Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Don't know how to break Plateau

Here, based on reading and practice, for what it’s worth, is my advice, which could be wrong:

First of all stop jelqing. The results you can get from jelqing are potentially limited and it seems, from what you’re reporting, that you’ve probably reached that limit.

Here’s a post on the topic by Xenolith, an engineering consultant and mathematician who, over ten years or so, relatively thoroughly, tested the range of PE exercises available and who, on the basis of his findings, designed his own routine and his own tools. This quote very briefly summarises, more or less the best information we have on the topic:

(His emphases, not mine.)

Originally Posted by xenolith
An important point here: newbie gains come from an entirely different mechanism than do post-newbie gains; newbie gains come from cellular hypertrophy and minor ligament stretching; post-newbie gains come from cellular hyperplasia and major ligament stretching.

Frankly, anyone who thinks that they can jelq their way to an erect volume twice that of the original is, based tissue differentiation mechanics, and not uncoincidentally, on my experience, and the experience of probably hundreds of thousands of men, not practicable…hypertrophy (i.e. enlargement) of cells can only occur to a finite degree. However, hyperplasia (i.e. multiplication) of cells can occur infinitely…now here comes the important part:


1) ONE IS ABLE TO ACHIEVE ACTUAL INFLAMMATION…this is a non-trivial accomplishment (jelqing will NEVER produce sufficient stress to cause inflammation).



xenolith - Finding xeno: a penis tale

Secondly: don’t do any more girth work.

I say this because you already have a large girth and gaining length will also give you more girth at the same time and I would advise against developing such a large girth that penetration becomes problematic and/or impossible. I’ve read two threads in the last week from people who have actually gained so much that they can no longer penetrate. I personally would advise against this, and would advocate being mindful of the fact that guys here don’t necessarily care about whether or not P.E. affects the functionality of their apparatus, although most probably do. That’s just something to bear in mind so that one doesn’t loose perspective.

Thirdly: I personally believe, if you keep upping the intensity and duration very slowly and very incrementally over time with no rest and no breaks, all you’ll achieve is conditioning/strengthening of the tissues rather than elongation. I suggest you stop jelqing and ADS for that reason also.

Also, yes, I do believe that your girth will affect your potential length gains from such things as jelqing (where lig stretching and tissue stretching is concerned) and ADS. Gains from an ADS I’d imagine are generally seen with people who are of average volume. The same amount of force applied to a larger volume of mass isn’t going to have as great an effect. For example, if the mass is large enough then that same force will be completely negligable.

I think, given how your tissues are probably condition, coupled with your volume, trying to use an ADS to achieve gains from Distraction Hystogenisis is going to require more force than you can comfortably apply with an ADS.

I think at this stage you should give up ADS as a means for creating growth and switch to using it as a tool for aiding growth as a supplement to different, more advanced exercises. i.e. just using it to maintain an extension of the penis without it putting any more stress on the penis.

Basically, most guys will progress to hanging and clamping after they’ve achieved all they can from the newbie phase. This is something you don’t seem to have done.

I’d advise against clamping for length due to the effect it’ll have on your girth.

I’d also advise caution as to hanging as it tends to create an increase in base girth, so by the time you’ve gained say an inch, you’re girth will probably be getting towards the point that penetration will require lubricants and, if your’e with partners who are just naturally tighter or smaller, potentially become problematic.

Also, depending on weight and duration, hanging can potentially cause back problems. I’d personally avoid hanging if it can be avoided, and advise against it for you because of the additional base girth it’ll almost certainly create for you.

My advice to you would be to follow Xenoliths lead with regards stretching, and to switch to Sumo Stretches and Bucking Broncos.

Also, I’d supplement this with (relatively) high pressure, short duration pumping repetitions, with a hand pump, in a tube that will restrict your radial growth (i.e. your girth) but will let you focus on elongation through application of a vaccuum.

That would be my advice: Sumo Stretches and Bucking Broncos and length work in a tube that will restrict your radial growth. Once you’ve got a length you’re comfortable with (assuming it works for you, and there are no guarantees with this stuff) you can switch back to working girth, but I wouldn’t advise working any more on your base. I think there’s a chance that even pumping in this manner could increase base girth and you should probably look into that (I don’t have that information) as I strongly suggest you avoid getting so large that penetration is a problem.

Also, I would say it is absolutely vitally important to read as much as you can on IPR protocol, so that you get a good enough understanding of it to be able to apply the method as needed for you own particular physiology.

It’s my opinion that IPR protocol is more or less the closest thing we have to a science of PE.

It’s also my opinion that a good understanding of IPR is one of the most effective tools you can have in your PE arsenal.

