Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Elist Implant Experience

With wikipedia you always have to look at the references: and for your quote but I think I’ve found the original here:

MP59-19 A Retrospective Evaluation of the Safety and Effectiveness of a Silicone Block Implant for Elective Cosmetic Surgery of the Pens presented at the Sexual Medicine Society of North America 21st Annual Meeting - Nov 2015 (abstract ).

So this isn’t likely to be peer reviewed research. I don’t know the details for this organisation (you could probably find out) or what it requires of people giving talks. Often it’s simply a matter of paying money to the organisers. Unfortunately, this is the same tactic creationists use to add “scientific weight” to their arguments. There have been creationist papers presented at archaeology conferences specifically so they can be later cited by the same creationists.

Penis enlargement surgery is very much more experimental than breast enlargement surgery. So yeah, a lot of people here aren’t particularly interested, especially considering the other lower risk alternatives that work quite well for many people willing to put in some effort. Again, we are a forum, so we don’t know how many people fail to gain but there is definitely a proportion.

Do spend some time on phalloboards. As the name suggests it’s raison d’être is phalloplasty so you are likely to be getting opinions from people who’ve has various types of enlargement surgery done on them.

I agree with Thunder, if you go ahead, please consider documenting your experience and sharing it and then the next person who comes along will have more information than you.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I am going to continue my research and see what else I can dig up. The surgical process itself seems so simple and straight forward I just don’t see how there could be any issues so as long as you have no allergies and proper post op is practiced.
Somewhere above the mod mentioned “Even taking your estimate of 2000 operations, which would equate to approximately 3 operations a day for 2 years (the cost of the operation indicates a lower volume business strategy) ” -issue with that is that these surgeries have been going on since 2005 I believe. I know he patented it in 2002, and the only real feedback I found goes back as far as 2009. With that said he has had to do 1000’s of these. Oh well.. We are kicking around numbers I suppose that none of us can nail down. I run an online business so I know that negative online reviews mean very little in my business. I sell bodybuilding supplements. I have seen people say anything from “they got sick” to “these products did not do as intended”. We never go in to defend our products. No need to. We have thousands of satisfied customers. If you got sick, it was NOT the product, it was some other issue. Either you took too many, or maybe you had an unknown allergy or just a rare reaction. If they didn’t work, well you can’t sit around eating doritos, drinking mountain dew and playing video games all day and expect to see results LMAO . Knowing what I know I can easily see why the Dr does not defend his product. We never have. I too have sent cease and desist letters to forums who had some random consumer going on and on with some baseless complaint about one of our products. 1 Bad review from some kid who somehow believed he was going to pop a pill and get 6 pack abs cannot be costing us money by posting bad reviews all over a forum. Or some guy who claims he got sick but fails to mention what really happened was he got anxious and decided he was going to pop 6 fat burning pills LMAO.

After all that I guess where I was going with it was that if some of those people had issues with the implant because they did not follow the proper post op instructions,, they have no right blaming the product. And you can also bet of course the doctor dragged his feet helping them. He is dealing with an incompetent person who is wasting his time.


Just read your last post, and yes, if I get the surgery I will 100% document it.

I am an intelligent person, so until I gather some more hard core data, I will not do anything.

I am contacting a friend of mine at the fda tomorrow to see if there is anywhere where surgeons have to report how many implant they have installed.

I would like to gather the data and find out just how many elist/penuma implants have been implanted.

I’ll keep you all posted.

Thanks again ! AWESOME FORUM !!

I am also going to be reading up on PE.


I’ve actually found a citation for the Journal of Urology, which as far as I’m aware is peer reviewed but it appears to be a citation to the conference speech rather than a full paper and I’ve yet to find online text beyond the abstract. If you have access to pubmed maybe you can find more.
Elist, James, et al. “MP59-19 A Retrospective Evaluation of the Safety and Effectiveness of a Silicone Block Implant for Elective Cosmetic Surgery of the Penis” The Journal of Urology 195.4 (2016): e792.

Your reference gave a figure of 1,300 operations and a 5% failure rate. Though we don’t know the time frame or what constitutes failure or whether the figures are to be trusted.

It seems like an easy option to blame the patient in the case of failure. Presumably most patients would want a successful outcome.

Great stuff. Lot’s of pictures if you go that way.

Anything you can find out would be helpful.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Interesting info on the 510(k) , Rich. Interesting link too.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Actually @RichGina, The doctor does defend his product, but apparently through legal threats. This is the worst way he could go about it.

Again, even though you are supposedly dedicated to facts, you choose to assume that every time something goes wrong with the procedure it’s the patients’ fault. Even if it is not the doctor’s fault, sometimes it is nobody’s fault. Not everything (whether it be penis enlargement surgery or bodybuilding supplements) will work for everyone.

