Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My quest for PE knowledge - with conclusion!

My strongest tugback is at 12 o’clock.

Does this relate to the lot theory?

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Ive noticed the exact same thing with kegels. Overdoing it is troublesome

Started: (Oct 5. 2012): BPEL 6.6" MSEG 5.3"

Feb 5 2013: BPEL 7.1" MSEG 5.6"

Long term goal: 8.5" BPEL 6" MSEG Progress Thead: Zerex's Progress

Originally Posted by marky777
I started PE in and got results probably from day two.

I started with:

Warm-up (I edge for 10 minutes, getting my dick as hard as possible)

Manual stretches (up down and sideways),
And fowfers.
For the first few days I also did an exercise I found on another site. I call these kegel stretches, but that might not mean the same to everyone, so please see my description later on. I have seen this exercise on thunders, but it seems rare.

I abandoned the stretches and the kegel stretches after a few days in favour of the fowfers.

What blew me away was the dramatic improvement in EQ. In particular, the base of my cock got an angry monster look - I loved it. I gained half an inch in BPEL within two weeks, which became permanent after 4 weeks after I talked to sparkyx in his EQ or PI threads. It turned out I was over-training. He also taught me a lot about monitoring the body, and encouraged me in the research I present here.

After a few weeks, I began to notice that the EQ boost I had gotten in the beginning, especially the monster look at the base had subsided. I was not too worried as I had gained, but it played on my mind, so I hatched a plan to not only get it back, but find out what caused it. This took some time!

How I found what caused the base EQ boost
I decided to go back to the beginning, and start again.

So first I took a 6 week break from PE, no exercises except edging, (which I have done all my life!).

Then I started back, but with one crucial difference - I brought in one exercise at a time, with about six weeks of doing an exercise before introducing the next one.

I did it 3 days per week only.
Monday. Wednesday. Friday.

I knew it was not the fowfers, so I left them out.

So after my normal warm-up,

I started with jelqing only for 6 weeks.
Result - good, but no base EQ boost.

Then I added the kegels.
Result - harder cock, but still no base boost.

At this point I got fed up, because I knew it was not the fowfers - I got length from them but not the base girth. So mI did not know what to do next. After mulling this over for a while in my tent, I had a brainwave, that I did not even trust..

I remembered that I had started doing kegel stretches, but had given up on them early on. Could this be why I lost the base EQ boost early on?

So I added kegel stretches. Bingo! By the end of the week, I had the base EQ thing going on, I was ecstatic!

Here is a description of what I call “kegel stretches” If there is already another exercise with this name, please do tell me :)

Kegel Stretches
Warning: It is easy to over-train doing this exercise. Especially because it can make the base of your dick seem bigger in days, there is the temptation to think, “if a little is good, more must be better” - and “if moderate force is good, yanking hard must be better”. WRONG! I got carried away with this a few weeks ago and got damage. And believe me, I am super cautious! If you don’t have the discipline to do this gently, this is NOT the exercise for you.

Basically, sitting upright or standing you get a 10% erection, and pull your cock gently straight up (12 o’clock on the LOT clock) using a light OK grip. You must be able to see the head, as you must stop if you see and red/purple dots forming, as this means you have gone too hard, and need a week off.
At any sign of injury - pain or discomfort of any kind, take 3 days off. This exercise should feel good. The upwards stretch often gives me a nice “I needed that” stretched feeling in the bulb of my cock - this is the buried part under the perineum.

Now do some kegels. If you are not pulling too hard, your fist should bob up and down. If it does not, then it means your LOT index means you can not usefully do this exercise, so please STOP.

My theory is that this is the equivalent of women doing kegels with an object inserted vaginally. The object provides resistance. We men can’t use an object. (It’s no use putting something up the butt! It might be a fun exercise, but they are the wrong muscles). Sparkyx calls this exercise “kegeling against resistance”. Using an object enables women to develop a “killer grip”.

I usually do 50-100 of these 3 times per week.

