Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Painful Sex for my Sweetie: Why Do You And I Want To Be Seven Inches in Girth?

Given my statements above, one might ask whether I think anyone should bother to do PE. This is a question I ask myself over and over.

One reason may be that, the better a guy feels about his own dick, the less likely he will be to “project” his insecurity and sabotage potential relationships.

Also, having a bigger dick can simply make a guy feel better. That can be a personal comfort as well as a social advantage.

But I’m starting to feel that being big has its social downside, as well. One doesn’t want to be stereotyped as the “hung guy.” Although this might seem flattering, it carries a negative connotation as well, to the extent that some people may associate “hung” with insensitive, arrogant, or intimidating.

Also, it is not to one’s social benefit to incite envy. When people envy you, they tend to exclude you. Breezy, fun relationships may pass you by.

Maybe this is all in my head, but I am really starting to question whether the proper goal of a PE program should be to become big or simply to become adequate, feel good about oneself, and stop there.

Growing a big penis may be like getting a tatoo. It feels cool when you’re in your 20’s, but it may not wear as well at 40 or 50. Eventually, most of us just want to enjoy life with other people. It would suck if your dick got in the way of that.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Last edited by ModestoMan : 04-10-2007 at .

ModestoMan that was very well said.

If my ex girlfriends only comment about me to her friends is “oh he was huge” then I have failed miserably to make any kind of dent in her memory. Not to mention the fact that I would hate it if girls started passing me flirts because they know I am hung. I don’t need that kind of attention.

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

Modesto Man you couldn’t be more correct when you said when people envy you they exclude you. I went from a skinny build body to a human anatomy chart with huge arms in a year. Now I’m just a good conversation piece rather than someone to have a conversation with. It seems everyone has a little fear of me and it takes away some of your friends. Example: You know how us young people like to wrestle around sometimies, well their too scared to play wrestle with me. It sounds dumb to hear but not being included is not exactly pleasing.

Good posting Modesto. I feel like a gained new knowledge and a new perspective from you today. Thanks.

Horny Bastard

What’s worrying me is that I’m now getting to a certain size where I find it hard to keep my dick a secret. Maybe it’s a function of the fact that I’ve been jelqing a lot lately. I’m bulging out all over the place!! I spent 2 hours trying on clothes today that would make my dick less noticeable.

Understand, I come from a long line of small-to-medium sized guys. Big dicks just don’t run in my family. They don’t generally come among my friends, either, or the people I generally work with.

My sense is that a big dick would not be a welcome fashion accessory in my social circles.

People react so strongly to it. I’ve now caught my sister-in-law, brother-in-law, and many of my wife’s friends checking out my unit, looking either shocked, pissed, or outright offended. It’s not that I’m being indecent. I think it’s that they feel betrayed. They figured I was normal and average, just like them (or their husbands). When they see the bulge, it’s like I’ve slapped them. I think it makes them feel bad.

I also think their reaction is typical of many people’s. The only time most people want to know about somebody’s dick is when they’re being intimate. At all other times, the bulge, outline, or other suggestion of penis size and shape are unwanted and, to many people, offensive.

Sure, the problem is their jealousy. But, so what. It still affects me.

This is what I’m getting at above. A big dick can be a social liability. So, while we’re all out there making plans for our goal sizes, it would not be unreasonable to consider factors other than what size optimally pleases a woman, such as:

* How will this thing look in pants? Bathing suit?

* How will other people react?

* Will they trust you around their wives? their kids?

* Will they want you on their team?

I’m starting to think that social success is really about being average better than other people. Sometimes it’s great to stand out. But sometimes the nail that sticks up gets hammered down.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
“Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it.”

Andre Gide

Thats about as meaningless a statement as has ever been written.

There is “truth” in the world and it can be found. To deny the existance of truth or to imply that finding truth is an impossibility is absurd.

We are surrounded with truth. Mathematical, Physiologogical, biological, abstract, literary, and on and on and on. Our very being and bodily functions are governed by universal truths.

If truth is relative then there is no real absolute right or wrong. The Author of the quote would accept as TRUTH the statement that “communism is a failed form of government” based on his life actions, comments and so on. Thus he contradicts his own belief and it is truly only one man’s belief thus making the comment even more irrelevant to the disucssion and provides no positive input at all.

