Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Clamping 101 - The clamping guide

When you clamp, should you try to maintain the erection at a certain level?

Or do you just start out full erection, kegel, full engorgement then let the erection level drop while keeping maximum engorgement?
Is engorgement the only thing that matters, so that you can let the erection level fully drop?

It’s not necessary to let the erection level drop. You can clamp and masturbate or edge to keep at a high erection level or let it drop.

Read through the first page of this thread, Especially the “dangers with clamping” section

I bought one of the plastic Camco RV hose clamps a while back. I wound up not using it; maybe it was a bad mold, or maybe their molds are old and worn, because it was covered with feathers of plastic and edges sharp enough to cut. I spent an hour or so with a nail file and knife trying to smooth it down a bit, then it went into the Box-O-Stuff.

A while ago I came across something called a “breakaway nylon coaster”. It’s basically the same thing as the Camco clamp, a bit smaller, and apparently made without all the sharp edges, if the pictures are representative of the actual product. They’re sold as fishing reel clamps, made by a company called Breakaway Tackle in England, and sells them for about the same price as Camco clamps.


Originally Posted by AndyJ
I bought one of the plastic Camco RV hose clamps a while back. I wound up not using it; maybe it was a bad mold, or maybe their molds are old and worn, because it was covered with feathers of plastic and edges sharp enough to cut. I spent an hour or so with a nail file and knife trying to smooth it down a bit, then it went into the Box-O-Stuff.

A while ago I came across something called a “breakaway nylon coaster”. It’s basically the same thing as the Camco clamp, a bit smaller, and apparently made without all the sharp edges, if the pictures are representative of the actual product. They’re sold as fishing reel clamps, made by a company called Breakaway Tackle in England, and sells them for about the same price as Camco clamps.


Been using a fox breakaway coaster clamp for years, modified by cutting the tags of the centre and putting the band inside some silicone tube.
Posted pictures a couple of times, I think Kyrpa is using the same thing as an extender clamp.

Does anyone has gained in girth with Clamping 101?

If yes then how much inch add? , and how many months or years that would take?



Girth Growth

I do clamping for girth growth. I have the strange feeling, that my shaft gets thicker at the exact spot where I put the clamp or just next to it. Can that be the case? Thus my shaft is getting thicker at the base, which is a good thing. But I want the shaft to get thicker at the glans, too. What can be done? Should I try to clamp behind the glans?

Stats: 06/2011: BPEL: 13 cm; MSEG: 10 cm; 04/2022: BPEL: 20 cm; MSEG: 14 cm

Goal would be: BPEL: 20 cm => reached 03/2022; MSEG: 15 cm

Bangel77's Journey More pictures: Post full body pics here (p. 216)

I started clamping 2 weeks ago. Started at 4.2 inch (10.7cm) girth. Gained abit to 4.3 inch (11cm) girth. I was pretty excited about the idea of getting a thicker penis but then with all the better erection quality I was getting I got a little too excited and started masturbating a little more than usual. Now I feel like I have lost those gains (back to 4.2 inch or 4.25) and am questioning PE in general (‘were the gains only accounted for by improved erection quality and not able to be cemented?’)

I have been doing 10mins clamps 3x a day, fairly tight clamp at the base while edging and applying abit of heat. I stopped regular jelqing because at the moment I only really care about getting some girth gains

Has anyone else found that draining the sperm bank leads to worsened erection quality and loss of gains? Or is this too early to tell. I am 2 weeks in but I am pretty sure I am going to keep clamping for the next 1-2 months at least

Also, is anyone able to give me a rough idea of how much girth gains someone is likely to gain in 2 months of clamping? I am fairly new to this site but I have looked around and I cannot seem to find any guestimates of expected clamping gains over time

Last edited by jamando : 11-20-2021 at .

Originally Posted by jamando
I started clamping 2 weeks ago. Started at 4.2 inch (10.7cm) girth. Gained abit to 4.3 inch (11cm) girth. I was pretty excited about the idea of getting a thicker penis but then with all the better erection quality I was getting I got a little too excited and started masturbating a little more than usual. Now I feel like I have lost those gains (back to 4.2 inch or 4.25) and am questioning PE in general (‘were the gains only accounted for by improved erection quality and not able to be cemented?’)