Still, how you deal with those instances when the product or service doesn’t work for someone is important.

If you decide on having the surgery I hope that you are one of the success stories. But as others have said, I would recommend trying natural penis enlargement using the advice given on this forum first, if you haven’t done so before.

Thanks so much guys !

It’s nice being in the company of intelligent people, with no judgment.

I have to admit, exercises are something I am interested in trying.

I am a non competitive bodybuilder, so hard work, consistency, and sticking to a training regimen is all something I am perfectly comfortable with.

I hate to even ask because I am sure this is a question you guys get 100 times a day.. Where do I begin ? LOL

Stretching ? Weights ? Pumps ?

You guys all seem intelligent, and I have no reason at all to assume anyone is dishonest or even bias (seems like no one is selling anything lol) - you mean to tell me stretching techniques really can work ?

As embarrassing as it is, I will gladly document my progress.

Point me in the right direction.

Thanks again!


Originally Posted by RichGina
Thanks so much guys !
It’s nice being in the company of intelligent people, with no judgment.
I have to admit, exercises are something I am interested in trying.
I am a non competitive bodybuilder, so hard work, consistency, and sticking to a training regimen is all something I am perfectly comfortable with.
I hate to even ask because I am sure this is a question you guys get 100 times a day.. Where do I begin ? LOL
Stretching ? Weights ? Pumps ?
You guys all seem intelligent, and I have no reason at all to assume anyone is dishonest or even bias (seems like no one is selling anything lol) - you mean to tell me stretching techniques really can work ?
As embarrassing as it is, I will gladly document my progress.
Point me in the right direction.
Thanks again!

Linear Newbie Routine

If this procedure was highly successful then thousands of doc would be doing it all around the country making lot’s of money. You see the big money in medicine comes from teaching others how to do it ( for a price) and never having to work again. Oh he’s doing it because he just wants to help guys! LMAO!

Thanks again gentlemen.

Much appreciated.

I am going to hold off on this surgery until I have some solid facts to refer to.

In theory the surgery sound so simplistic and straight forward, I was very optimistic.

In fact it even brings up the new question- is the issue with the procedure itself, or the doctor doing it ?

I mean, he has had to have had some happy patients. If so, I wander what the ideal scenario is.

In the meantime, I am going to take your advice and start a stretching regimen.


Remember this; no surgery is simple!

Originally Posted by RichGina
In fact it even brings up the new question- is the issue with the procedure itself, or the doctor doing it ?

This is quite interesting on the topic, though potentially from a competitor:

Is the ELIST Implant safe?

Originally Posted by Steven M. Gitt - Plastic Surgeon
No, I do not believe that the Elist implant is safe at all. This solid silicone implant is not well tolerated in a soft tissue appendage such as the penis. It was shown in the 1970’s and 1980’s that silastic implants in the nose had a huge tendency to erode through the skin, resulting in horrible complications. Those implants were abandoned and have fallen off the map. The Elist implant is also silastic and, by definition, is neither safe nor reliable. The Elist website presents an advocacy for his implant with many slanted statements not only about the implant but, also about other techniques. If you go to phalloboards you will see that the postings about the Elist implant are nearly uniformly horrible. If you want to have phalloplasty, then see an experienced Plastic SURGEON.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.


I have been following this thread for a few days. I have been very interested in the implant, and read so much bad reviews that I had to go deeper into the research( I’m not exactly a P.I.). I hope RichGina does his homework more as well.. As of the “latest reports”, out of thousands of procedures have been done with a 95% success rate. That been said, I have yet to read from a success story more than 3 years post-op who didn’t have it removed. What I can’t get answers on, are the long term SUCCESS. Regardless.. Even the post-op photos don’t show the result while erect. My other issue is the procedure. I am not in a financial position to talk seriously to the Dr.’s office, so before I re-adjust my budget, I need to know.. Does he preform the procedure under induced erection?. Does he cut the ligs before insertion?. If so, Does he attach the implant to the severed ligament to stop retraction. I would like to ask the doctors office myself, but I don’t trust salesmen who will tell you what you want to hear. Does anyone know a long term success?


After following “txhog”s story.. Something doesn’t seem right about his”Progress”. I can’t put my finger on it yet, but I will eventually figure it out. I feel so bad for him.. I wish him the very best! Things are what they are.. Is he apart of the 5% failure rate?? Or is he apart of the silent majority?

With the money you’d spend on that procedure you could buy a girl who would swear you were the biggest and best she’s ever had. I prefer jelqing


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