Thunder's Place

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jumpstarting gains....

jumpstarting gains....

I have pe’d for about a year now with little to no gains. I started off jelqing and manual stretching. The last 5 or so months, I just did manual stretching. I was not really on any kind of routine just stretching when I had the time. I was wondering since I have not had any gains, if hanging would maybe jumpstart my gains?

Quite likely. Hanging has broken many of us out of ruts. But you have to be consistent and put in the time.

Yes, you cant expect big gains if you dont put in any time. Its just like going to the gym, If you dont stay consistent, your not going to get much stronger by working out when you have the time. Everything in life takes a plan, shit Arnold learned that and look where he is now. Hes governor because he follows his plans, and they work.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

I have to bust my ass working my dick to get it to grow. How old are you? How’s your health? Any bad habits? Im convinced PE will work for everyone. It’s just a matter of finding the right combinations of time/technique/intensity/rest. Everyone’s different so you have to keep experimenting. Once you find the right combination for you, gains will come!

"You can't judge a fisherman by the size of his boat, but a bigger boat sure makes his job easier!"- unknown "Its not the size of the boat, its the motion in the ocean. Yeah but it takes a long time to get to England in a rowboat!" - Jeff Foxworthy June 2002: BPEL:6.5-6.75" EG:5.5-5.75" ? (Toilet Paper tube girth) October 2003 BPEL:8.0" EG:6.5" mid 7.0" @ Base February 2005 same :( New Year's Resolution: Lose 15 lbs and break this stupid plateau!!!!

I was not really on any kind of routine just stretching when I had the time

This is why you didn’t gain - you have to make time for a workout consistently for weeks and months at a time to see proper gains. Doing PE halfheartedly won’t get you anywhere.

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