Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Fool_4's automatic PE device

1 678910

APE-Day end of the coming weekend.

(Automatic PE), all of my ordered bits of kit (excluding the ultrasonic), should arrive tomorrow and I should be ready for the first automatic sessions by the end of next weekend. For the record, starting stats are as follows, BPEL 6.5” X MEG 4.875” (base same, it has no taper but a mild left curvature I am hoping tension straightens).

Prior to running the first “Auto session” I will post what I have programmed it to do during these routines. I did already build a jib crane type arm to support the unit over my junk when in bed.

I know I want a little vacuum time, a little jelqing, hanging time and some clamping time. The really cool bit is that no circulation issues should be present (provided I don’t program any in). This should be able to run completely un-attended as it were. Maybe passing out drunk at the start would be best. Who has ever tried a good firm hard jelq for 4 hours? OUCH!

F4 still thinking aloud


Last edited by Fool_4 : 10-22-2012 at . Reason: forgot hanging, it can do that too :P

Originally Posted by Fool_4
I was not meaning that the “electro stimulation” be applied with the intent of causing “muscle work”, but of working at a cellular level to encourage division. Also shock loading seems it would be the best quickest way to induce the much desired “micro tears” in both tunic and tendon. With tension held at a steady level tissues adjust to that, the occasional pulse of tension would theoretically in effect “surprise” the tissues in question.

Anyone know anything about either of these ideas?

Thanks thrice

I don’t have much time today, so I only read up to this post (#4). It been my experience and observation that this type of stress results in rapid toughening of the connective tissue and tunica. Just my thoughts.

Been warned this earlier

Continue reading, the shock loading was already taken from the design spec.


I’m in the same boat when it comes to the high frequency, high voltage. It’s been on my “spare time list” for probably the last 10 years. It just happened to be the first thing that entered my head.

As far as control, a potentiometer and 555 switch would probably work. Maybe one of those XR2206 function generators. The biggest problem is keeping voltages down, with very,very minimal amperage and spark gap up.

Just keep in mind, I’m far from a brain scientist. ;)

" It is always easier to fight for one's principles than live up to them ". ..Adler.


If anyone is following the dev of this thing, I have not abandon the project by a long shot but normal job related issues and life in general have intervened.

During testing it was discovered, I had undersized the cuff by using a small section of 1.5” pvc in it’s construction, a tiny bit of math soon reveals this shortcoming. Starting off with a real hard on, “mini me” didn’t fit. The cuff has been rebuilt using 2” PVC, which will allow expansion to a circumference of 6”+.
The ultrasonic heater arrived and while more testing is needed early, impression is that it is not producing enough output to help with anything.

I also have re-kindled an old relationship, so this “apparatus”, would be difficult to explain just yet. Pretty sure this girl will be ok with it though :) Just has not come up yet.

Fool_4 updating

Same same

Originally Posted by KenObie
I’m in the same boat when it comes to the high frequency, high voltage. It’s been on my “spare time list” for probably the last 10 years. It just happened to be the first thing that entered my head.
As far as control, a potentiometer and 555 switch would probably work. Maybe one of those XR2206 function generators. The biggest problem is keeping voltages down, with very,very minimal amperage and spark gap up.
Just keep in mind, I’m far from a brain scientist. ;)

Hey, I am no rocket surgeon either.

Originally Posted by Fool_4

I also have re-kindled an old relationship, so this “apparatus”, would be difficult to explain just yet. Pretty sure this girl will be ok with it though :) Just has not come up yet.

Fool_4 updating

Hey just offer to make her an attachment for the other end of the piston and you can enjoy it together !

Electro for your P.E.

It might be easier to just use a Blakoe Ring.


You can even make your own using any tubing and one Zinc and one Copper Rod.

Galvanic current? I think that what it is, you can wear it all day.


Sorry but life has got in the way of straight PE development (relations, work and using what I already have). I do plan to continue this project but am unsure as to an exact date. I really do believe this can become a useful device (or can become such without too much effort), just don’t presently have time to work on it.


Earth to Fool….Earth to Fool….Come in Fool….Chshshst

It looks like this project may have hit the wall, or the shelf.

Wow, what an interesting read so far.

Started ... Dec 2010: 6.25in BPEL, 5.75in MEG

Current ... Jan 2012: 6.9in BPEL, 6.0in MEG

Goal ... whenever: 8.0in BPEL, 6.25in MEG ** With great penis comes great responsibility **

1 678910

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