Don't know how to break Plateau
Well I don’t mean to cause problems by doing a new thread on this rather than keeping it in my own progress thread but this problem needs more attention and help, I hope this is ok to do.
So for all of 2016 I haven’t really grown my length any further with my routine. I’ve been doing variations to it, with some time extensions and increasing pressure intensity, but nothing has really come of anything. Sometimes I measure myself when erect and my measurements have sometimes been down even.
I looked at different threads to try and learn something from other people’s routines but quite frankly it’s just baffling with so much information and I don’t know if it will work for me as I am in a different position with a different penis to the posters, so rather than hitting a brick wall of information I can’t get through and process I think it’s better to ask people here for direct help.
I really don’t know how to shock my system in a way that will be more effective to what I’m doing, I don’t know differentiation will work and what doesn’t as I get virtually no PIs to show that I’m going in a right direction or not. I don’t know what people here may suggest but I really need a big shake up and experimentation, any suggestions would be very welcome, as frankly I can’t go on another year doing the same and getting no measurement improvements.
Here is what I am doing so far. I go from one set of 20 minutes straight into the other..
20 minutes of IR heat
20 mins stretching
20 mins jelqing.
I rest a few hours and then do
20 mins of Kegel
Sometimes I do 20-40 mins of either heat, stretching and jelqing to push myself further, but again I’m not seeing any improvements.
I do this for about 3-5 days in succession followed by 1 day rest. I vary this due to work and time, maybe 2 days rest. I took a break for a few months in 2016 due to time too. No change.
I am thinking of doing all day hanging, but I’ll be damned if I know what are the best hangers and where to get them, as I don’t have a clue how to make them. So that for me also seems like a non starter in terms of research etc. But this seems to be the most extreme effective solution for my problems. If anyone has ideas on this too I would be appreciative.
If anyone has any questions or solutions/suggestions for me I would be very thankful. Much gratitude to anyone who can help me, as well as another donation to this site from me.
(Please see my signature for measurement increase details. Basically I start in 2014 at 5 /14 inch and hit 5 3/4s near the end of 2015 and apart from hitting 6 inches a few times, I haven’t had an increase since.)
July 2014 BPEL - 5 1/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base)
December 2015 BPEL - 5 3/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base) September 2020 BPEL - 6"