Thunder's Place

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Painful Sex for my Sweetie: Why Do You And I Want To Be Seven Inches in Girth?

I read about a new girth surgery. They take a vein out of your leg and cut open the vein in your dick and attach them together. This vein technique is usually done for heart surgery. I’d rather do p.e. Myself.

How does putting a leg vein in your dick help with girth?

Horny Bastard

I guess the vein will hold more blood and make it bigger. I read this a while back on matters of size before I found thunder’s place. I could probably find it again but, since I’ve found thunder’s I don’t go their anymore. Also I’m a little computer illiterate so I wouldn’t know how to post it. You could probably find out more about it on the Internet. It did say that this surgery is new and hasn’t reached the U.S., yet.

They use the vein as a graft. They make an incision in your tunica and graft in the vein tissue. It can be used for length, girth, or both. The vein blends in with the tunica, and the CCs grow into the graft from the inside. It does increase size somewhat but at the expense of hardness. The graft is not as strong as the original tunica. Some guys have reported that it bulges out like an innertube during an erection.

There was a big thread about it earlier, but I can’t look for it now.

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