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Gains with only JAI-stretches ?

Gains with only JAI-stretches ?


I have been looking around a bit and did not find so many threads about gains with only JAI-stretches. (Except Johans thread (creator of JAI-stretches?))

Can anyone confirm if it is possible to gain with only JAI-stretches? Would be much appreciated.

I have found they recently my unit responds better to straight stretching vs fulcrum only. That’s not quite what you asked but I think that mixing in all types of stretching is beneficial. But in the end you just have to feel out what works for you.

Yes and no, when i started out i did JAI-stretches a lot but JAI-stretch alone is just not effective enough you need to add in kegels and reverse kegles to start with gains.

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!

but the gains are very minimalistic. If you just started out to you do PE, JAI-stretch+kegel/reverse kegel mixed with normal stretches will give you more like .3 to .5 cm that’s about it .

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!

I am experimenting with only JAIs for length since a couple of weeks. I do short sessions, sometimes just a couple of minutes and sometimes longer (10-15 min) with heat when I got the time and privacy.

I do these sessions at least 10 times a day and it feels good so far. I can see a couple of millimeters in length increase in BPFSL so far but I think that one should give any change in routine a couple of months before you can tell the effectiveness.

What I want to know is if it’s better to do few stretches with longer duration (30 - 60 sec) or a lot of stretches during a day with short duration (2 sec).

In a couple of months I’ll see.

I do some jelqing as well maybe 3 -4 times a week, but these I did when doing regular stretching as well.

Why do you want to do JAI-stretches ,A and V-stretches are awesome too. look at my routine it’s not complicated it doesn’t consume much time but i am still gaining .

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!

It is easy to get 3-5 minutes several times a day during work at the restroom. I have problems to get the privacy to stay at the toilette for 30 minutes at home most often. I also feel that holding the stretch for long time with hard grip puts a lot of stress on the glans and also decreases the circulation.

Just want to experiment for a while to see if there is any gains to get with this kind of routine

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