I have been doing 10mins clamps 3x a day, fairly tight clamp at the base while edging and applying abit of heat. I stopped regular jelqing because at the moment I only really care about getting some girth gains

Has anyone else found that draining the sperm bank leads to worsened erection quality and loss of gains? Or is this too early to tell. I am 2 weeks in but I am pretty sure I am going to keep clamping for the next 1-2 months at least

Also, is anyone able to give me a rough idea of how much girth gains someone is likely to gain in 2 months of clamping? I am fairly new to this site but I have looked around and I cannot seem to find any guestimates of expected clamping gains over time

I doubt, that you ‘loose’ gains. Exercise momentarily changes sizes. This will lead eventually to permanent gains. How much? In what time? No one can say, this is very individual. But PE works, no reason to doubt that. And, hey, be happy with those moments. You haven’t seen your dick like this before, right? That’s where you are going. Be patient and happy about it!

Stats: 06/2011: BPEL: 13 cm; MSEG: 10 cm; 04/2022: BPEL: 20 cm; MSEG: 14 cm

Goal would be: BPEL: 20 cm => reached 03/2022; MSEG: 15 cm

Bangel77's Journey More pictures: Post full body pics here (p. 216)

You shouldn’t be wondering how much you will gain in 2 months. No one can give you an answer. Nobody knows. You just need to be consistent, use heat, and don’t “over do it”, and eventually you will gain.

As far as masturbation, while actively PEing I personally don’t do it. I used to masturbate 4-5 times a week. Now I rarely ever do. I’m also 52 years old, so that has a lot to do with it. I try and save it for when it really counts. But early in my PE journey, I realized masturbating and PEing, really tired my dick out. (EQ, PI’s)

Now if I was 20 years old that might not be the case. But I’m not 20 anymore, unfortunately.

Currently on decon, so I have been edging and about once a week, I do go over the edge.

Bottom line is, at least in my case, avoid masturbation while PEing. Overworks my cock.

But I’m sure there are plenty of younger gents here who can get away with it. Wish I was one of them!

Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

Thanks alot for the tips

I went out last night and picked up a girl at a club, went to her place had sex

I could barely feel anything (I bet she couldn’t either)

Neither of us came (she said she did but it was a lie I would have felt it)

Like, we had alot of intimacy and fun and she messaged me the next day and all but with a 4.25 inch girth for me it feels a little pointless to have sex just yet

I also have 2 girls on the line that I quite like but avoided having sex with because I wanted to avoid this kind of disappointment

Thats kinda why I’m feeling the pinch and wondering how long it will take

I know it’s a shitty attitude but I just can’t wait until I have enough girth so that I can actually feel the walls of a vagina because right now sex totally sucks

I’ll tell you it will take years to have significative permanent PE gains.

2 months of clamping are nothing man, and also you will gain only if you are doing it right because if you aren’t your EQ will improve most likely but your unit won’t grow.

Don’t believe to some people posting here claiming half an inch gained in 6 months or so, after their post pumping+cock ring edema is gone they are where they started.

Originally Posted by Accro
I’ll tell you it will take years to have significative permanent PE gains.

2 months of clamping are nothing man, and also you will gain only if you are doing it right because if you aren’t your EQ will improve most likely but your unit won’t grow.

Don’t believe to some people posting here claiming half an inch gained in 6 months or so, after their post pumping+cock ring edema is gone they are where they started.

I appreciate the realism guys

I think I’m ready to make that committment

Though it sounds like it would take many years to reach my goal of 10.7cm girth -> 14 or 15cm girth if at all possible

Soft Clamping

Does anybody here does softclamping I have done clamping and pumping in several ways and no permanent gains. I recently incorpored stretch with an ADS upwards its like a belt and also bundled stretches before workout I go for 4 sets of 9-10 min and I do get expansion but after rest days of even hours I go back to normal.

I go for 2 days on 1 off and rest weekend my expansion is quite good because I go from 4.8 to 5.4 midshaft and my head expands from 4.8 to 5.8, but again nothing has come permanent. I have like 2 years doing PE and incorporing new things or trying but my dick has never changed besides getting darker.

If you ask why I keep doing it after no perms gains is because I like the way it sees after and while I’m clamping I can attach dick pics and give more information about this “problem” because it’s depressing, since beginning I only focused on girth since I didn’t want more length I’m 6.8 BP any help?

Last edited by 32quarters : 11-27-2021 at .

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