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Girthier at lower erection level


Girthier at lower erection level

So I remember a post from sparkyx who said he believed this meant the tunica had a greater amount of elastin compared to other guys.

I thought it would make sense to consider this:

The inner layer (circular) can expand more than what we see at full erection, so is it possible the outer longitudinal layer prevent from being girthier fully erect by compressing it?
In this case would tunica stretches help gain girth instead of length?

Sounds very logic. The penis has obviously a clear preference to get hard elongated due to its function.

Weakening the longitudal fibers to allow the circular fibers to increase widthwise.

Its like a mesh.

The longitudal fibers with girth work will increase their spacing and buckle.
While the circular layers actually elongate.

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Then remember that worms get thicker as they move along.

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Originally Posted by Walter5169


In this case would tunica stretches help gain girth instead of length?

What are you referring to with ‘tunica stretches’, exactly?

I have always thought my base was thicker than the mid-shaft. Guess what? When I start losing my erection the mid-shaft gets almost 1cm thicker, almost like the base. Just checked!!

I am not stretching at the moment, tunica stretches should aid my girth, I hope.

Wantsmore’s Fulcrums stretches, A and V stretches, bundled stretches. Stretches which hit directly on the tunica.

Originally Posted by memento
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Then remember that worms get thicker as they move along.

I’ll go have a look.

They should help both length and girth. I think the problem with having a girther semi-erect is more related to the different elasticity of the two layer, than to theirs length. If you make both longer, but one of the two gets stretched easier, one will be limiting the expansion of the other, expecially at lower pressures. When the pressure is high (100% erect) the difference should be less.

Marinera, does it happen to you as well?

I am working on a girth routine and I took this as an indicator of sth.

Originally Posted by marinera
They should help both length and girth. I think the problem with having a girther semi-erect is more related to the different elasticity of the two layer, than to theirs length. If you make both longer, but one of the two gets stretched easier, one will be limiting the expansion of the other, expecially at lower pressures. When the pressure is high (100% erect) the difference should be less.

Very good remark!

It makes sense as in this way the longitudal layers prevent the circular from giving a human penis a non usable shape.
They work synergistic to swell in size but at some point the longitudal prevent further increase as they reached their maximum expansion.
Question is then if the circular layers are even then as hard as the longitudal in full erect state? I suspect they would tend to be less rigid then the longitudal layers..

This would also explain to me why I lost all my girth gains after 3-4 months clamping-only as I only increased the elasticity it seems which reverted back to usual after soem time off.
Its also apparent for me that I get more expansion clamping not fully hard.

So logicly the longitudal layers have to change too before a girth increase can happen.

This is either done by weakening them directly or by the inner penis parts, through more insideout pressure, forcing them.


I think fluids and enlarged CS could concur, in the example you made of clamping.

I think also what we have been saying points to the fact that, for most of people, circular fibers are less elastic than longitudinal fibers. This could also explain the baseball effect.

Last edited by marinera : 02-15-2015 at .

Do most people really experience more girth at lower erection level?

It happened to me after I did plenty of squeezing exercises for a while.

Not all people, but for PEers I think it happens at some stages. Let’s say you do length work, your tunica will be weaker, so to speak, for some time - so it will be more easily stretched in every direction. So girth-wise expansion can happen with less force. When circular expansion begins to require higher force, longitudinal fibers starts to stretch too.

It is very convenient to visualize the penis like a balloon, without focusing too much on layers.

Right walter, Its not always. Happens for me most apparent in a fluffed state. So I wouldnt put it down to just exercise induced state, which will make this more pronounced espacially with squezzes etc..

Originally Posted by marinera
I think also what we have been saying points to the fact that, for most of people, circular fibers are less elastic than longitudinal fibers. This could also explain the baseball effect.

I think its the other way around. Its just technicly more dificult to stretch the circular ones.
The effect we observe wouldnt be possible otherwise.
Also an errection couldnt work when the longitudal was more eleastic then the circular. The circualr woudl reach its maximum and the longitudal would just lay ontop of it..
Or what Im missing ?

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