Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I've finally made 8 inches in length

I've finally made 8 inches in length

The last three times I’ve measured I have gotten 8.1, 8 and 8.1 bone pressed erect length. Even better, when I look at it, I feel big, which took me a while. Now all I need is that infamous 6 inches of girth and I’m set. The Supra Ring of Power should be getting me there in no time. Thanks to all on Thunder’s and abroad the PE community. For inspiration I will share my PE story.

I started at 5.5x 4.8 bone pressed. The feeling of being small was something I’ll never forget and I will forever be humble of my gains (at least I’ll try). I found A PE site that helped me using basic stretches to gain my first inch and a quarter in length, and .2 inches in girth after around a month and a half. I soon found thundersplace and found the brilliant techniques by DLD and Supra to help me gain the next 1.25 inches of length and half inch of girth. I found the LOT theory highly informative and the heat theory and plastic theories effective and informative as well. After months of hard study and work including changing routines, and breaks when needed to stunt growth I have met my first goal, and I will probably stop in length, as any more is overkill in my opinion. AH, who am I kidding, I will probably go for 9 inches. DAMMIT! Anyways, I hope to gain an extra half inch in girth with the Ring of Power I will be building. I did all of this in 10 months! Imagine that! For those who are in the 5x5 range, let me be the first to say that with enough motivation, knowledge and perseverance, it is very possible to get to 8 inches, and FAST. Props to Supra and DLD for their hard work to get my unit bigger so I can tear up some pussy! Until next time, keep it hanging lowwwwww!

Awesome gains man! I’m always glad to hear a PEer succeed; it makes me want to keep going everytime I read one. Keep on going.

The Vision: BPEL: 9 "

EG: 7 "

Thats some stupid huge gains, and under a year! 10 Months!

Whats you routine, starting/now LOT, starting/now erection angle?

You think a ballzinger is gonna increase your girth? How?

I hope you make your girth goal! Congratulations!

Wow, congratulations man, you are a marvel to us all. I just hope all the new guys don’t look at this an expect those type of results. But it’s good to see people achieving their goals.

-Luo out

Just a word from your friendly neighborhood Luo

Great gains Mate!

You know, its funny, but when I read your gains of 2.5 ” in 10 months I went “yeah right”, then I realised that I have gained 1.85” in 6 months!!!

Congrats on your gains and best of luck in your quest for extra girth.

It’s always great to hear success stories, hunglo. Congratulations! I can only hope that I do half as well as you did.

Terrific work!

"I just said it was big, honey. I never said it was pretty. "

- Me, a year from now.

Shit! LOL

THe only think I can say is:

Share your routine!


Great job and congrats to you. Some people have all the luck..I wish I was so lucky :head:

All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.

Awesome! Congratulations on your 8 incher!

What an accomplishment!! My hat is off to you, hunglo, man. All your effort has paid off.

Happy Growing!


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Holy smokes! That’s some impressive gains! Congratulations man! :clap:

And as Xaixoit said, please share your routine. :)

March 2003 5.7" EBPL 5.0" EG

Currently 7.7" EBPL 5.1" EG

Goal 8.0" EBPL 6.0" EG

Congrats on your gains but are you sure you posted this at the right forum because the guys you keep mentioning are banned here.

Awesome, bro! So, uh…what’s your routines(s)?

12/10/03 at 5.90" BPEL x 4.75"

07/15/04 at 7.00" BPEL x 5.00"

Goal...bigger ;)

Hunglo, did you by any chance check your LOT before you started? I’m guessing not, but thought I’d ask just in case.

If not, now that you are familiar with LOT theory, any speculation of your starting LOT?

Congrats on the gains. I also started on the low side, 5”x4” BPEL and EG, and know exACTly how you feel right now. It’s a wonderful thing, like being liberated… :)

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.


Wow great gains dude you gained 2.5 inches in a couple of months that’s amazing, once you get the supra ring of power your gains will really speed up who knows you should be 10 or 12 inches by the end of the summer. You should really enlighten us to your routine because most of us have taken years to get the gains you have got in a few months. Congratulations on your gain :)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

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