Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Length Routine

Originally Posted by Shunsatsuren
Would you recommend a straightwall cylinder or a tapered one? The pump I use is the MetalVacII.

As far as the stretch, I feel it, but it feels like I’m ready to add more weight. I just don’t want to rush into it.

I’d use a straight wall cylinder. Like the ones from thickwall.

If you feel like you need more weight, add more weight. Most hangers add 1/2 to 1 pound every week. Not saying you must do this, but it gives you an idea.

Originally Posted by rootsnatty
Consistency is most important. Get consistent then start adding sets, weight, etc. If you can’t get consistent because it’s too much of a pain in the ass, then take Marinera’s advice and do something you can be consistent with. I don’t mean for that to sound harsh or scathing, I sincerely hope you get the hanging addiction like I have, but his advice was so good it is worth repeating.

Adding weight: so you are hanging straight down, this means you should feel the stretch in the suspensory ligaments mostly. These run from the pubic bone to about what you would consider the base of your penis. Do you feel discomfort and a good stretch in those ligaments when you hang? If so, keep using the current weight. If you feel nothing there, move up.

Six weeks at that low weight would more than likely be longer than you need to wait to move up, but it is much more accurate to pay attention to the stretch to decide when to move up and when to stay put. Keep paying attention to the feeling and you will eventually get a feel for it.

Cylinder Packing: a well-lubed 1.75” cylinder would serve you well for packing purposes. You will hit the side quickly and then the only place for your unit to expand will be down the tube.

And not a problem man, we are all on this forum to get help and give help in return, when we can.


Is a cylinder size ofr 1 3/4 x 9” the same as 1.75? This is the size I already have.

Yes. 1 3/4 is the same as 1.75.

Originally Posted by MrJe829
Yes. 1 3/4 is the same as 1.75.

Sweet! Thanks for your swift reply.

Does anybody have experience or information about stretching after pumping? Although my intention is to stretch as the first exercise after the warm-up, an erection usually prevents me from doing that.

Originally Posted by WantToBeThick

Yea, clamping is for girth. Loose it if you just want length.

Where are clamping video? I need it

I just gain length , No any girth

For those who are still interested, my length routine has changed from the last one. Any criticisms, questions, and/or comments are very welcome.

1) Warm-up - hot towel wrap from 5~10 minutes
-I heat up water and pour it into a pot with a towel
-sometimes I am more patient with warming up, and sometimes I may do a session before leaving the house, so it depends.
Usually I’ll warm-up for 7~10 minutes.

2) Either stretching or pumping. Normally, immediately after warming up, I’ll go into a stretching routine:
-rotary stretch, 1 minute
-directional V-stretches, starting straight, then either left or right, then up. after the up, I’ll re-warm.
-another rotary stretch, 1 minute, opposite direction
-directional A-stretches, forward, left/right, up

However, sometimes I get erect during the warm-up, too much so to begin stretching. if this is the case;
-vacuum pump - 5~10 minutes at around 7.5 hG
-jelqing - 5 minutes or less
-stretch routine mentioned above
-another 5~10 minutes of pumping
-jelqing - 5~10 minutes
*At this point, this will be the end of the session and I’ll either stop or edge. I try not to edge because usually I’ll continue for a long time and ejaculate.

Basically, depending on whether or not I have an erection, I’ll either start with stretching or pumping.

3) Warm-down
-at this point, I’ll either dip my member in the water for a while or take a shower

The A-stretch is the one where you stretch straight-forward first and then hold your thumb down at the base, right? Not sure if I have the right name on that one.

When jelqing, I prefer to be non-erect or semi-erect.

I will continue this routine until the end of January. Then, I will change it up a bit. Any recommendations? So far, the only thing I can think of is getting a
water pump. If not that, I’ll increase the air pump pressure somewhere to 10~12. Does anyone recommend against this?

Also, I do all of this standing up now; no sitting down.

Additionally, I am way more consistent with this routine than the last, usually either 2 on 1 of or 3 on 1 off. Should I change the frequency of this?

Since I had been clamping often in September, is it possible that I should have taken a longer break?

Your rewarming as you go through the routine is a good idea. I think others would benefit more if they did this also. And 7-10 minutes of heat is a very good idea. I think 5 min is not enough. Unless you know for sure you inured yourself with the clamping, I think it is ok to proceed as you are. I would caution you against going up in pressure too soon with the pump however. But also, I’m not so sure any pumping would give any greater gains than just the manual exercises you are already doing.

Originally Posted by Ectospasm
Your rewarming as you go through the routine is a good idea. I think others would benefit more if they did this also. And 7-10 minutes of heat is a very good idea. I think 5 min is not enough. Unless you know for sure you inured yourself with the clamping, I think it is ok to proceed as you are. I would caution you against going up in pressure too soon with the pump however. But also, I’m not so sure any pumping would give any greater gains than just the manual exercises you are already doing.

Alright, I’ll make sure I do at least 7 minutes of warming up and gradually build it to 10.

I didn’t injure myself from clamping, I just thought that it “hardened” my member, creating potential difficulty in future gaining. I forgot what
exactly the term was called, though. Even though clamping is my favorite exercise, I’m taking a leave of absence from it to focus on length.

How soon would be too soon with increasing the pressure? I’ve had this pump for around a year now, so I think it’s safe to increase it.

Originally Posted by Shunsatsuren
For those who are still interested, my length routine has changed from the last one. Any criticisms, questions, and/or comments are very welcome.

