Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Cell Recycling and Cementing Gains

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Originally Posted by wadzilla
Yet, your length claims are quite high. In fact, only 2 other folks in this forum (that I can think of) have made similar staggering EL claims (2” or more in 6 months or less): dld or horsehung - both of whom were flamed WILDLY in this forum.
Make what you will of my theory; I’ll make what I will of your claims.

So your scientific attitude is : “If I’m short on arguments I’ll call you a liar?”. Just curious.

Originally Posted by MagnumXXL01
Maybe instead of you guys having a pissing match why don’t some of the members let us know if they’ve lost any gains after stopping PE? I’m still PE’ing so I can’t give an answer yet, but I am interested in whats gonna happen when I quit PE after I reach my goals.

When the question comes up, as it does from time to time, about the permanency of gains and what (if anything) you need to do to maintain them, I always consider it somewhat hypothetical for me. As I’ve said before, I would PE just for the penile health/ increased EQ benefits alone. I can’t imagine not doing some kind of PE going forward in the future.

Once you’ve reached your goals, would you really just drop PE?

So to answer your question, sort of, I don’t intend to ever stop PE to find out if I lose my gains.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by marinera

So your scientific attitude is : “If I’m short on arguments I’ll call you a liar?”. Just curious.

I think that’s something of an extrapolation from Wad’s statements, marinera, and not entirely fair.

Anyone here is perfectly free to be as skeptical as they like about anyone else’s theories or anyone else’s gains. It’s one thing to say “I don’t believe you”; it’s quite another to call someone a liar. Disbelief can have many causes (including merely insufficient data), while calling someone a liar attributes bad intent to their representation.

I hope all of us here can disagree without being disagreeble, or attributing bad intent where none exists or is intended.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Lampwick, I have been civil about this. I have been careful to keep within the forum guidelines, But you had to refer to them. This is what most people online do. Things get heated a bit, and most moderators start to revert back to that.

Lampwick, if you thought I meant “you” as in lampwick, I apologize. I meant “you” as in the veterans of this board.

Tossed, stay out of it.

Rootcap, are you suggesting I’m whining like you of your kids? I am just standing my ground on what I believe. I called out wadzilla because of his idea of cell recycling. Is that a problem? I have been doing this since august 07 and I know I don’t have a lot of experience with this. What I do know though is, I have read and utilized a lot of knowledge from you guys. I am going to question someone when what they say isn’t right. Wadzillas theory isn’t 100% wrong, nor is it new. I have read that in others theories/thoughts, also. Some believe in his thoughts on cell recycling, some don’t.

Also, I view this site on my tmobile wing. I can’t link stuff, or do a lot of what I see you guys do. Its a pain in the ass to even type out a long post. So forgive me if my posts aren’t as well put as yours. All of you make good counter points, and I do take into consideration, all of them. I strive for as much info on all that has to do with p.e., so keep it coming with your thoughts!

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

Originally Posted by wadzilla
A few more thoughts:

Lil12big1, you mention the folks in “white coats”…well, they have spoken on this GvM model regarding PE (perhaps you haven’t heard) – they unanimously REJECT it.

I’m waiting for references.

Originally Posted by wadzilla
As for the so-called “science” supporting a GvM model (regarding PE), please. That’s bullshit. No such research exists. If you think you have it, then forward it to the NEMJ – or some other academic journal (you’ll be famous!).

So you have an article published on some academic journal that explains how penis growth (as a consequence of PE) happens? I’ve never seen. Why not sharing?

Originally Posted by wadzilla
* In hypertrophy, actual mass it increased; in PE, only area (albeit, during erection more blood is pooled in the penis).

* In hypertrophy, actual mass it increased; in PE, only area (albeit, during erection more blood is pooled in the penis).


That’s what you do believe: where are the proofs?

Originally Posted by wadzilla
* For an idea of PE “growth,” consider a balloon – not a biceps.

Again, this is your model; you should prove it’s true in the real world.

Originally Posted by wadzilla
* In PE, enlargement occurs not from an aggregation, but from a stretching – and even a thinning – of structures (the reason that the penis can get “thicker” as the structures are thinning is that the walls of those structures are thinning, while the blood-holding spaces enlarge; and as the tunica thins, its area increases).

As above. Also: if the tunica is becoming thinner while gaining from PE, we should have more injuries the more we do PE. It seems the adverse happens in the real world: most of injuries are experienced by newbies.

Originally Posted by wadzilla
* As elasticity is used up, enlargement occurs [EtP]; as plasticity is replaced by (newer) elasticity, shrinkage occurs [PtE].

You are mixing concepts with material entities, IMHO. ‘Elasticity’ and ‘plasticity’ aren’t real things.

Originally Posted by wadzilla
What point?

I’m back to around a 2:1 FE….PtE.

That’s right, my flaccid losses are not proportional to my erect losses – they’re greater. Now, my weenie balloons up more during tumescence (i.e., “more elastic”).

That completes the cycle.

What If you had more smooth muscle when PEing? What if a better local blood-flow? What a constant semi-erect state? What if less connective tissue? And finally: what, again, means ‘elasticity’ and ‘plasticity’ in concrete?

Originally Posted by bigtiny454

Lampwick, I have been civil about this. I have been careful to keep within the forum guidelines, But you had to refer to them. This is what most people online do. Things get heated a bit, and most moderators start to revert back to that.

Lampwick, if you thought I meant “you” as in lampwick, I apologize. I meant “you” as in the veterans of this board.

Tossed, stay out of it.