And finally you demean my sincerity and objectivity with a quote from someone else’s intellectual output without bothering to debate the facts at hand.

Again I KNOW in my heart what the truth is…if you or anyone else chooses to deny it or accept it either way my life is unchanged, BUT if you seek the truth then you must be willing to accept it when given to you.

You do not understand the quote thickone. It simply means that those seeking truth are probably thinking, and those that think they know it MAY not be. (doubt them, don’t disbelieve them). It has nothing to do with truth being relative.

And as for your own truth; I have said more than once that I believe what you say about the positive responses your monsterous surgically enhanced unit has evoked. However, you lose credibility when you say that there is no chance that even one of your hundreds of women has ever even considered that a little less girth would be better. Since you can not not read all their minds, you have to acknowledge the possibility. I think your assertion that none of them would have preferred less girth is just as believable as me fucking hundreds of women with my 5 inch girth (which I haven’t done) and saying none of them ever wanted more girth.

And by the way, average sized guys do give women great sex and mind blowing orgasms as well. It is not an indication of having the perfect size, just that you got the job done with the tools you have.

Anyway, you like to accuse people of believing what they want, out of their own insecurities, but it seems you fall in that same catagory. You are obsessed with girth, as evidenced by the risk and expense you went through for surgery. And I believe you have stated you want more surgery to be even bigger? It seems to be an obsession with you, and so you have to believe that what you have done and are doing to yourself is nothing but 100% positive.

In fact the truth is not so absolute, nor so easy to summarize for all people all of the time.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by ModestoMan

The only time most people want to know about somebody’s dick is when they’re being intimate. At all other times, the bulge, outline, or other suggestion of penis size and shape are unwanted and, to many people, offensive.

I agree with you. I know lots of guys try to enhance their bulge, but I think it can come across as really distasteful, even for women.

We love the idea of a pretty girl checking your crotch with the slightest sparkle of interest or lust in her eye, and I guess the hope of that outweighs the possibility of grossing people out for a lot of guys.

Horny Bastard

mravg & ModestoMan appear to be on a roll.

Well, maybe seperate rolls.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Okay modestoman and mravg. Psychoanalysis needed here. I have always worn jockey shorts since age 14. They hold your package nice and snug and centered so that there is no bulge down a pantleg. When I was 14 I was the same size I was before I began P E. After starting P E, I started to wear boxers and was surprized to find out how comfortable they were. Years of digging my jockey shorts out of my groin had come to an abrupt end.

However, with P E has come a nice bulge to the left pantsleg in my jeans which I have not thought much about other than to find it rewarding for all my efforts. As an older guy with much on my mind, I assumed that not many people noticed and if they did, they think more about the person that I am (unless they are total stangers) and not the fact that I may be now sporting a bulge. For a person my age, I dont think I am alienating or offending anyone. You agree or disagree? Is your advice to me to go back to the Jockey shorts and why?

Comment from anyone on bulges? Have changed my mind on limiting it just to ModestoMan and Mravg. My brother-in-law was a great guy (now deceased.) He sported a huge bulge in his slacks that was very noticeable most all the time. ModestoMan and Mravg may be correct. My wife certainly noticed the huge bulge and we discussed it several times in our marriage. Still, we were not offended by the bulge because he was a great and circumspect guy, successful in business and a great family man. Secretly, I envied him and now that I am sometimes sporting a bulge, I remember him pleasantly and silently compliment myself that I may get to where he was bulge-wise. Is that contorted?

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
What’s worrying me is that I’m now getting to a certain size where I find it hard to keep my dick a secret. Maybe it’s a function of the fact that I’ve been jelqing a lot lately. I’m bulging out all over the place!!

I don’t want to side track this thread, but spill man…spill! What gains, and what have you been doing?

Sparkyx: Jockey Shorts may be in order for all of us who P E.

Thinktank, I think the way a bulge is perceived has a lot to do with whether you appear to be trying to show it, or just naturally bulging without the slightest idea you are doing so. I picture you as the guy who is sporting a bulge and all the women are secretly admiring it because you seem like such a sweet innocent guy, who doesn’t even realize the power he contains in his pants. Little do they know you go home and pull and squeeze on that thing trying to make it bigger!

Horny Bastard


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