Because of the power that resistance adds to this exercise, it is easy to fatigue the kegel group if you over-do it. You can tell if this happens because your fist will bob up and down less, and you EQ will drop, and you won’t get hard as quickly as normal, or you will get hard, but it won’t stay up for a marathon session. I got all these results until I backed off the repetitions. If you get the fatigue reaction, simply don’t do any kegels of any type for 4 days, and you will be harder than ever. I would advise not going into fatigue. The next stop after fatigue is injury. We are not dealign with the biceps here. The PC group has a complex function that is not fully understood. Hence all my warnings.

If anybody tries this, may I suggest they take 3 erect girth measurements before they start:
Base, mid-shaft and below glans
- And report the results here.

Good afternoon. I´ve been doing PE for about a year. I got real good results from kegels and jelqing. I do kegels monday, wednesday and friday and jelq with stretches on tuesday, thursday and saturday. I think one day I didn´t warm up enough and I pulled a ligament. I had a slight pain in my left testicle. I have stopped jelqing since and took about a week off from kegels. When I no longer felt the slight pain, I began doing kegels on monday, wednesday and friday. I want to incorporate the stretch kegel into my routine but I have a few questions so that I won´t hurt myself again. Do you have to warm up with a warming device before each stretch kegel? I would like to do stretch kegels with my normal kegel routine of monday, wednesday and friday or should I do it on tuesday and thursday. I think it would be better to do it with my normal kegel routine in order to get some rest in between. Is this correct or can I do the stretch kegels on tuesday and thursday and not worry about injuring myself.

Unek75 -

I have no idea about warm ups for this exercise. However, I have recently realised that I was not doing the kegal stretches in the most optimum manor. I used to do 100 straight off. The last few reps - in fact anything after the first 50 reps were really lousy.

Now I do sets of 30 with rest of 30 - 120 seconds. I do maybe 3 or 4 sets of 30.

Anyone doing this exercise should build up slowly and monitor the effect. When you first learn this exercise, do not do high reps if you are expecting to have sex that day or the next, as it can have a temporary side-effect of making the erections weaker if you knacker out the muscles. However, if that happens, just wait 3 days, and your erections will be harder than normal.

It’s a bit like trying to eat with a knife and fork after intense power lifting - there can be temporary weakness and instability, but over the longer term, strength will be building up.

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Hi Guys,
finally, I actually have something useful to add to this topic.

When I used to do kegel-stretches, I used to do my allotted number of contractions and then stop. This was in my case 100. Only recently, I realized that this was sub-optimal. From working out in the gym, I realized that it is much better to do sets of 30 with 30-60 seconds rest in between. So now I do 3 or 4 sets of 30. I get much better contraction and the last contraction is nearly as good as the first which was not the case when I did 100 straight.

Hope this info is of help :)

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Hey Marky!

I had completely forgotten about this thread, I even forgot some of my theories on EQ, LOL! I should probably do these again, because I remember I could shoot over 6 feet when I was doing these!

The other one to consider adding is the old “lift the towel” exercise. I used to know what muscle that was, but its at the top of the penis where it connects to the pelvis, and when contracted, it lifts the penis up. The muscles exercised with this exercise (kegel stretches) is at the underside of the penis at the base, and pulls it in it seems, it also squeezes the tunica making the glans expand. This is probably why the base girth thickens, purely making the muscle that wraps around the base of the penis thicker. So its the muscle around the tunica that is thicker, no change in the tunica.

My favorite way to “lift the towel” exercise is when water pumping. With the cylinder on my dick, and its filled with water, I contract the muscle that lifts it. Its great because water pumping forces the penis into fully erect state, and you don’t have to worry about the erection fading. You can do as many as you want…however as in the kegel stretches, you have to be careful not to over do it, you can over train a muscle and make it temporarily weaker.

The muscles on the top of the penis are supposed to also create a harder erection, but it won’t increase ejaculation force like the ones at the base will. I think its good to exercise them both! Like working biceps and triceps, lol!

Great seeing you resurrect this thread! Hows the Missus? Send her my regards!

Originally Posted by sparkyx
I should probably do these again, because I remember I could shoot over 6 feet when I was doing these!

Sparky, we should worship at your feet! Or should that read: feat? :D

Thanks for the towel trick reminder.

Me and the Mrs. split up 4 years ago, but still friends.

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Originally Posted by marky777
Sparky, we should worship at your feet! Or should that read: feat? :D

Thanks for the towel trick reminder.

Me and the Mrs. split up 4 years ago, but still friends.