Rootcap, are you suggesting I’m whining like you of your kids? I am just standing my ground on what I believe. I called out wadzilla because of his idea of cell recycling. Is that a problem? I have been doing this since august 07 and I know I don’t have a lot of experience with this. What I do know though is, I have read and utilized a lot of knowledge from you guys. I am going to question someone when what they say isn’t right. Wadzillas theory isn’t 100% wrong, nor is it new. I have read that in others theories/thoughts, also. Some believe in his thoughts on cell recycling, some don’t.

Also, I view this site on my tmobile wing. I can’t link stuff, or do a lot of what I see you guys do. Its a pain in the ass to even type out a long post. So forgive me if my posts aren’t as well put as yours. All of you make good counter points, and I do take into consideration, all of them. I strive for as much info on all that has to do with p.e., so keep it coming with your thoughts!

bigtiny454, thanks for the apology as far as it goes.

Just to make things clear on where I saw the problem with Forum Guidelines and civility: when you said “Go get some sleep, or put down the bong, or whatever it is that’s keeping you from figuring out what I’m talking about.” you are suggesting that I am too sleepy, too intoxicated or too impaired in some other way to understand you. I understand you; I just don’t agree with you, and that’s OK here, both ways. It’s wrong when you suggest that another member is deficient in some way if they disagree.

The use of “you” is something to be careful about. I hope that the problem with wording things in that way is clearer to you now, where that formulation seems to attribute a position to me that I do not hold. In addition, I don’t think that anyone can say that the veterans here are of one mind on much of anything other than that PE generally works to varying degrees.

As for telling Tossed to stay out of it, that is not for you to say. You can respond or not to Tossed, as you choose, but he has as much right to be here and comment as you do.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
Anyone here is perfectly free to be as skeptical as they like about anyone else’s theories or anyone else’s gains. It’s one thing to say “I don’t believe you”; it’s quite another to call someone a liar. Disbelief can have many causes (including merely insufficient data), while calling someone a liar attributes bad intent to their representation.

Oh, thank you. So I’ll emend that post:

So, Wad, your scientific attitude is :”If I’m short on arguments than I’ll say that I don’t believe to your data because I don’t believe to anyone else that doesn’t report my same experiences and I’ll underline that your gains cannot be believed even if supported by pics - but without expressly saying that you are saying lies” ?

Originally Posted by Lampwick
I think that’s something of an extrapolation from Wad’s statements, marinera, and not entirely fair.

Anyone here is perfectly free to be as skeptical as they like about anyone else’s theories or anyone else’s gains. It’s one thing to say “I don’t believe you”; it’s quite another to call someone a liar. Disbelief can have many causes (including merely insufficient data), while calling someone a liar attributes bad intent to their representation.

I hope all of us here can disagree without being disagreeble, or attributing bad intent where none exists or is intended.

But we all fucking know what the intent was there Lampwick, don’t we?

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Originally Posted by bigtiny454
Lampwick, I have been civil about this. I have been careful to keep within the forum guidelines, But you had to refer to them. This is what most people online do. Things get heated a bit, and most moderators start to revert back to that.

Lampwick, if you thought I meant “you” as in lampwick, I apologize. I meant “you” as in the veterans of this board.

Tossed, stay out of it.

Rootcap, are you suggesting I’m whining like you of your kids? I am just standing my ground on what I believe. I called out wadzilla because of his idea of cell recycling. Is that a problem? I have been doing this since august 07 and I know I don’t have a lot of experience with this. What I do know though is, I have read and utilized a lot of knowledge from you guys. I am going to question someone when what they say isn’t right. Wadzillas theory isn’t 100% wrong, nor is it new. I have read that in others theories/thoughts, also. Some believe in his thoughts on cell recycling, some don’t.

Also, I view this site on my tmobile wing. I can’t link stuff, or do a lot of what I see you guys do. Its a pain in the ass to even type out a long post. So forgive me if my posts aren’t as well put as yours. All of you make good counter points, and I do take into consideration, all of them. I strive for as much info on all that has to do with p.e., so keep it coming with your thoughts!

Maybe to keep your ass out of a sling in the future, you had best lighten up on calling people out eh? Maybe substitute “discuss” for “caling out”?

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Originally Posted by marinera
Oh, thank you. So I’ll emend that post:

So, Wad, your scientific attitude is :”If I’m short on arguments than I’ll say that I don’t believe to your data because I don’t believe to anyone else that doesn’t report my same experiences and I’ll underline that your gains cannot be believed even if supported by pics - but without expressly saying that you are saying lies” ?


Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

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Maybe there is another in between thing.
From a little reading i made i noticed girth fade away faster then lenght, maybe unfortunatly wadz is right, when you PE you only expand the cells and make the dick look bigger, but while you do this you also get your hidden pines out and make new vains in it, those won’t disapear.

So maybe lil12big1 actualy never pumped the cells for some biological reasons, but only pulled it out and made few new vains in it aswell, and there for it is permenent.

This can explain why girth fade more, maybe it easyer to pull it out then to make new vains.

Maybe we can be more synthetic. Maybe we just don’t know how penis gains happen.

My ass is in a sling here, thunder? I don’t think so! I’m not the one forcing a bullshit theory on other people. For god sake people, his 1st post was meant that way! As is a lot of his (wad) other posts.. Boy goddamn, maybe, just maybe, I don’t buy a “forced to come to one conclusion” theory. I know I have read posts of wadzillas that he fully suggests no matter what, cell recycling will cause us all to revert back to our original size within 7 years. Did he mean it that way? I don’t know. But if he did, I’m “calling” him out on it.

Did I misspell “calling out” thunder?

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

Understood, thunder.

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

Thread Closed

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