1) Warm-up - hot towel wrap from 5~10 minutes
-I heat up water and pour it into a pot with a towel
-sometimes I am more patient with warming up, and sometimes I may do a session before leaving the house, so it depends.
Usually I’ll warm-up for 7~10 minutes.

2) Either stretching or pumping. Normally, immediately after warming up, I’ll go into a stretching routine:
-rotary stretch, 1 minute
-directional V-stretches, starting straight, then either left or right, then up. after the up, I’ll re-warm.
-another rotary stretch, 1 minute, opposite direction
-directional A-stretches, forward, left/right, up

However, sometimes I get erect during the warm-up, too much so to begin stretching. if this is the case;
-vacuum pump - 5~10 minutes at around 7.5 hG
-jelqing - 5 minutes or less
-stretch routine mentioned above
-another 5~10 minutes of pumping
-jelqing - 5~10 minutes
*At this point, this will be the end of the session and I’ll either stop or edge. I try not to edge because usually I’ll continue for a long time and ejaculate.

Basically, depending on whether or not I have an erection, I’ll either start with stretching or pumping.

3) Warm-down
-at this point, I’ll either dip my member in the water for a while or take a shower

The A-stretch is the one where you stretch straight-forward first and then hold your thumb down at the base, right? Not sure if I have the right name on that one.

When jelqing, I prefer to be non-erect or semi-erect.

I will continue this routine until the end of January. Then, I will change it up a bit. Any recommendations? So far, the only thing I can think of is getting a
water pump. If not that, I’ll increase the air pump pressure somewhere to 10~12. Does anyone recommend against this?

Also, I do all of this standing up now; no sitting down.

Additionally, I am way more consistent with this routine than the last, usually either 2 on 1 of or 3 on 1 off. Should I change the frequency of this?

Since I had been clamping often in September, is it possible that I should have taken a longer break?

I think you should try doing JAI-stretch ,don’t pull SO ok pull straight SU and do kegles and reverse kegels helps with length .It helped me a ton. This so called A-stretch your talking about is actually called V-stretch. If u don’t want to add JAI-stretch in your routine then you can alternate A-stretches . Instead of pulling SO pull SU and then hold your thumb at the base and push SO ,then do kegels and reverse kegels .

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by alivegeta
I think you should try doing JAI-stretch ,don’t pull SO ok pull straight SU and do kegles and reverse kegels helps with length .It helped me a ton. This so called A-stretch your talking about is actually called V-stretch. If u don’t want to add JAI-stretch in your routine then you can alternate A-stretches .

Interesting, I’ll start to look into those. Do you only do them SU and not SO at all? How many/how long do you do them?

Originally Posted by alivegeta
Instead of pulling SO pull SU and then hold your thumb at the base and push SO ,then do kegels and reverse kegels .

I already do this, both SU and SO.

For anyone who is still interested, my routine has yet again changed a little bit.

1) 8~10 minute warm-up with IR lamp
This is my new method of warming up. This is far more convenient in my opinion than my previous method because all I have to do is plug in the lamp and wait for it to heat up. Because of the convenience, I don’t mind warming up for longer periods of time.I apply the heat to all sides (top/bottom/left/right).

2) Stretch routine
a. rotary stretch - ~2m
b. SO stretch - there was a thread about a way of stretching I hadn’t been using before. I’m not sure what exactly it’s called, but I’ll link it. I do this for about 2~4 minutes.
c. JAI stretch - thanks to alivegeta and anyone else who might have brought this to my attention. With this stretch, I’ve been able to add kegels to my routine. Also, occasionally I’ll do kegels throughout the day, not sure if this is going to be useful or not though.
d. directional V/A stretches - first I’ll stretch straight left/right for 5 seconds, then take either my thumb or forefinger and apply pressure at the middle or base and hold for 55~60 seconds.
e. re-warm — 2~3 minutes of re-warming at the 10 minute and 20 mark and repeating the above

3) Jelqing
a. usually from 3~10 minutes of jelqing in preparation of pumping.

4) Pumping
a. air pump - 2 6~8 minute sets of pumping from 7.5 to 9 Hg of pressure. When January ends, I will increase the pressure above 10.
b. jelqing between pumping sessions.

At the very end of this routine, I’ll usually end with a series of quick-paced light jelqs or edging/masturbation to ejaculation.

However, once February starts, my plan is to not masturbate for the entire month. Also I’m going to try to stop relying on porn for pumping. How difficult will that be? Has anyone done it?

Any questions or criticisms are welcome.

2)b. Steady sustainable lengthening

Looks like a good routine that cover the most parts working on both tunica and smooth muscle workout. Then how you will respond to it in long run will be interesting to follow.

I don’t know how you respond to high pressure pumping?
But be careful and have an extra eye open for red dots when you pumping and after.

Thanks for link! I always stretch to my BPFSL or over it to gain. If I don’t, my stretching sessions is a wasted of time.
I like jai- stretching both when doing sessions and thru out the day by feel. I even do them on my rest days. They are good to trigger gains, flaccid gains and get the blood flow going.


Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

Originally Posted by Shunsatsuren

c. JAI stretch - thanks to alivegeta and anyone else who might have brought this to my attention. With this stretch, I’ve been able to add kegels to my routine. Also, occasionally I’ll do kegels throughout the day, not sure if this is going to be useful or not though.

Do kegels and reverse kegels while holding stretches. Source of my length gains.

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!


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