Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

I fucked up a question. I meant to ask, what size would you estimate your grip is in comparison to your girth, i.e. what kind of compression are you getting.

From your answers though, it would seem that you potentially don’t know how to jelq properly. Please could you read this:

How to Jelq

Tell me if it jives with your experience of jelqing?

Also, if you don’t have time to do a split routine, join them up. It’s best to put your PE into a portion of your day when you can actually make the quality the best possible. Quality over quantity.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I think my erection level is to low for the jelqing part of it. I will try to keep it up (literally, haha) a little more to make each jelq more effective.

What do you mean by joining the routine? Are you saying literally combine both morning and evening routines into one larger routine?

Yes, combine them. I don’t think it would be as effective but it sounds like a better option for you. Or take a half hour break or something.

When you next jelq,

  1. Ensure your erection is high enough. Stop when it’s not
  2. Make sure your grip is tight enough, grip so hard that you cannot move up the shaft more than a little (a Uli), then ease off so that you can just make it up the shaft
  3. Count 1 - Mississippi, 2 - Mississippi, 3 - Mississippi as your stroke progresses. If you hit the end before your count ends, you are going too fast.
  4. Make every stroke count, focus on the quality.
  5. If it doesn’t feel like you’ve exerted your penis by the end, you probably haven’t been doing it right. Your penis should be nicely sore.
  6. Watch out for injury. Take care.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Great, thanks so much for your information and help memento. Im going to try it the way you said, maybe I was just doing it wrong the whole time. Time will tell, I will keep the thread updated on my status. Thanks again.

Hey mem quick question, would it be ok for me to have no rest days?

I think rest days help. It’s interesting but a lot of people have a growth spurt when they take a break from PE. I like to think of rest days as a mini version of that.

Whether I have enough evidence to support that postulation is another question. I maybe have to fall back on “it worked for me and it’s worked for a number of other people” but that doesn’t necessarily prove anything. The concept of rest days probably originates in body building and whether it’s an analogy that stretches (if you’ll pardon the lack of a pun) is another question.

I needed rest days. I worked hard and if I’d carried on, I’d have had a non functional cock. EQ is important to make this whole thing work. I’ve mentioned this several times before. Please feel free to review the thread. If you feel you can carry on with this routine without rest days, I’d suggest you are probably not putting in the required effort.

How did the jelqing go?

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

That’s fair enough, I see what you are saying. Ill just continue to follow your advice and keep it on a 5 on 2 off deal.

I haven’t jelqed since Tuesday, I got caught up last night and just didn’t find the time to do it yet. I was going to start today, but I like to keep things even or on a certain time line. I dont like to start something in the middle of the week. Ill probably wait till Monday and start back up again.

Maybe this is an unusual pause for you but if not: the only way this routine or any other routine will actually work is if you are consistent. If there’s too much other stuff going on in your life and you are stopping and starting all the time, you’ll get nowhere. Maybe this is your experience? In the end you have to decide how much you want it and if it’s worth reorganising your life around.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I try to stay as devoted as possible honestly. Ive just been slacking the last week b/c of confusion or anger I guess. Come Monday I will take a new approach! You are 100 percent correct about the consistency, I think that maybe before when I was consistent i was doing it wrong. So come Monday I will do it the right way and be consistent. Thanks a lot Mem you’re a good guy.

I hope it works for you. But if you’ve really been getting stuff wrong, you might want to revisit a less intense routine.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento

I hope it works for you. But if you’ve really been getting stuff wrong, you might want to revisit a less intense routine.

Like start over with the newbie routine?

Yeah. Jelqing is the primary exercise in all of this. If you haven’t been doing the jelqing with the kind efficiency required and only you will be able to judge that, you probably don’t want to drop back to a less intense routine, at least for a while.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Im confused Mem, you said to revisit a less intense routine then you said not to. Should I continue doing your routine or should I do the newbie routine all over?

Sorry, my bad I meant drop back to newbie but jelq properly. I should proof read stuff. It’s something you might want to consider, it might not be right for you but it’s worth a thought.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I understand, yeah I see so many people have great success with the newbie routine or any for that matter. I guess I will go back and start it over again for 3 months and try to focus on doing it the right way instead of just doing it. Thank you so much for your help Mem. I will keep you updated with the status of the newbie routine and how things are going.


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