You can begin reading about IPR here: Finding xeno: a penis tale

Last edited by Mr. F : 10-29-2018 at .

Why not up the stretching and do everyday? Or small stretching sessions thru the day, works for many people.

|||||Start: 14cm NBPEL|||||Now: 17,5cm NBPEL|||||Goal: 20cm NBPEL||||

But we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy.

Originally Posted by Kjdeet
Why not up the stretching and do everyday? Or small stretching sessions thru the day, works for many people.

I think that’s a good idea, but only if he’s stretching at a high enough force to make a difference.

Small incremental increases over time will probably only strengthen/condition the ligs and septum rather than actually elongating them. Were not trying to make them stronger, were trying to make them longer.

I used to hang really heavy, all day, trying to get to the highest weight I could. I didn’t make very substantial gains relative to the the hours and hours and hours over the days and weeks and months and ultimately years that it took me, and I ended up with ligs and a septum like steel.

I ended up giving up P.E. and just came back after 8 years of doing absolutely no P.E. and now my ligs are soft again.

There’s a balance between stress and conditioning and I think that high stress over shorter durations is better for gaining length without conditioning the tissues.

I think Xenolith’s Sumo Stretches and Bucking Broncos are a good method for applying great force in a very very short duration, thereby avoiding conditioning, and yes they can be done as often and as much as you like.

I don’t have enough knowledge to know, but one obvious thing that stands out is that with the ESL40 you’ve taken the low force - high duration approach and that hasn’t worked. I would think trying the other way at this point would make sense, high force - low duration. Hanging or some sort of extender where a higher force can be applied.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Many times all it takes is a small adjustment. Like less force and time.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Thanks for your replies everyone. Please keep them coming.

One thing that is mentioned is how I have conditioned or strengthened the tissues in my penis.

This makes me worry. As these strengthened parts may now make it difficult to stretch and lengthen them, no matter what I do or how intense new exercises or stretching tools may be on it?

Again, I wonder if the breaks I took were long enough to allow deconditioning, or if I need to take another break now? I wonder if I need one for months or even years?

July 2014 BPEL - 5 1/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base)

December 2015 BPEL - 5 3/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base) September 2020 BPEL - 6"

There’s a few combinations you’ll need to try to unlock gains.

Low frequency, low volume, low intensity.

Medium frequency, medium volume, medium intensity.

High frequency, high volume, high intensity.

Then combinations of the three. Then work rest into the equation.

It’s a lot of experimenting. Mr. F and Titlest offer two different strategies, as did Mike. All their advice is excellent!, but no ones going to be able to tell you what you need to do, unless they have a crystal ball. Personally, I think you could try Mr. F’s strategy, it sounds solid, but anything you try is going to be an experiment, you’ll have to monitor.

As far as, decon goes; if there’s any question you may need one nows the time. You have nothing to lose right now, and the time off could be spent formulating a strategy.

Good luck gaining! As long as you have a strong desire to try, keep going and enjoy the ride. Gains could be right around the corner.

Make sure you’re using constant heat!

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist
Make sure you’re using constant heat!

Yeah I AM doing that. Using IR lamp on me throughout all my exercises. Got that box ticked to no avail too.

July 2014 BPEL - 5 1/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base)

December 2015 BPEL - 5 3/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base) September 2020 BPEL - 6"

Suggestion about reading the post from Janus Bifrons in the “penis enlargement basis” it’s one of the fastest threads by pages I’ve ever seen. Has a YouTube videos and explains a lot of things. It’s hard to keep up with the daily posts. I feel what your going through as I’ve been doing this for 6 years and the gains are slow but I’m not constant as other things in live take up my time. I feel what helps me is I change it up. I hang, pump, ADS, stretch, even use a former member tool for more intense stretching. I started at the gym dropped 24 pounds. I do take supplements because I’m in my very late 50’s. I understand as I have a slight ED issue I only seem to get 80% erect and after sex my erection totally goes away, but working on it. Your girth is awesome, I hope to get there.. Just my 2cents

I should also admit something that I forgot earlier. In using the ESL40 and doing PE along with it, since August, I haven’t been consistent week after week doing this. I’ve had like 1 or 2 weeks off here and there during all this time, due to work, holiday, medical trial institution etc. So I haven’t had a good 3 week consistency too, more like a break of 5 days every 2 weeks at the very least.

So I wonder if this has been a contributing factor? And if I should go on with the current routine, or alter it a bit? Yep - this week I will be working long hours early starts for 4 days, so I won’t be able to PE then, but can wear the ESL40.