Worship…lol, not hardly! Just a fellow dickpuller trying to make sense of it all.

Sorry to hear about the missus, glad you are still friends! Great thread, glad you bumped it back alive!

I’m glad you bumped it back alive as well. I’m going to incorporate it into my newbie routine.

Started: 01/01/2015 ~ BPEL: 7.2 inches. EG: 5.5 inches. [05/01/2015: BPEL: 7.6 X 5.5.] [08/06/2015: 7.75 X 5.5] Goal: Better EQ

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. ~ Proverbs 14:23

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Originally Posted by How lack
I’m glad you bumped it back alive as well. I’m going to incorporate it into my newbie routine.

This is not really a newbie exercise. Go easy.

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Originally Posted by marky777
Kegel Stretches
Warning: It is easy to over-train doing this exercise. Especially because it can make the base of your dick seem bigger in days, there is the temptation to think, “if a little is good, more must be better” - and “if moderate force is good, yanking hard must be better”. WRONG! I got carried away with this a few weeks ago and got damage. And believe me, I am super cautious! If you don’t have the discipline to do this gently, this is NOT the exercise for you.

Basically, sitting upright or standing you get a 10% erection, and pull your cock gently straight up (12 o’clock on the LOT clock) using a light OK grip. You must be able to see the head, as you must stop if you see and red/purple dots forming, as this means you have gone too hard, and need a week off.
At any sign of injury - pain or discomfort of any kind, take 3 days off. This exercise should feel good. The upwards stretch often gives me a nice “I needed that” stretched feeling in the bulb of my cock - this is the buried part under the perineum.

Now do some kegels. If you are not pulling too hard, your fist should bob up and down. If it does not, then it means your LOT index means you can not usefully do this exercise, so please STOP.

My theory is that this is the equivalent of women doing kegels with an object inserted vaginally. The object provides resistance. We men can’t use an object. (It’s no use putting something up the butt! It might be a fun exercise, but they are the wrong muscles). Sparkyx calls this exercise “kegeling against resistance”. Using an object enables women to develop a “killer grip”.

I usually do 50-100 of these 3 times per week.

Because of the power that resistance adds to this exercise, it is easy to fatigue the kegel group if you over-do it. You can tell if this happens because your fist will bob up and down less, and you EQ will drop, and you won’t get hard as quickly as normal, or you will get hard, but it won’t stay up for a marathon session. I got all these results until I backed off the repetitions. If you get the fatigue reaction, simply don’t do any kegels of any type for 4 days, and you will be harder than ever. I would advise not going into fatigue. The next stop after fatigue is injury. We are not dealign with the biceps here. The PC group has a complex function that is not fully understood. Hence all my warnings.

If anybody tries this, may I suggest they take 3 erect girth measurements before they start:
base, mid-shaft and below glans
- and report the results here.

THIS looks like what I have been Seeking! :D

I have been doing Clamped Kegels, with “squats” as opposed to Horse 440s for a week or so. Seems like I get a better “no donut” overnight erection phase, as I do these in the shower and before bed time. Not sure if I should us bands or not, overnight. I took the bands off after about an hour, thought I might get some pu$$y but I was mistaken :rofl: so the bands portion of the experiment will have to wait! :D

I have done this exact exercise before, I was unaware it had benefits, so I will try again!

RESETTING for a REALISTIC GOAL: New Routine:2Big is turning over a new Leaf!

OFFICIAL re-STARTING STATS: app. 8.5"+ BPEL, 6.00" MEG My pix thread: ..2bigalready's pics

My Screen Name has CHANGED! (formerly ...2BigAlready.) Enter the NEW ME! :D

Last edited by ...2BigAlready. : 06-06-2016 at . Reason: clipped quote down to the essentials ;)

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Hey Marky!

I had completely forgotten about this thread, I even forgot some of my theories on EQ, LOL! I should probably do these again, because I remember I could shoot over 6 feet when I was doing these!

The other one to consider adding is the old "lift the towel" exercise. I used to know what muscle that was, but its at the top of the penis where it connects to the pelvis, and when contracted, it lifts the penis up. The muscles exercised with this exercise (kegel stretches) is at the underside of the penis at the base, and pulls it in it seems, it also squeezes the tunica making the glans expand. This is probably why the base girth thickens, purely making the muscle that wraps around the base of the penis thicker. So its the muscle around the tunica that is thicker, no change in the tunica.

