Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Clamping 101 - The clamping guide

I’m not sure what the going wisdom is on heating while clamped, but I personally think that’s something that could help mitigate the potentially disastrous injuries that I believe clamping is easily capable of causing.

I hope you can forgive me for beating a dead horse here, but I have to say this directly to you unhung1. I know you’re really focused and dedicated to making this work, which is great and I’m sure you can be successful. I’m just really nervous from the tone of some of your posts that you’re dancing with a serious and potentially devastating injury. Please remind yourself consistently not to approach it with the idea of being as erect as humanly possible and clamping down as tightly as possible and forcing expansion as aggressively as possible. I understand that impulse, but when I was exercising from that mindset I completely lost erectile function in my spongiosum for almost a decade. It’s only now starting to recover. There are real horror stories on this site and they can very easily happen to any of us. It’s not something to view as somebody else’s misfortune.

Just try to keep your exercises a few steps below maximum intensity and you will see much better results than you will if you try to force results through overzealous punishing exercises that will almost undoubtedly harm you. We are coaxing growth responses, and it’s much more like luring a turtle out of its shell more than it is like yanking the turtle’s head off.

Anyway, I know this is repetitious and more than a little pedagogic, but I’m warning people from a place a very negative and very real personal experience. Good luck.

Well said Golddinger. All of my clamping is done heated and I do feel it supports the process, although my metrics are all qualitative.

I also agree with easing into the clamp. Personally I allow my erections to subside through the set and use a top clamp below the glans to carefully maintain pressure as my erection subsides.

Originally Posted by Golddinger
…it’s much more like luring a turtle out of its shell more than it is like yanking the turtle’s head off.

Love this!

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

I must begrudgingly admit I think I read that metaphor somewhere else on here, it definitely draws a picture!

Guys, I need some advice on clamping. During the session my dick expand a lot over 0,5cm more in girth, there are two problem I notice: 1) my balls come more near to the body of the penis after session and they doesn’t hang as usual. Probably because I took clamp to much near the base of the penis near the balls?

2) My Eq get worse if I overcame 10minute session but when my dick is clamped the sensations are good. It’s possible that 2 session of 5 minutes are too much or probably the combination with dry jelq is the problem with eq?

I want to fix this problem because i want to came back to my clamp session; for now i’m doing only pump that are improving my eq.

[Goal]🐃: 20NBPEL,16MSEG

2021-22: 18NBP/14MSEG

Alessio, I would suggest that if you’re experiencing eq problems from clamping you should consider either stopping clamping or clamping at a much reduced intensity. A point I keep trying to drive home is that the expansion you see while clamped is not growth. Pushing the tissues to the state where they temporarily swell unnaturally large is not one and the same as true cellular growth, and it shouldn’t be viewed that way exactly.

When jelqing properly, the type and amount of stress is typically high enough to trigger growth responses but low enough not to cause significant injury or trigger tissue fibrification/ the growth of scar tissue. Most people, if they are like me when I was clamping, get so excited to see their penis so much larger than normal so they think this means they’re on the right track, go for more and mroe intensity and then the next day they’re turtling and their penis is trying to create tougher fibers to be better able to resist the stress they were just put under. And then they end up seriously injuring themselves or with a permanently rubbery penis.

If you really want to stick with clamping, it sounds like you really ought to either do it at a less intense erection level, do it less frequently, or for less time. Or if I’m understanding that you jelq while clamped, I would strongly recommend that you don’t do that.

Good luck.

Originally Posted by Golddinger

Alessio, I would suggest that if you’re experiencing eq problems from clamping you should consider either stopping clamping or clamping at a much reduced intensity. A point I keep trying to drive home is that the expansion you see while clamped is not growth. Pushing the tissues to the state where they temporarily swell unnaturally large is not one and the same as true cellular growth, and it shouldn’t be viewed that way exactly.

When jelqing properly, the type and amount of stress is typically high enough to trigger growth responses but low enough not to cause significant injury or trigger tissue fibrification/ the growth of scar tissue. Most people, if they are like me when I was clamping, get so excited to see their penis so much larger than normal so they think this means they’re on the right track, go for more and mroe intensity and then the next day they’re turtling and their penis is trying to create tougher fibers to be better able to resist the stress they were just put under. And then they end up seriously injuring themselves or with a permanently rubbery penis.

If you really want to stick with clamping, it sounds like you really ought to either do it at a less intense erection level, do it less frequently, or for less time. Or if I’m understanding that you jelq while clamped, I would strongly recommend that you don’t do that.

Good luck.

Golddinger no i don’t do jelq while clamped but I do dry between each set; i was doing 10dry+ one 10 min set+10dry and one 5 minutes set +10dry that was the routine. When I was at max erection I use kegel to pump other blood inside it and the expansion was good, the problem is the eq, i don’t understand if the problem are the clamping in itself, the combination clamp and then dry, or the dry…

[Goal]🐃: 20NBPEL,16MSEG

2021-22: 18NBP/14MSEG

Sounds like it’s just too much to start with. Try 2 sets at 5 minutes.

2011 BPEL 5.65 MSEG 4.125

2021 7 5/8 X 5 3/8

Goal: Just keep on trucking

Thanks for the advice guys

[Goal]🐃: 20NBPEL,16MSEG

2021-22: 18NBP/14MSEG

I don’t know if any experienced clamper can chime in but I found that for clamping to effectively work, you need to warm up for a while before starting the session. If you don’t, you may run more risks for injury or ineffective clamping sessions. Bottom line you need to be patient when it comes down to clamping.

Could someone please tell me what is the right diameter? I’m looking for a clamp to buy and I’m not sure about what size to choose. (I apologize because probably this point is written throughout the post, but there are already too many messages and I have not been able to find it.)

Hi guys, in your opinion what is best: long session (15-20min) clamping less tight or short session (5-10min) more tight. I tried both but with short session and clamp too tight the EQ got worse, while long session of little clamping and edging seems to be more effective(i reached +0,5 MSEG expansion while clamped)

[Goal]🐃: 20NBPEL,16MSEG

2021-22: 18NBP/14MSEG

Originally Posted by AlessioRossi
Hi guys, in your opinion what is best: long session (15-20min) clamping less tight or short session (5-10min) more tight. I tried both but with short session and clamp too tight the EQ got worse, while long session of little clamping and edging seems to be more effective(I reached +0,5 MSEG expansion while clamped)

It’s all in the feeling bro. If you feel deep that your skin is almost bruised whether you are experiencing some type of tug bag or not, you need to understand that you are not running a race. Apparently you have over done it but don’t worry. Stop clamping. Watch things that are going to make your dick hard but just stretch when you are aroused until (again it’s all in the feeling) you are ready to start clamping again. By then you would have been stretching long enough to be able to do that. Follow this method: More sessions, less time. 3-5minutes per session is enough. Take breaks it could be a day, two days.. But always get back whether you are doing manual stretches or using a pump. Keep clamping gradually and taking breaks. Trust me you will achieve momentum.

Hiya what size clamp are people using

Go to the cable clamp website.

Look up cable clamps.

Compare the size of the clamps, both open and closed, with the size of your erect penis.

Order the model that fits.

Or purchase it from a local retailer.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by richkez32
Hiya what size clamp are people using

I see that is your first post. I hope you have some PE experience before you put your dick in a clamp… clamping is dangerous for a newbie


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