Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

Sorry for asking but how long to see gains with this particular method?? 4 months ? 6? 8? more or less?

Dia 1/Day 1- 15 mayo/May 2013- 15 cm X 13 cm. Ahora/Now- 16cm X 13.7cm.

The Size Myth In The Porn Industry

Beepalot, as i understand correct, You aren’t conditioned from Newbie Routine. Try this as Mem’s routine is really exhaustive.

Tenbris, you should see gains in week-month. Sometimes there are some slight EQ drop,but could be from the stretching part of routine and EQ got to 10 after a couple of days.

I’m going to try something similar to this routine: 10min fulcrum stretches and 15min dry jelqs AM and 25min fulcrums with 20 jelqs PM. Will be posting results.

Again, thanks Mem for this routine and its description.

I’ve been jelqing for the past month, but low volume and strength, this is just to get my member used to the punishment. But I’ll carry on with it for another month or two if you advise so :)

The aim: to be unable to fit in a cigar cutter.

Originally Posted by Tidio
Beepalot, as i understand correct, You aren’t conditioned from Newbie Routine. Try this as Mem’s routine is really exhaustive.

Tenbris, you should see gains in week-month. Sometimes there are some slight EQ drop,but could be from the stretching part of routine and EQ got to 10 after a couple of days.

I’m going to try something similar to this routine: 10min fulcrum stretches and 15min dry jelqs AM and 25min fulcrums with 20 jelqs PM. Will be posting results.

Again, thanks Mem for this routine and its description.

Thanks man. I hope to see some gains and have a big dick with this awesome workout.

Dia 1/Day 1- 15 mayo/May 2013- 15 cm X 13 cm. Ahora/Now- 16cm X 13.7cm.

The Size Myth In The Porn Industry

Beepalot, let yourself gain with less intense routine- Newbie Routine. When the gains stop, jump to Mem’s routine, but start with some lighter version (for eg. 15min stretch and 15min jelq instead of 20). Going straight to harder version of manual PE was my way to miss my “newbie gains”.

Tenbris, I’m sure you will gain. In the end of 2013 I was growing too, but haven’t got a time to do the whole routine. Now I have muaaahahaha!

I cannot wait to try this routine!

I have no time to split the sessions (morning and evening). I only have time at night to do it. Can I do the whole session at once? Wouldn’t´t affect the gains?

You have to modify it to your needs but no, I don’t think it would be as effective in one session. I guess if that were the only option I’d put the stretching routine second.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

What do you mean putting it second.? Doing the whole jelqing first and immediately after, doing the V stretch? Wouldn’t´t it be harder to do stretch after jelqing, cause the penis would be all engorged?

Yes it would be harder but the advantage of two sessions is that you have enough time to recover from the jelqing but you can still feel it’s effects because it’s only 8-12 hours later, rather than 24 hours later. I mentioned this the other day but at the risk of repeating myself, if jelqing is a tenderising thing, you want to do the stretching in a when the effects are still palpable and doing a morning session puts your routine 12-16 hours earlier than doing a stretching then jelqing routine.

Add to that the possible advantage of spreading the work through the day, where your penis is in a longer state for longer, and you have a couple of good reasons for a split routine.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

So, sorry if am being repetitive.. In the case I am NOT splitting the sessions should I begin with the jelqing and stretching only after it? And if I could split I keep what is in the first page of this thread? Start with stretching and at the end of the day do the jelqing session?

Also it´ll be ok if I add to the stretching session some simple stretches up, down, left, right after the V stretch?

Can I do the Inverted V stretch with my wrist.? I feel a lot of tension when doing it with it.

You can do whatever you want. Some changes will probably make it less effective, some might make it more effective but in the end any routine has to be tuned for you. Just the differences between physiology, previous PE experience, and the force used will mean that anyone doing this routine, even if the attempt to follow it to the letter, will already be doing their own spin.

This means that you have to break things down to constituents and understand those thoroughly, understand the interactions between exercises (alluded to above), monitor closely and be ready to adapt if you aren’t quickly getting results.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Last edited by memento : 02-17-2015 at .

Just wanted to say thanks for being so active in your thread and patient. Your posts are really inspiring.


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