Thunder's Place

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Gains during decondition breaks


Gains during decondition breaks

A lot of guys report gains during their breaks from PE, Has there ever been done a poll about this?

If not, Would it be a good idea to start a poll?

I believe most gains are obtained from the next cycle of PE right after taking a deconditioning break. The theory being, that during the break, tissues that have become toughened from a long PE run have a chance to relax and rejuvenate with new tissue that has not been subjected to stress and strain. After a month or more of the deconditioning break, when these new tissues are once again subjected to a new PE cycle, (start with the newbie routine) fresh growth is often the result.

I have taken a deconditioning break, and it worked wonders for me. Start a poll if you want.


By about day 12 of my decon breaks I record a girth gain of 0.063”-0.125”. My decon breaks have come after hanging intensive gains campaigns, don’t know if the same thing would happen after say a clamping intensive gains campaign. I’m not sure, but I think hobby has observed this too. Please do start a poll.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama


Then we would need to have two polls, One for “gains during a break”, And one for “gains during the first month of PE after a break”.
It is very inspering to read about others gains, Did you experience new gains after your break?

Any suggestions to how to set up the poll/s?


Congrats with your girth gain! You really never seem to stop gaining, Is this because of the breaks?
I have read your progress report a few times, And I understand that you are a strong beliver in decon breaks,
Would you say that it is most likely to gain during a break or when starting up again after a break?
Or maybe both?

Do you have any ideas to what the poll should look like to get the most information out of it?

Originally Posted by kristian69
You really never seem to stop gaining, Is this because of the breaks?

I think the reason that I’m able to keep gaining is because I follow a training pattern that takes advantage of what I perceive to be the oscillatory nature of penis tissue deformation (i.e. gains) and penis tissue hardening (i.e. conditioning). Stated simply, I train (and gain), increasing my work up to the point when my penis’ tissues become sufficiently conditioned that further increasing the work load further (in pursuit of further gains) is prohibitively dangerous and time consuming. Because anything less than that increased work load serves only to further condition my penis’ tissues, I stop training altogether, IOW, I go on a decon break. I wrote a bit more about this here. I’ve been encouraged to write more about this concept. I think I will. I’ve got a bit more time available to me lately. But the answer to your question is yes, I think the breaks allow me to maximize gains and minimize conditioning. Which is the recipe for successful PE IMO.

Originally Posted by kristian69
I have read your progress report a few times, And I understand that you are a strong beliver in decon breaks,
Would you say that it is most likely to gain during a break or when starting up again after a break?
Or maybe both?

I’m glad to learn that you’ve read my progress report thread. I try to put good info in it. Most definitely gains after a break are the most reliable in my experience. On average, I get 75% of the gains that I’m going to make in any given gains campaign within the first 2 or at the most, 3 weeks, of training. If I was smarter than I am, I’d stop at that point and go to decon, but what I typically do is continue to increase my work load for another 4-6 weeks to get the remaining 25%. It really does take a lot of discipline to stop PE. It goes against common sense to accept that stopping training will yield more gains, but when considered from the perspective that gains are made from deconditioned penises, it becomes easier to accept. I try to keep in mind that in order to succeed at PE I need to succeed at PD (penis deconditioning). With regard to gains during a break, I’ve only observed relatively small gains and only in girth. hobby has described the origin of these gains to me in this way, which makes sense to me. I should point out that I’ve not observed a girth gain during the decon break that I’m currently in. First time I haven’t. Kind of disappointed about that, and I don’t know why I haven’t, my training was very similar to training that I’ve done in the past, after which I’d seen decon girth gains. Oh well. So yes, post decon break gains are much more reliable in my experience. I think that’s a fairly well agreed upon finding.

Originally Posted by kristian69
Do you have any ideas to what the poll should look like to get the most information out of it?

Not really. Although something that identified the length of decon breaks and the duration of training following breaks over which the majority (say 75%?) of gains were made would be very interesting I think.

I really do hope you’ll set up a poll. I don’t know how to do it.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

My experience with decon breaks pretty much parallels what Xeno has described.

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher


Thank you very much for explaining this in detail.

