Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Jelqing & Stretching 101

I think I toughened up my unit through some hanging sessions this month of 5lbs at 15min for an hour of total hang time, but without warm up. How long should I wait before starting a new routine now?

Originally Posted by kou6579
What mean strokes of sentence here :”200-300 strokes a day at medium strength”?

I will quote part of the first post of this thread…( which I think is too much….feeback from experianced PE members, and gainers please! )

C. Frequency & Length of Jelq Sessions

200-300 strokes a day at medium strength (strength referring to the tightness of the grip you have on your penis) for the first week.
300-500 strokes a day at medium-full strength for the second week.
500 or more, (as per your personal routine)[/b] strokes a day.

*The number of days per week that you choose to practice PE is up to you, but it is highly recommended that you take at least two days a week off for the first month.

That seems crazy the amount of jelqing there! I started the linear routine 2 months ago, gradually adding jelqs. I am at 120 today. ( started at 10! ) Do somepeople get away with that amount without injuring themselves? Is it that some people can withstand that, and others cant? I havent seen any gains personnally, but its only been 2 months. But when I read this sort of routine ( which seems to be an accepted one ) I cant help wonder if I aren’t gaining because I aren’t doing enough…I prefer go slow, but this is a big difference.

Hi guys,

Long time reader, first post here.

Can I just confirm that the following..

Originally Posted by KOG
2. Pincher Grasp Using your thumb and index finger, place the thumb on the bottom of your penis and your index on the top of your penis. Your thumb and index finger should make a line that is, for the most part, horizontal Also, some people prefer to perform this style of grasping with the palm facing the top of the penile shaft. Your thumb and index finger should be pointing down (vertical). Performed this way, your thumb and index should be positioned as if you are reaching for some small item, such as a grape.

.. Is incorrect (based on other posts I’ve read) and that the pressure should be applied to the sides of the shaft and NOT on the top and bottom.

From what I’ve read, it’s a massive No-No to apply pressure to the top and bottom. If I’m wrong can one of the mods remove this post. Don’t want to confuse anyone.

What is one jelqing stroke? If I do 300 strokes, 150 with each hand, how I count?

300 or 150?!

That routine takes 12-15 minutes. If it is 300 strokes, I shall not be rush in more strokes, but if it is only 150 I shall increase a number in a week or two.

Originally Posted by floxx
What is one jelqing stroke? If I do 300 strokes, 150 with each hand, how I count?
300 or 150?!
That routine takes 12-15 minutes. If it is 300 strokes, I shall not be rush in more strokes, but if it is only 150 I shall increase a number in a week or two.

300 strokes, 150 with each hand = 300 strokes

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)

Thank you very much Skygod.

And congratulations for nice growth. It seems that my routine is much harder then yours, so I don’t have a progress like you. I am in newbie routine for 4 month, maybe 10 weeks.

That is why I asked that question. Tnx again.

Here’s an idea that might help you. It seemed to have worked for me.

Whatever time I had set aside to jelq than I just jelqed slow and easy for that time frame. No I did not count. This allowed me to concentrate on the quality of the exercise and not just spouting numbers.I’d rather do 100 good slow jelqs that 300 bad ones.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55

Here’s an idea that might help you. It seemed to have worked for me.

Whatever time I had set aside to jelq than I just jelqed slow and easy for that time frame. No I did not count. This allowed me to concentrate on the quality of the exercise and not just spouting numbers.I’d rather do 100 good slow jelqs that 300 bad ones.

I agree with Jimmybob… concentrate on form, not numbers.

If things are not working for you, have a look at your form before just adding numbers.

Good luck.:)

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)

I never had luck with jelqs before, but I believe it was because I wasn’t strong enough and consistent enough.

Now that I’m starting in again with full time jelqing, I find that if you can actually do 300 jelqs in 12 minutes, you must have superhero forearms… my suspicion is you’re really just stripping your penis with your fingers. Can the veterans answer this better- shouldn’t each jelq move nearly a penis’ worth of blood to the head and through the return veins? I find that each jelq takes a few seconds, and I have to pause every 5 or 10 just to regain my strength… if I was doing this much work quickly and without unceasingly, i feel like my penis would be ripped to shreds.

2014: 8.4 x 5.5

2022: 9 x 6.2

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
Here’s an idea that might help you. It seemed to have worked for me.
Whatever time I had set aside to jelq than I just jelqed slow and easy for that time frame. No I did not count. This allowed me to concentrate on the quality of the exercise and not just spouting numbers.I’d rather do 100 good slow jelqs that 300 bad ones.

I stopped counting and timing in the gym a long time ago. The number of reps is the number of reps my body will allow during that set. I still count some things out of habit, but I sabotage myself by recounting the same number over and over until I lose count.

See, you will psych yourself if you think too much about the finish line. I try not to hold myself to arbitrary standards of time and repetition, but focus on maxing out every workout routine, without over-training.

I jelq mostly in the shower in the mornings. No clock, no counting, but it’s usually a 10-15 min session with lots of variance in grip and I have fun with it. But not too much fun, which results in edging. I quit when I’m whipped, or when my wife catches me and asks what the hell I’m doing for so long in the shower.

Anyway, I agree 100% you should concentrate on the quality of every stroke (or in the gym, every lift) without holding yourself to someone else’s random count standard. Lift what you can that day. The benchmark is in the ~results~, such as increased muscle mass or in this case girth, ~not~ in the number of repetitions you can apply week to week.

Max out every time, and not one rep more. These are guesstimate goals, not dogma standards.

- Saul

Hi, great thread! I am very new to this site, and I have been browsing through a few jelqing posts. I had my first ever jelqing session today, but there was one constant problem. My penis is sensitive to touch, so whenever I lubed it up and grab it, it goes into a 80% to erect state. I find this a bit annoying because I want to increase my length, and I heard that the best gains are done so in a more flaccid state. Does anybody know any tricks to make it so you don’t go erect almost instantly?

Maybe I just don’t know how to post a new thread, but how do you guys find time for some of this stuff? Mainly guys that use extenders, how do you find 6 hours to be able to use your device? Do you wear it to work? If so do you have an office job. I walk around all over at my job and feel like it would be noticeable.

How hard do you actually squeeze while doing the Jelq exercises? I have looked at the newbie routine and video, and it looks like it is a very tight squeeze. Do you start off being light with just starting PE and grip tighter after you have done it for a few weeks?

Originally Posted by NC1359
How hard do you actually squeeze while doing the Jelq exercises? I have looked at the newbie routine and video, and it looks like it is a very tight squeeze. Do you start off being light with just starting PE and grip tighter after you have done it for a few weeks?

Hi NC1359!
I recommend that you start with a medium/light pressure.
(penises do not like pain)
Over time you will feel it more,then you can adjust the squeeze.
All the best,


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