Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

So I’ve been doing this routine for 8 weeks and am currently taking a week break I gained maybe 2/8” BPEL and maybe 1/8” girth. My question is how many 8 week cycles of this should I do before switching to something else? I am even thinking of adding some clamping or something once a week as I really really REALLY!!! Want to increase girth. Any feedback would be much appreciated!

Well done on the gains. Change when you aren’t gaining. If you continue at 1/8” girth per month that’s 1” in 8 months. Not too bad. You’ll probably need to change, or rest or do shock routines at some point but while it’s working, stick with it - try to maximise the efficiency of the work in the routine.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Thanks for the quick response! Can’t wait for this damn break to be over!

People grow during breaks, so take a measurement before your start again.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

That’s good info Iron!
That gain, if remain steady, will give You the goal before Christmas.

Mem, can there be done a regular V-stretch instead of inverted? Doing it with only hands is my only option so far as I can’t do this with any container (maybe lack of dexterity…).

Regular V’s gives me good stretch which can be feel at almost whole shaft.

Alter it to work for you but a standard v-stretch with hands is very different and probably not as effective. It’d probably be better to substitute for hanging. It takes no more dexterirty than a standard v-stretch.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by Tidio

Mem, can there be done a regular V-stretch instead of inverted? Doing it with only hands is my only option so far as I can’t do this with any container (….

Your wrist?

Inverted v’s with wrist- this can be good.

As for hanging: I’m not convinced to this. Maybe trying to find something to be rolled with piece of cloth as the fulcrum is a good idea.

Thanks for help.

Tell me if I’m wrong, we can actually gain newbie gains (let’s say between 0.25” and 1”) + 2” in a period of 3 years ? (Straight random number)

Started : July : 5.4"x4.9"

September : 5.9"x5

I gained 3/4” BPEL in my first 3 months on newbie routine. Anything is possible!

So I started this routine up again after my week break and it feels awesome!

Lately I have been doing some “constricted edgeing” throuought the day to try to keep my cock engorged as much as possible. Essentially what I do is tie a shoelace around the base of my cock into a bow (provides for easy release) I can still pee through it so constriction is nothing insane. And then after I’m all tied in I edge and get my erection as big and full as possible I can usually measure .25-.5” bigger in girth during this time! I do this really whenever I feel like I usually do this every other PE day.

Could this be benificial to gains or could it contribute to over training? I haven’t experienced any negative PIs from this.

Feedback is much appreciated!

Originally Posted by Kajime
Tell me if I’m wrong, we can actually gain newbie gains (let’s say between 0.25” and 1”) + 2” in a period of 3 years ? (Straight random number)

Let’s see the results after going to gym. Someone gets less fatty, someone gets abs and overall good shape and someone get a bodybuilder-like musculature.

The gain depends of the whole variety of things: genetics, amount of time, starting stats, technique, other factors (how many rest days, duration of training, etc.).

In short, we can. But as You can see, is it good to tell “I can gain 1,2 or 3 inches!” or “I can’t grow to 7, 8, 9 inches”. Just do what gives You health and gains.

As for Iron post, thanks man! You gave me the motivation to at last start this wonderful (in theory hihihi) routine.

My suggestion about the whole day constrictor is to try for 1 or 2 weeks with and the other without it and see the difference in PI’s and obviously, in gains.

Can I add in my bathmate in this routine?

Hi guys this routine is going good 6 week in an gained 0.1 in lengh which is good for me because I am a hard gainner. Girth I have not measured yet because I haven’t had the right tool its ok though just order one of them body tape measures to do the job. Anyways I have a quick question on the last routine of the day I get alot of I fluid build up in the fore skin is this a bad thing if so how bad? Thanks if you can help me with this question bad luck.


>Can I add in my bathmate in this routine?<

You can do whatever you want. Whether it would be useful or not is another question. You could potentially mix the pumping with the jelqing.

bad luck,

>Girth I have not measured yet because I haven’t had the right tool its ok though just order one of them body tape measures to do the job<

You can use a piece of string and mark it where it crosses with a felt pen or a tailors tape measure. I don’t know what a body tape measure is, sorry.

>Anyways I have a quick question on the last routine of the day I get alot of I fluid build up in the fore skin is this a bad thing if so how bad?<

That’s perfectly fine as long as it has gone by the next day, it’s a fairly normal side effect of jelqing for uncut guys.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Hi mems the body tape measure I have order is a tailors tape measure I just could not think of the name at the time I posted. With the fluid build up in the fore skin it goes away after an hour or two so thanks for letting me no I have nothing to worry about. Cheers bad luck.


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