!

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

Originally Posted by bigtiny454
Wow lampwick! Keep drinking the kool-aid!!

Wadzilla IS going around spreading his “theory” as a goddamn rule! If you disagree with it, all the followers attack!

Lampwick, I had no idea you were here to destroy people’s hope of achieving a little happiness, a dream, or whatever you want to call it, with a dumb ass “theory”.

bigtiny454, that is wrong in so many ways.

You still haven’t shown where Wad has ever represented his theory as a rule.

Not everyone who agrees with Wad is a follower, so that is an inaccurate characterization.

If someone disagrees with you, that does not automatically make it an attack.

Is it the bigtiny454 theory that everyone who does not disagree with Wad is out to destroy hope, or is that the bigtiny454 rule?

And you still haven’t answered my question. What’s scary about the prospect that PE works, but that you need to do something to maintain your gains?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

OK, time for me to throw a spanner in the works! :chuckle:

After my initial gains, I stopped all forms of PE nearly 6.5 years ago - I’ve done absolutely no maintenance, yet almost all my gains have remained. In fact, I measure larger than my last set of pics posted here way back in 2002 …… Mr Wadzilla, please explain. Am I a freak of nature? Perhaps the exception that proves your “rule”? I don’t think so and I can post recent pics to substantiate my claims.

I read Mr Wadzilla’s “theory”, or started to, but quickly realised that it, despite what I’m sure was a lot of well intentioned hard work, was ultimately of very little scientific value …. except perhaps as a personal learning experience and as a cautionary tale for newbies on how not to write a theory!

Firstly, coming from an academic background, I have a real problem with the title. A theory is an hypothesis that has been tested. To have a theory you must first have an hypothesis because if you don’t, your theory is no more than a skewed opinion. And while everybody is entitled to an opinion, to have scientific value any study must remain totally objective and this most certainly isn’t. The “study” consists of one participant supported by some fairly tenuous and selective anecdotal evidence. However, if you include my documented PE history, the fragile precepts on which this whole “theory” is supposedly based collapses unceremoniously.

Secondly, the science …. or lack thereof. A lot of pseudo-science, unbridled speculation and posturing, but a noticeable lack of anything of real substance. Seriously, Mr Wadzilla, if you were in my class at university, you’d be asked to perhaps consider a more appropriate course choice …. Interpretative Dance anyone? A more empirical approach is what’s needed here, not nebulous subjective speculation.

And these old chestnuts about bodybuilders losing it all once they stop training - of course they do! The excess muscle turns to fat and is absorbed by the body (if you’re lucky!). Even if you inject the penis with “fat”, or have fat grafts sewn under the skin of the penis, the enhanced girth is only temporary - most is reabsorbed by the body and in some cases in as little as 2 years. An analogy between PE and gains accrued by bodybuilding is inaccurate.

Will somebody tell me why so many proponents of PE cite exotic African or South American cultural practices as proof that it works when all the evidence you need is far closer to home? Just take a look at your spouse, mother or grandmother. It is painfully apparent that age and gravity are cruel masters to the average woman’s bosom, especially if left unsupported. Yet Mr Wadzilla’s “theory” would have us believe that tissue regeneration would magically make them shrink back to their nubile beauty ……. I don’t think so. Perhaps the image of sagging women’s breasts is not as marketable as colourful tribal practices. :chuckle:

I don’t know why I’ve kept my gains and Mr Wadzilla hasn’t kept his, and we can speculate as much as we like but we should remember that, that’s all it is, speculation. What works for some doesn’t work for others. There are so many variables that have to be taken into account - age, ethnicity, disciplines, duration - the answers are not as simplistic as Mr Wadzilla propounds and I’m living evidence of that. So, before we can start making any valuable assumptions, there needs to be a series of strictly controlled studies with people in white coats and, to be honest, I can’t see that happening anytime soon - the planet and its inhabitants, have far more pressing problems to address.

In conclusion, I don’t believe that I’m the lone voice in a wilderness of FUD. The way I look at it is that I’m still significantly bigger than I was when I started …. and wasn’t that the whole purpose of the exercise? And unless the Penis Envy Fairy pays me an unwelcome visit one night, after 6.5 years of doing nothing PE related, I’ll wager that my gains are here to stay.

lil1 :lep:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

Lampwick, I’m not the only one who is seeing what we have been arguing about.

Yeah, when you post that all gains will be lost if you don’t do a program to maintain what you have worked for, for the rest of your life, is a scare tactic of sorts, and is false. Some will need to, some won’t. How else do you want me to keep answering your questions?

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

Originally Posted by bigtiny454

Lampwick, I’m not the only one who is seeing what we have been arguing about.

Yeah, when you post that all gains will be lost if you don’t do a program to maintain what you have worked for, for the rest of your life, is a scare tactic of sorts, and is false. Some will need to, some won’t. How else do you want me to keep answering your questions?

And when did I post that?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Ouch! lil12big1. That was a hard left blow to the nutsack of this discussion. keep it up! Where is MagnumXL to explain his story? Or anyone else for that matter who is on the other side of this discussion?

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

Originally Posted by bigtiny454
Ouch! lil12big1. That was a hard left blow to the nutsack of this discussion. keep it up! Where is MagnumXL to explain his story? Or anyone else for that matter who is on the other side of this discussion?

I never realised people were pledging allegiance to sides now. :)

Just an observation but you’ve complained about Wad trying to force his views on others (I can kind of agree, he tends to take things a little personal sometimes), but what about you?

Seems this has become more personal then scientific.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Originally Posted by lil12big1
So, before we can start making any valuable assumptions, there needs to be a series of strictly controlled studies with people in white coats and, to be honest, I can’t see that happening anytime soon - the planet and its inhabitants, have far more pressing problems to address.

I guess we’d better abandon the field of PE, then, since very little of PE actually has science as a basis from which to make “any valuable assumptions” about what does and doesn’t work.

So, stop the jelqing, stop the stretching, and put down the pump and walk away from it with your hands up so that we can see them.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

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