Flaccid Complex
Hey everyone.
I’ve been creeping these forums for a while now, this is my first post. I’ve exhausted the search option for a similar thread but I can’t seem to find anything relevant. So here I am.
My question to you all is what I can do about severe shrinkage.
When erect and EQ is great, I’m looking at 6.5” BPEL, 5” BEG and 4.5” MSEG. Not the greatest numbers but I have no issues with it.
Now when I’m flaccid, well that’s a whole nother story. I can’t even convince myself to measure it. I would guess 2” in length and 2.5” in girth. It literally disappears, almost like I have a blood flow issue. I’ve tried pumping to plump it up but as soon as the stimulation is gone, it wittles away.
I’m a tall guy, 6’3 and muscular. You can imagine the disappointed eyes I’ve seen with the expectations that come with being a big guy.
I have such a damn complex in the bedroom I now can’t get it up anymore when I’m with women. All I wanna say is, ‘just wait, it gets bigger I promise!’
Anyways, any advice on diet, lifestyle, PE or anything pertaining to increasing my little flaccid willy would be very much appreciated.