First, I want to thank you, Remek and Iguana, for putting forth a great effort in attempting to expand our understanding of expanding our penises. You’ve obviously done a great deal of work here, and I am very appreciative.
My comments so far:
1. I suggest we call this "TGC Hypothesis" rather than "TGC Theory" to reflect the provisional nature of the ideas presented.
2. "The tunica is a strong tendon-like tissue that surrounds all three corpus chambers." Are you sure about that? I thought the tunica just surrounded the two CCs, with the weaker Buck’s Fascia wrapped around the whole deal. Cite.
3. "Research seems to indicate that, oddly enough, not every man has the same amount of layers of tunica. Most men have two layers, but some men only have one layer in their penis. Others have as much as three layers." Thickness and composition also vary. Cite .
4. First: "Just as your biceps and triceps play a critical role in the size and strength of your arms, the smooth muscle in your penis plays a critical role in the strength and size of your erections." Then later: "Your erections are largely caused by complete relaxation of the smooth muscle in your penis."
This statement does not really follow from the one before it, since one flexes the bicep to make it bigger but relaxes the penile smooth muscle to make the penis erect. Relaxation of the smooth muscle allows the tunica to be filled like your previously described bicycle tire.
5. "So, when a penis is flaccid, the smooth muscle is contracted. When the penis is erect, the smooth muscle is completely relaxed and pushing on the tunica." Is the smooth muscle what’s pressing on the tunica? Isn’t it the insides of the CCs, including all the contents, that are doing the pressing?
6. "More smooth muscle = Harder erections." Are you sure about this. The references you cite seem to say something different, that less smooth muscle is associated with weaker erections. There, some disease or degenerative process may be affecting the penis as a whole. Weaker erections are one symptom. Reduced smooth muscle may be another. I’m not sure causality is shown. Even if it is, are you sure it works both ways? Does more smooth muscle, in an otherwise healthy penis, result in stronger erections?
7. "It appears that when you don't have enough smooth muscle, or possibly when the smooth muscle is too "fatigued" to relax all the way, you aren't going to get a hard erection." I can understand how a muscle can be too fatigued to contract, but how can it be too fatigued to relax?
8. "Possible Problem 2: The smooth muscle is completely relaxed, but the tunica is stretched beyond the smooth muscles "reach." This essentially creates a "gap" between the smooth muscle and the tunica, making it hard to shut off the veins." Why blame the smooth muscle? Why not look at the sinusoids themselves? Perhaps they’re losing collagen. Also, could the problem be related to muscle stiffness rather than volume? Perhaps those muscles just need to be stretched?
9. "(the tunica is enlarged with mainly length-type exercises and the smooth muscle with girth-type exercises, although a few are interchangable.)" I disagree with this. The tunica’s job is to contain both the length and the girth of the penis to allow pressure to build. It applies equally to both. Similarly, if the "internals" (I’m avoiding the term, "smooth muscle" for the moment) aren’t sufficiently extendable lengthwise, erection length may be limited short of the outer limit imposed by the tunica.
10. "Why do a few guys have a longer BPEL than BPFSL?" I don’t see how your hypothesis address this.
Generally, I like the idea of thinking of the penis as more than just an envelope to be filled with pressurized blood. It has an internal structure, some of which is smooth muscle that is essential for proper erections. I worry, however, that your hypothesis may place too much emphasis on the smooth muscle itself without considering all the other structure, especially the sinusoids and trabeculae. Those consist of collagen and elastin and can benefit from stretching and expansion exercises.
As the penis grows through PE, it makes sense that the amount of smooth muscle should be increased roughly proportionally. Simply stretching or hanging may not be enough, since the new volume needs to be filled with healthy tissue with the right balance of contents.
I didn’t see you spefically mention jelqing, but I think jelqing is probably the single best PE exercise for enlarging smooth muscle as well as stretching and expanding the other internal structures. I’ve read abstracts of studies (can’t look now) that say that increased blood flow causes prolifeation of smooth muscle in arteries. Jelqing moves blood and thus promotes blood flow. Increasing blood pressure in the penis may help as well. I’ve read that arterial hypertrophy/hyperplasia is a common response to high blood pressure.
By moving blood through the penis and temporarily increasing blood pressure within the penis, the internal tissues, which either are or resemble blood vessels, may be induced to grow through the same processes that affect blood vessels throughout the body. Also, once something starts growing (like sinusoids or blood vessels) within the penis, the growth factors may "spill over" and affect the tunica, which than might grow right along with the internal structures.