My favorite way to "lift the towel" exercise is when water pumping. With the cylinder on my dick, and its filled with water, I contract the muscle that lifts it. Its great because water pumping forces the penis into fully erect state, and you don’t have to worry about the erection fading. You can do as many as you want…however as in the kegel stretches, you have to be careful not to over do it, you can over train a muscle and make it temporarily weaker.

The muscles on the top of the penis are supposed to also create a harder erection, but it won’t increase ejaculation force like the ones at the base will. I think its good to exercise them both! Like working biceps and triceps, lol!

Great seeing you resurrect this thread! Hows the Missus? Send her my regards!

It’s the Ischicavernosus muscle that is used with a sustained towel or pump lift.
The Biceps/triceps analogy is spot on!
IC discussed here Kegel - the secret revealed

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Really good post Marky777!

I think kegeling against resistance produces gains in EQ at a very fast rate. I also think the base gains are very similar to what hangers see, and certainly what swinging wts will produce.

As you may know, my hypothesis on EQ is that the 2 primary issues that effect it are smooth muscle recovery and BC stretch. What makes this approach particularly good for high EQ is that stretching ( one part of this exercise) tends to cause very little damage to smooth muscle, therefore you tend to keep fairly high recovery levels. Two, the kegeling against resistance, if not over done, tends to lead to very high levels of BC strength quickly.

The only thing I would add here is that BC muscle strength for sexual purposes seems to benefit from several different types of strength.
1) Absolute
2) Endurance
3) Speed
4) Holding

So, it there is any truth to that above statement (its just my thoughts guys) then I think its good to rotate your kegel resistance through different exercises.

1) For absolute strength, try and see how much resistance you can still “bob” you hand with. That is to say, when you contract, your hand will bob slightly. Try to increase the resistance over time and still be able to “bob” it. If you pull so hard that you can’t bob it, you are overwhelming your BC and really I don’t think that’s effective.

2) Going for reps, seeing how many you can do in a row.

3) Doing sets of 50-100 at as fast a pace as possible.

4) Doing sets of contracting as hard as possible and HOLD that contraction, for different lengths of time…10 seconds, 20, 30 maybe even up to a 60 second hold. Hold and contract as hard as possible. These can allow dry orgasms when they get strong enough, or multiple orgasms.

So, I think if you change up your workout, still keeping that 2-3 times per week, you will find ejaculation, EQ and even refractory period will greatly benefit. For some guys this can be the path to multiple male orgasms.

Remember, as Marky777 said, if you see a DROP in EQ, its probably that you are doing too much, so back off a bit.

Great job Marky777!!!

THIS Was Awesome!
I was doing these as part of me shower routine, but in my usual scatterbrain way, I quit monitoring progress and it faded out. Well, this last week has been “return the girth” that was “lost” using cold medicine. The good news is that I got it back, and maybe a slight boost for a 3hr session with a new chick. The quote was priceless! :D
Kegel Stretches WORK, I just need to do them every night. Up the reps to between 50-100 as well. I’ve been doing 40.

As for absolute strength, I a co-worker tells of someone he knew years ago that claimed he could lift 30# with his dong, and the girl that he was trying to impress actually got my co-worker to witness it as well. Yup, 30#! :D

RESETTING for a REALISTIC GOAL: New Routine:2Big is turning over a new Leaf!

OFFICIAL re-STARTING STATS: app. 8.5"+ BPEL, 6.00" MEG My pix thread: ..2bigalready's pics

My Screen Name has CHANGED! (formerly ...2BigAlready.) Enter the NEW ME! :D

I’ve been doing this REGULARLY at the end of each shower.

Better EQ and GURTH is back “with a vengeance” so it seems :D

RESETTING for a REALISTIC GOAL: New Routine:2Big is turning over a new Leaf!

OFFICIAL re-STARTING STATS: app. 8.5"+ BPEL, 6.00" MEG My pix thread: ..2bigalready's pics

My Screen Name has CHANGED! (formerly ...2BigAlready.) Enter the NEW ME! :D


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