Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

Your tape should work then. You’ll find lots of measurement pics using this kind of tape.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I whipped together a PVC tube with pipe foam for the Inverted V-Stretch - Long Hold technique. The pipe itself is a little less than 5cm diameter and with the pipe foam compressed it is 5.25 diameter. It’s also six inches long. I tried it and it seems alright. It was my first time doing this exercise, only did it for 5 mins but I am already feeling it.that’s something else. Also thinking of sticking to dry Jelqing to avoid skin stretch. Feedback is appreciated.

In other news I had a Scottish friend who when I found him something he was looking for exclaimed in joy “Stave! You Dancer!”* . I thought ‘what the hell’, is this guy making fun of me or something? Right after I did him a good? Nope, apparently it means something positive.

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I use a roll of that brown box tape to do the inverted v stretch.

I use an ultra concentrate pre workout bottle.

This routine got me through a 6 year long plateau.

Thanks, mem.

Good news. Keep gaining.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

How long should I do this routine? A month in and no gains. Should i go three months?

I assume you were doing it with the bathmate etc.

If a routine, any routine, isn’t giving you positive indications of growth or growth within a month, you should change.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Yeah I was doing it with the bathmate, just yesterday I took the bathmate out thinking maybe it was too much? Is that enough of a change to affect growth?

I don’t know what routine you were doing, so I can’t really comment but if you aren’t gaining, something needs to change. Maybe you need to take 6 months or a year off and come back with the newbie routine. It’s hard to tell with minimal information.

I know you’ve posted what you were doing before but I’m not going to scan through all your posts to try and figure out exactly what you were doing when and thereby supply an informed opinion. If you want varied and informed opinions on your routine, it might be better to initiate a new thread. This thread tends to put a lot of people off answering.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

December 4th 2012
Rice sock 5 min warm up
5-10 min stretches
Rick sock 5 min warm up
10 min jq
Rick sock 5 mins warm down

Jan4th-Feb 4th
Rice sock 5 min warm up
10 min stretches
Rick sock 5 min warm up
10 min jq
Rick sock 5 mins warm down

Feb 4th – March 4th
Rice sock 5 min warm up
10 min stretches
Rick sock 5 min warm up
15 min jq
Rick sock 5 mins warm down

April 5th
Warm up
Stretch 2x 30 seconds
V stretch 3 points 20 seconds each 2x
Heli shakes 10 times
50 jq
Repeat till you get to 200 jelqs

May 1st
Start using extender for 3-8 hours a day
Warm up
Stretch 2x 30 seconds
V stretch 3 points 20 seconds each 2x
Heli shakes 10 times
100 jq
Repeat till you get to 300

June 1st to July 13th
Warm up
Stretch 2x 30 seconds
V stretch 3 points 20 seconds each 2x
Internal stretch 30 sec 3 times
Heli shakes 10 times
Bathmate 5 mins
100 jq
Repeat till you get to 200
Bathmate 10 mins

July 15th to August 19th
Mems routine
Ten min bathmate

August20th to current
Mems routine

Forgot to list days on days off. I started doing 2 on 1 off then 3 on 1 off then 5 on 1 off.

As written, this build up looks pretty good but you say you’ve got no gains the entire time, right?

The question I have for you are, how do you feel after the morning portion of the routine? How do you feel after the afternoon/evening portion of the routine? What is the state of your penis after each portion of the routine (measurements etc.)? Do you feel like you could carry on for another day or do you feel like you need the day off?

Let’s get a bit more specific. How long does a jelq stroke take you? How erect are you when you jelq? What’s your current girth? What size would you estimate your girth?

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I havent seen any gains with any of the routines I tried.

how do you feel after the morning portion of the routine?
-Some times it is difficult for me to do it every morning b/c I get up really early for work anyways so a extra 30 mins is much needed. When I cant do it in the morning I usually do it when I get home. It kind of sucks b/c by the time I get off of work come home do the warm up and stretch, wait 4 hours its already 12-1 am but the time I can start doing the jelqing. Sometimes if I notice I am getting to tired I will just wait as long as I can before I do the jelqing. I try to have a 2 hour window at least. I know your explanation explained to wait 4 hours but sometimes it just to difficult for me to do it in that very order with my work schedule. As far as feelings go, I have no issues that I notice, sometimes its harder for me to get a good grip for a long time and I have to keep switching hands but i can usually always go back to back with hands.

How do you feel after the afternoon/evening portion of the routine?
-After portion goes pretty well I think. I do have an issue with staying 80-90% erect though. I can start with that percentage but eventually it will simmer to a 50-60% after a minute or two.

What is the state of your penis after each portion of the routine (measurements etc.)?
-Some times after doing the morning portion my penis contracts in a little(turtle head?), but not always. The evening session feels good afterwards, No pain in either routine.

Do you feel like you could carry on for another day or do you feel like you need the day off?
-Some guys say they get sore after doing routines. I have never felt that I dont think. The skin is sensitive yes but the actual tissue underneath doesnt seem to bother me ever. I dont know if I could compare it to working your biceps out but the soreness isnt the same if there is any at all I just never noticed or payed attention.

How long does a jelq stroke take you?
-Usually 2 seconds, sometimes I get so wrapped up in watching the porn that I end up speeding up faster and faster, but I eventually catch myself.

How erect are you when you jelq?
-I try to stay as erect as possible but if I had to have a average percentage it would probably be 50%. I just eventually lose my erection.

What’s your current girth?
-5.5 inch around mid shaft


Im really almost tempted to film my daily routine and send it to someone to have them tell me what Im doing wrong. i just dont own a camera and i dont want to go buy one just to do that.


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