Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Clamping 101 - The clamping guide

Does anyone air clamp or had results doing so?

Seems like it would be a much better option, easier to perform and perhaps safer as you can monitor and gradually build pressure over time.

Outside of monty I’ve rarely seen it discussed.

I was considering buying this baby blood pressure device since Montys air clamp is no longer for sale

https://www.all … m82inf&s=&c=PAS

Btw if anyone does have a monty air clamp they’d like to sell please let me know.

My Journey

My Vision 9*6

I have a question about clamping:

Is it safe to say that cable clamp clamping will more or less always create a baseball bat shape? (i.e. more gains towards the top of the shaft)?

Guys just wondering if anyone has some sort of explanation for this? If I clamp with 1 or 2 at the base as in normal clamping I get decent expansion but get instant blackness after that from experience will lead to discolouration but if I multiple clamp (clamp coffin) I get a massive expansion but no blackness just a redness at the end? I thought the opposite would happen and it would be a discolouration mess?

I’ve always wondered who the model is for those pictures and others. That dude is built like a barbarian!

Originally Posted by NitricRush
I’ve always wondered who the model is for those pictures and others. That dude is built like a barbarian!

According to a post on the first page of this thread, it’s brianrex. He hasn’t been active here since 2010.

Originally Posted by xlmagnum
That is BrianRex in those pics. When remek was looking for pics on clamping, I told him that Rex had all the ones he’d need.

This is a very resourceful thread, remek. Thanks for the hard work. :up:

xlmagnum - Clamping 101 - The clamping guide

Start 11/30/17: 6” BPEL, 4.25" MSEG - My Progress Report

Latest 1/29/20: 7" BPEL, 4.75" MSEG - My Progress Photos

I broke my third cable clamp today :’(

My name is sarcastic.

Other ways to clampjelq

I am new to this board but not new to PE. I will comment every now and then and I will also tell what has and what hasn’t worked for me. If I use a supplier’s name (so that some interested can check out the product) I want you to know ahead of time that I have no affiliation with anyone mentioned and that I have paid full price for all product(s) and do not receive anything for any recommendation. Also, just because something worked for me (or didn’t) doesn’t mean that anyone else will have the same results. So this post is about clamping/jelqing. I tried the hand jelq method for a while and it may work for some but for me I was always questioning if I was doing it the correct way, was I apply enough or too much pressure, was I doing enough sets or reps, etc. I found out about jelqing rings and gave them a try. I really like them and after using them my penis knows that it has had a good workout. I also tried the cable clamping but I could not get it right and it was too uncomfortable and bulky. These rings can be ordered in different sizes and they come 5 to a set. You can add how many you desire for your needs. They also come with a direction DVD that is very useful. They have a lot of products but the only products I have ordered are these rings. I would suggest only ordering the DuraGauge because the smaller rings were not very durable and I get a lot more out of the DuraGauge. I also use the larger size (3.00) for full package. I use these to add pressure to the D. Vein when having sex and it works great. I sometimes may wear 3 at a time. They are very comfortable, even the ones for clamping (they do an incredible job and easy to use). I believe the size I use for clamping is the 2.5 and it is tight (I am 6”-6.5” at the base) and I use 5 rings at a time for clamping. They have a new version out called the Version 2 Ring that I will be ordering soon. These may be a little pricey for some but I would suggest saving up and giving them a try. They are worth it. The website is myhardwear. Com or allknight. Com and I hope that I am not breaking any rules by putting them in this post.

I hope that some here give these a try. I will tell you that I have not used them regularly so I do not have any gains to report from them. I am doing other things and sometimes I over work my penis. I do these rings when I really want to see my penis at it’s max.


I use simple plastic round ring, or some silicon puzzle ring

Bpel-7.35" , Mseg-5.39"

I want to wear and ADS after the clamping session so it heals in an elongated state does that make any sense?

Hi everyone,

I made a post a few pages back outlining the routine I was using and asking for advice because I wasn’t seeing any permanent gains after months.

I tried pushing a 3x10min every other day since June /July and I’ve not seen any results.

I’ve done a ton of reading here lately and there are a bunch of old posts about people clamping everyday or 5x a week and I’m thinking I need to try that extreme again.

Currently I wrap with a mouse pad and get a semi before applying clamp and building erection. The clamp is at the base, positioned hinge down, it’s tight enough I can’t move it up very much, I don’t turn blue/black, I wear silicone cock ring after, I edge mainly and have experimented with pulling up on clamp to increase pressure.

I’ve tried keeping to 3x10 eod, I’ve also tried clamping up 6 sets eod over the last several months but can’t get anything to stick around.

I get great expansion and it seems I’m doing everything correct but nothing stays longer than a day or two.

I see the reaction during sex from my temporary gains and am getting very discouraged they keep fading away. Please, if anyone has any advice I’d appreciate it.

I should add I’ve also tried periods of including heat, either through alternating bathmate and clamping sets or applying rice sock while clamped. I’ve stopped pumping as it’s inconvenient and seemingly ineffective when added to my clamping routine.

I thought the whole idea with clamping is making the penis purple/blue then after 10-15mins restore blood circulation. I thought the cut off blood supply was the catalyst to growth.

I think the purpose is cutting off outflow from outer veins while allowing inflow from inner arteries.I think I get better expansion when my clamp is not fully tight, and when I do some form of edging or jelqing inside the clamp

Originally Posted by Thickcanadian
I should add I’ve also tried periods of including heat, either through alternating bathmate and clamping sets or applying rice sock while clamped. I’ve stopped pumping as it’s inconvenient and seemingly ineffective when added to my clamping routine.

From my work of research, I have found out as well the “magic” number seems to be 5 days on 2 days off with clamping. So I’m trying to stick around that regimen. Most the time I do a 3 day on 1 day off but I try to stay around 5/2 as much as I can. I think it’s a combination of high stimuli/stress to a good repair and heal break and then repeat combination kind of thing.

But sounds like your doing things correctly. One thing I might add, if your conditioned enough at this point, being those sets up to 15 min now. Even if it’s doing two 15 min sets instead of 10. 15 also seems to be the magic number because it’s the longest you can go without potentially harming the unit by cutting off the oxygen to the blood for too long.

Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report

Looking For Girth Gains

I’m fairly new to PE but have been doing it for 3 weeks, I have noticed a little difference in flaccid but not much else. I’m not really looking for length because I’m at least average there 5.7 erect my problem is girth. I’m extremely skinny and an looking for ideas. I want to start clamping but I’m not sure if I’m conditioned enough yet. Any help on just girth gains would be greatly appreciated!


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