Thunder's Place

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Methods to Improve Recovery Rates


Methods to Improve Recovery Rates

Hello guys,

I wished to open a general discussion on tools, techniques, and methods that members here have used, with success, to improve their recovery rates from fatigue. As many of you know, one of the most important aspects of the way I view PE is in the recovery stage. The faster I recover from a phase where I overload my penis with fatigue for a few days, the faster I grow. So, it has been critical for me to not only find the best methods of fatiguing my penis for growth (the best stimuli), but also creating conditions that speed my recovery.

The most critical tools that I have found are included below. I hope you all may add your own experiences, as well as benefit from mine.

1. Eroset's Vein Oil (EVO)

Eroset’s Vein Oil - for thrombosis and more

This mixture of oils is incredible. I have used it on and off for about a year now, and I can say with complete certainty that it has had a MAJOR effect on my recovery rate. All sorts of surface area vascular difficulties encountered through heavy clamping and pumping are heavily encouraged to recover by the use of EVO. I apply it to my flaccid penis and put on an ankle length sock (fits perfectly for the job, and adds extra heat). Do not allow EVO to make you add more intensity to your workouts, it can only affect areas close to the surface (primarily - it is topical), so you still need proper rest.

2. Cold Water-Pumping

I use this to do two things. First, it allows my penis to cool down in an extended state - this supposedly promotes growth. Second, the ice water promotes a bunch of recovery aiding activities in the area (read firegoat’s post, linked). In a pumping routine, this will reduce lymph fluid build up (actively reduce, not just not encourage it further), aid the healing of inflamed areas, etc. I usually use two medium-sized ice cubes in an over-sized (extra long) cylinder filled with cold water and limit sets to 20 minutes. Sometimes I use 3 cubes for a 10 minute set, the time depends on the level of coldness, you do not want to injure yourself. Finally, do not enter the cold pumping session right after a heat session - allow the penis to reach room temperature first (advice of firegoat and I have personally seen the affects of not following this advice - don’t do it).

firegoat - Cool Down - YES You NEED It!

Water Pumping: Alternating Hot & Cold

3. High Calorie Diet

I have never grown considerably when on a severely calorie restricted diet, even if it was rich in nutrients. I have grown the best when I consumed a balanced, richly nutritious, and slightly large diet (over my maintenance caloric level).

4. Sleep

Obviously, this goes without saying. I sometimes find it beneficial to over-sleep. Clubber, the highly-motivated PE’er that he is, has been doing this as well, with the same benefits that I have seen.

What are your experiences and best recommendations to speed recovery?

Great thread, LV.


Concerning, the 3rd one, I think we need to consider what type of recovery our dicks need. If one has damaged his penis and became inflamed(or some parts of it) , I think a more anti-inflammatory approach is better and in this context if you eat many calories you involuntary raise the quantities of omega 6’s, carbs and other things which promote inflammation. So maybe, in this case, is not advisable to eat a high cal diet.

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Originally Posted by alin
Great thread, LV.


Concerning, the 3rd one, I think we need to consider what type of recovery our dicks need. If one has damaged his penis and became inflamed(or some parts of it) , I think a more anti-inflammatory approach is better and in this context if you eat many calories you involuntary raise the quantities of omega 6’s, carbs and other things which promote inflammation. So maybe, in this case, is not advisable to eat a high cal diet.

Is that the case? I was not aware of that at all, thanks for letting me know. Can you provide any more information?

By the way, what I meant by recovery rate in the thread is recovery from normal fatigue from PE, not recovery from injury. Still, your post is well appreciated and helpful, alin.

Great idea for a thread, I really need to try EVO I think!

Nov '08: 6.5" BPEL X 4.3" MSEG / 4.83" Base Girth.... 4.565" AVG EG Based on 2 measurements

Nov '09: 7.0" BPEL (6.3" NBPEL) X 4.5" MSEG / 4.9" Base Girth.... 4.59" AVG EG Based on 3 measurements ~~~~~~~~~ Erect gains to date 1.55" X .4"

>>> Caboose\\'s Penis Enlargement Guide <<<

Originally Posted by caboose2409
Great idea for a thread, I really need to try EVO I think!

I cannot recommend it any more highly. We can control so little things to influence our gains in PE, so when we find something like this - a tool in our war against diminishing returns, we have to keep it with us.