I have read quite a few posts from guys that has gained during their breaks, And that is why I started this thread. Your link to Hobbys post explains a lot, And I also believe that he is right, The gains are already made during your routine, But they do not appear before you slow down/take a break. That makes sense, I have experienced something similar myself (I never took a break but the intensity has varied). Then there is really no need to start a poll asking guys what they gained during their break, IMO it would be a lot better to ask the members that has used decon breaks as part of their routine to share their experience in this thread.

You are absolutely correct when you say that it takes a lot of discipline to actually take a break from PE, It really does go against common sense to take a break. But the guys that has the necessary discipline seem to gain a lot after their breaks.


Thank you for sharing your experience.

We now have input from four very experienced PEers, One pumper and three hangers (including Hobbys post).

They have all had great gains, And they all have experienced new gains after taking decon breaks.

And then we have me who has been PEing everyday for eight months without breaks, Gained a lot in the first two months, And in the last six months has only gained FSL and maybe a little girth. Makes you think doesn’t it?

Originally Posted by kristian69
Then there is really no need to start a poll asking guys what they gained during their break, IMO it would be a lot better to ask the members that has used decon breaks as part of their routine to share their experience in this thread.


Maybe you haven’t picked up on this yet, but getting PE practitioners to do anything other than keep tugging on their dicks is harder than herding cats. The less effort they have to give to what you’re asking of them, the more likely it is they’ll do it. Make a poll. More people will respond to it than to a request to share their experience in this thread.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

I fully support everything xenolith has written here.

I gained an inch in length over a couple of years of the most infrequent, poorly executed PE you can imagine. I attribute those gains to the fact that I was fully deconditioned between bouts of PE. I never gained anything during off periods, but I never lost gains either.

It is my opinion that the most successful PE routine you could plan would be something like 5 months on, five months off, over the course of several years. Anyone with the patience and discipline to see this through, would, I believe, gain easily and in the most time efficient manner possible.

I’m on an enforced break at the moment due to a tiny bump on a vein that I don’t like the look of, but I’m glad in a way, because I don’t think I’d otherwise have the discipline to do no PE at all. I’d very much like to hear anything more xenolith can add on deconditioning, particularly the ideal length of time it takes to fully recover at conditioned dick.

Start Stats:5.5x4.5 Current:7.0x5.0 Goal:8x6 Gains:1.5 inch BPEL x 0.5 EG

"Insert pseudo-intellectual quote here..."

So when one goes on a decon break, they aren’t suppose to do anything at all (no jelqing, no stretching, no clamping, no nothing). I take it you can still have sex and masturbate, correct?

I started PE back in March 2005 and performed jelqs and manual stretching only. After 6 months of PE, I took a break of about 6 weeks. I hadn’t lost any of the gains that I had made, in fact I had actually gained slightly and erections were stronger.

When I started my routine again after my 6 week break, I felt like a newbie again.

I will be using deconditioning breaks in my PE strategy. When I feel that my gains are are a plateau, I will take a break of about 6 weeks.


This is a great thread and I feel I need to take a decon break as my gains have stalled. Any others have insight into there decon breaks and how they may have benefited from them? Man it really is hard to take a break I have noticed!

Start 6.75X4.9

Now 7.5X5.1

I favorite this thread. The entire idea of my “Scheduled Trauma Theory” and breaks every 6 weeks and then a longer break of 4 weeks after several cycles also finds a common base thread here.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Favorite this, too.

Also might add something regarding intensity and duration pre post decon. I have not been at PE long, but I have been a gym rat since the 80s, way back in the 1900s. Breaks are necessary for any sort of body change. For instance, a bodybuilder will tell you rest days are super important and they will take off a week every 10 weeks as a rolling sort of decon, with weekly increases up to the break, then back to newbie. If you do not overdo it in the first place the decon may not need to be as long. Thus my request for intensity pre post.

Also might include duration between break and duration of break, as well as sexual activity. I am personally planning a vasectomy around my PE break. I will go when I expect to plateau in early 2017 or so. We will see! No cut until gains slow or stop tho.


Bigger, Stronger, Thicker, Longer

2016-08-26: 6 1/8" x 5 ... 2017-02-28: 6 3/4" x 5... 2017-07-08: 6 7/8" x 5 1/8"

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