July 2014 BPEL - 5 1/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base)

December 2015 BPEL - 5 3/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base) September 2020 BPEL - 6"

Originally Posted by Jay Flash
One thing that is mentioned is how I have conditioned or strengthened the tissues in my penis.

This makes me worry. As these strengthened parts may now make it difficult to stretch and lengthen them, no matter what I do or how intense new exercises or stretching tools may be on it?

Again, I wonder if the breaks I took were long enough to allow deconditioning, or if I need to take another break now? I wonder if I need one for months or even years?

It might not be too much of a problem. The thinking on that subject seems to be that the tissues respond to the forces being applied and that they’ll adapt to withstand those forces.

The forces you’ve been applying are relatively low, compared to more advanced techniques, so I don’t think you’d be in too bad of a position, but obviously I can’t say that for certain.

My advice would be to:

1. Stop the jelqing and the ADS and switch to Sumo Stretches and Bucking Broncos.

2. Read as much as you can on IPR protocol so that you can get a working understanding of it so as to formulate your own routine.

My recommendation is that you try and focus on the ligs and that you avoid all exercises that promote radial growth (girth gains) until you get the length you want. Again, length work will give you girth and I’d absolutely advise against getting so large that you can no longer penetrate.

As for ADS, the principles and theory of IPR suggest that they’re only effective for maintaining elongation to promote healing of soft tissue and that they’re not really going to have an effect on the ligs which are quite strong and elastic.

I’d suggest doing some soft-tissue/tunica work but I’d suggest doing it with a pump, in a tube that restricts radial growth, but you should probably check if it may still give you an increase in base girth, as that’s something you really do need to watch, so as not to get so large that you can no longer have sex. Unfortunately the effects on girth of pumping for length in a tube that’s form-fitting to a penis, is information that I don’t have.

One of the principles behind IPR is that higher intensity over shorter periods will promote growth faster than it causes conditioning. Eventually, if one were to continue with IPR over years and years, theoretically one would get to a point where conditioning would become such a problem that tissues like skin and veins etc wouldn’t be able to stand up to the intensity of exercise that would be needed to continue seeing results.

What do you measure mid-shaft and end of shaft?

There are two obstacles to answering that sort of topic imho. First is we never saw you practicing. That’s tons of informations about possible issues we don’t have access to. Second is we are not in your mind. All stretches are potentially useful but they’re caricatures, pulling up, down, straight, doing a hard V or A stretch at the center, at the base, all of those are susceptible not to stretch the way you need to at a given moment. The answer you need might be a slight angle combined with a slight pull at a precise place or two pulls in different directions etc, but only you can find what stretches your penis today. Because a good stretch feels good and relaxing, it’s the only way to know if it works. Only you can tell what you need right now and it might not be those caricatural exercises you find in tutorials. Plenty of weird exercises were added due to them working specifically at a time on specific persons when they needed them. Keep that in mind, maybe one day they will work exactly the same on you for some time, maybe never. One sure thing, your penis has to be stretchable in a way or another.

Before : Bpel 5.6"

Now : Bpel 6.7"

When it comes to stretching, technique is one of the most important factor. I really want to help you break this plateau.

I have said it many times: if you want the most efficient stretch you should stretch your penis downward. Dont lose time with weird angles. I hold every stretch at least for 3 mins. If my grip is really good i can hold a stretch for 10 mins.

My biggest plateau was at the 7.5 bpel. Then i started to stretch every day for 1 hour. Not all at once, but with 2-3 sessions during the day. Some days i stretched for 70 mins or more. With this way i break the 7.5 mark and now i am 7.8-7.9 bpel.

My goal was to reach 5 hours(sometimes more)under tension every week. Record all the time that you are stretching every day and try to reach your time under tension goal every week.

Thas my recommendation. But if you want to keep the low tension-high duration approach, you can do it alternately with the high tension-low duration approach.

For example use the ESL40 for 2 or 3 weeks and then for 1 week do high intensity manual stretching(not 1 hour every day). Or every day after the prolonged low tension, apply high force with manual stretching for some mins(15-20).

Originally Posted by Gentlepsychopath
For example use the ESL40 for 2 or 3 weeks and then for 1 week do high intensity manual stretching(not 1 hour every day). Or every day after the prolonged low tension, apply high force with manual stretching for some mins(15-20).

As well as considering the rest of your post too, I want to start by saying that I do use the ESL40 throughout the day for low intensity long duration stretching but I also do 20 minutes manual stretch under heat as well. So I’m already doing that last bit if your quote. So it’s a bit discouraging that with this combination I’m still stalling right now.

July 2014 BPEL - 5 1/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base)

December 2015 BPEL - 5 3/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base) September 2020 BPEL - 6"


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