I sleep for a long long time usually. 9-12 hours and that’s why by the next day my Penis always feels in good condition with good EQ so I’d definitely agree with that.

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
Is that the case? I was not aware of that at all, thanks for letting me know. Can you provide any more information?

By the way, what I meant by recovery rate in the thread is recovery from normal fatigue from PE, not recovery from injury. Still, your post is well appreciated and helpful, alin.

Sorry, my post was about the recovery from injury or something a little more than “normal fatigue”(which as we know, is a subjective term) , as the title of recovery was more general. :)

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

You forgot Hydration.

All of this is a waste if you don’t drink enough water.

Also, drinking too much alcohol, particularly on a regular basis will affect healing rates. If you like a beer, wine, whiskey or whatever, try and keep it to one a day.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Could a low dose of Cialis aid in faster recovery?


I have rubbed arnica cream on my unit, straight after my PE session. This has definately improved healing times, I highly recommend it

Originally Posted by 890kgv
Could a low dose of Cialis aid in faster recovery?

This is an interesting topic that should be fleshed out more. It’s aid in providing more night time erections was cited my sparkyx in my log as possibly being beneficial.

Originally Posted by jack1015

I have rubbed arnica cream on my unit, straight after my PE session. This has definately improved healing times, I highly recommend it

Have you tried EVO and can you contrast the two? Also, what lead you to want to use it?

I’ve tried to mix aloe vera with EVO, but it didn’t work well. Maybe this might?

Originally Posted by Tossed Salad
You forgot Hydration.

All of this is a waste if you don’t drink enough water.

Also, drinking too much alcohol, particularly on a regular basis will affect healing rates. If you like a beer, wine, whiskey or whatever, try and keep it to one a day.

Good points TS, I forgot to mention that. I drink a lot of water and avoid alcohol anyway, I guess I developed this habit due to my high protein diet in my days of powerlifting.

High calorie diet helped with me too! More energy for your body to use, makes sense to me.

Starting: (15X11.2 cm)(EV:9.13ci) Current: (17.5 X 11.9cm)(EV:12.07ci) Future: LONG AND THICK

Short term goal: (18.1X12.2cm)(EV:13.08ci) Long term goal: 22X16 cm EV: 26.31ci

All measurements are BPEL and Average girth (top shaft erect, mid shaft erect, and base erect) Journey Began on 1-20-10 Target date: 8-30-13

There is a new Palmer’s product which has a similar ingredient list as the eroset vein oil mixture. I have used it for a few months and the results are great.
I told Vagabund to get some, so maybe he can give his opinion if he notices this post. It has been out for a little over a month, maybe more, it’s called:

PALMER’S COCOA BUTTER FORMULA with Vitamin E; SKIN THERAPY OIL……..with ingredients canola oil, isopropyl myristate, cetearyl ethylhexanoate, sesamum indicum (sesame) seed oil, tocopheryl acetate, dimethicone, theobroma cacao (cocoa) seed butter, fragrance (parfum), tosa canina seed extract.

It is a great product and it is like 10 dollars. LV you were saying you use an ankle sock after you apply your eroset oil…..I wanted to recommend using a long narrow plastic baggie that favors a phallic shape. Just anything with plastic. I do this and sometimes put a rubber band at the base of my penis to secure the plastic bag. The plastic helps the oil set in optimally.

Current stats: [7.5 BPEL * 4.9 EG]

GOAL: [8 NBPEL * 6 EG]

Perception is reality.

I definitely agree with drinking more water and less alcohol. Alcohol lessens the blood flow to the extremities, which is why my dick looks like a frightened turtle after I get bombed.

Also, this is gonna sound weird, but I have tried Low Level Laser Therapy (Google it) in the past for short amounts of time. Basically what this does is just supposed to make tissue heal faster. When I had knee surgery it helped me recover quicker than the doctor expected. Unfortunately, I have never given it the amount of time to PE that is necessary to see if it helps with PE (90 days in my opinion). But I will say the days that I did do it with a beat to crap dick definitely seemed healthier the next day than usual.

I would really want someone on here to try it and tell us how it goes, definitely read up on it though if your looking to shorten healing time. One site I’m looking at now says that it can shorten healing times by 30-40%. Shit, I might drive home and get my dad’s expensive laser.

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