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Jelking away fluid?

Jelking away fluid?


Every so often I read about how you can jelk away fluid build up. I develop quite a donut lately with my squeezes and I want to Jelk it away. So how do I do it.

OK smart ass, don’t tell me to learn to Jelk. Is Jelking away fluid some how different because regular Jelk doesn’t do it for me?


Hey PS,

Back when I pulled a donut from pumping, I would just massage the area and jelq lightly and it seemed to help the donut disappear a lot quicker. No special technique that I am aware of or that I remember seeing posted.

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Yea, that is pretty much what I thought. I have noticed that I can drain the fluid quicker if I can get a full erection shortly after my work out. I think the erection reopens the pores the fluid came out of and allows it to return to the blood stream.


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