Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

Keep us updated as to whether we’ve found the issue for you. Is it that you just weren’t quite getting the correct way to jelq? Have you tried again? Did you notice a difference?

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Im really not sure what is is that I was doing wrong but judging from the link you sent me on how to jelq I think I was doing it wrong. I dont think my grip was strong enough to be efficient. I havent done it yet, today is day1 for me, Im actually about to start doing it as we speak.

Hey mem everything went well. i did mix the routine up. I did your inverted stretch routine instead of the direction routing(never liked that much), but only for 10 minutes. I do have a problem though. I find myself getting soft to often after jelqing. I have to play with myself to get my self back up. Any suggestions?

during jelqing i should say

>I find myself getting soft to often after jelqing. I have to play with myself to get my self back up. Any suggestions?<

People often do. My suggestion would be to pause, regain your erection and continue :) , adding the cumulative time taken to regain erections to the end of your jelqing session.

Kegeling can help.

Remember this is an exercise designed to enlarge the penis, there’s no point doing it in a way that doesn’t stress the tissue.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Thats basically what I had to do. So after doing the first session I ended up going to sleep afterwards. I woke up about 5 hours later and was feeling the urge so I started masturbating, and I could feel my junk was a little sore. That’s a good or bad thing? It wasn’t over bearing and I wasn’t in pain at all, I could just tell that I had really worked my unit out.

I feel like I can go more consecutive days with the newbie routine, would it be ok for me to change the schedule up a little or should I follow it how it says?

A little sore is a good thing, probably.

You’ll have to fit it in with where you are. You are probably a little conditioned so straight newbie might not be enough.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Any suggestions on a schedule? 5 on 2 off? Monday thru friday, sat and sunday off?

You are going to have to figure this out based on how much you feel you need the break. Maybe try 5/2 and roll it back if it’s too much.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Ok cool Thanks a lot Ill keep you informed and ill note my changes.

I’m doing the whole thread .Sure I’ll learn .

dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

Part of Mems routine

Originally Posted by memento
Morning session
  • 5-10 min warm wrap (washcloth)
  • 20 min long hold inverted v-stretch
  • 5-10 min warm wrap (washcloth)

Inverted V-Stretch - Long Hold

The way I used it was with the aid of pot of E45 cream eventually after trying some alternate* cylinders. An E45 cream pot is a cylinder approx 2.5” (6cm) in diameter and 2.5” (6cm) long. These dimensions are perfect for placement between the legs whilst sitting.

Pushing the pot close up to the balls, and stretching the penis over it and over the edge of the chair allows a straight arm stretch to be performed with immense power, effectively using the shoulder and the body to power the stretch rather than the arm. With a good grip, it is possible to hold this stretch for long periods and I found 3 minutes worked well, stopping to regain circulation before reapplying.

It’s just as important when doing a stretch like this to relax into the stretch. It’s strange but when you snatch a stretch it seems much less effective, if you gradually turn on the power you can stretch that bit further and really feel it.

This is like hanging heavy weights without using a hanger and this stretch should really impact on the septum.

Ok here are my questions? Doing only what is listed above the morning routine will you see good returns on girth growth ? second question E45 cream pot is that made out of glass? Third question are you still doing the inverted v-stretch over a large fulcrum? Fourth question what is your current mid shaft erect girth? Thank you for your response.

As mentioned by PM,

Stretches tend to be for length. The result of a longer hold stretch is probably a little more like hanging and you would expect base girth improvements. The flattening of the penis over the tub may also impact girth.

Here’s a picture of an E45 tub:

It’s made of plastic. As long as you have something of a similar size and made of tough plastic (you don’t want it to deform too much), you should be OK. Glass or anything that might shatter is something worth avoiding that close to the penis.

Your third question is answered above.

My stats are listed in my profile. I always rounded down to the nearest 1/4”.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Thanks memento


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