Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Painful Sex for my Sweetie: Why Do You And I Want To Be Seven Inches in Girth?

Originally Posted by thinktank
…Any advice for me here? Any thought on why we think seven inches and above in girth is better than six inches? Have we abandoned what is generally best for our wives and partners in pursuit of wanting to be king of the hill?

My dixieland friend,
I know that I’m driven to a bigger dick by my own personal feelings of accomplishment and by pure male ego. My wife was happy with me sexually when we first met decades ago, and I was a lot smaller. Even then we used to have sex marathons in which she would comment about how sore she was for days after, but she still loved having more sex. Now after many years of marriage and two grown children, we don’t have sex as often, but when we do she has learned to accommodate my larger size both during oral sex and intercourse. It’s been a gradual process of adaptation over the past 6 years of PE’ing.

In your case, you have to be respectful of your wife’s concerns. Perhaps that day, she was just exceptionally dry without enough foreplay, or maybe on those quickee days you just need to use a lot more lube. PE makes me feel good about myself and in control of my own male destiny, but if sex ever became a real issue because of it, I’d have to think about a plan B or C, concentrate on just size maintenance mode rather than more enlargement or just use more lube.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Thanks Peforeal—always a real friend and gentleman you are, and a help to so many on this board. Good words of advice here. My wife and I had a good chat last night about this incident and for us, quickies in an engourged state are definitely out. I didnt realize the implications involved with a dick as engourged as mine was yesteday. I am going to take a more reasoned and thanks to all of the advice here, a more “informed” approach to sex with my sweetie as I get bigger.

Peforeal, I think you and I are in the same age group. It was funny to see Cock Kent make the comment about quickies at our age. Hey, we are older but not dead and yes, Kent, sex can even get better as you age. Of course for you and me, Peforeal, our wives have learned our wants, desires, and fantasies and pleasing one another seems to be more pronounced at our age. So Kent, hang around this board and you will be in the company of guys who are intent on staying as young and active as possible as age sets in.

Sup homies.

Ever thought about her discomfort coming from a lack of foreplay? This could be a reason, you know. Since the vagina is not well lubricated. So this kind of hurt her and she can feel you fill her up completely. Thus her saying you’re too big.

Oh, and by the way, 7”, that’s some phat cock there ! Wow LOL

I’d advice you to stop the girth exercises and concentrate on lenght (in case you want more)

Big Money, Big Dick : and You'll have wild success with Females ! That\'s no secret

Before : 16cm *Now: NBPEL 7.91" (20.1 cm) x EG 5.9" as of 19-Mar-2008 New Short Term Goal : 21 cm

Back! El Presidente FrankWhite :moon2: 8 is NOT enuff Retirement from PE @ 22cm :!:

Originally Posted by FrenumFellow

Sometimes they say that the female partner can adjust only if she has sex … frequently, and if she skips even a few days or at most a week, intercourse becomes problematic again until she spends several days getting stretched back…

I have experienced that, and I am no where close to 7”s girth.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by memento
That’s an interesting post, Hugh. I guess the guy who injected his dick with silicon until it had a 20” girth or whatever was also doing it for himself.

Myself, I use my dick for sex and it has to remain useful for this purpose. Maybe I’m just abnormal.

If it’s about the size of the dick rather than what the dick is used for, does this not qualify as a fetish?

Agreed M, but there is PE for yourself and your self esteem. What about the guy whose GF or wife enjoys his 5 inch penis and tells him it’s enough, but every time he showers at the gym or pees at an open urinal, he is embarrassed? Should he just swallow his pride and stop PE?

That is what I mean by “PE for yourself.” The twisted sicko who injected his penis to extreme has not been able to have sex for years, so in his case, it is part fetish, part attention whore. You cannot compare a guy who injects silicone to point of silliness to a guy why wants to gain another inch in length and inch in girth, above what his GF/wife desires.

Does that make sense?

>Should he just swallow his pride and stop PE? <

He should probably check his mind. Or maybe get out the ticket and recover his mind from the mind check girl. And that goes triple for anyone of average measurements or above. If you get into PE because you are unhappy about your size, will you ever be happy about your size? Or maybe when you reach 7” girth you think 8” might be a good target. When do you stop?

>You cannot compare a guy who injects silicone to point of silliness to a guy why wants to gain another inch in length and inch in girth, above what his GF/wife desires.<

Sure I can. It’s just a range thing, there’s probably a fetishistic element to any PE but right at the far end of the range is silicon dick guy. If you are talking about 7” girth I think the fetishistic element is flexing up to take a leading role.

So yeah I get the fact that people who want excessive girth are not silicon dick guy but there is an element of it starting to peek out of the shadows. Maybe in ten years they will be silicon dick guy maybe not. I also get how someone with a regular partner can push it a bit further than someone like me.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.


I guess you and I PE for totally different reasons.

Probably true, for a start I don’t PE any more: I got pretty close to what I wanted and then stopped.

However, do you see the fetishistic side of PE? Do you see a continuum between the PE here and silicon guy.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Sure, I see it. PE is mental by it’s very nature. Other than insecurity isssues, why else would a guy go through all the shit we do to get a bigger dick? I doubt there’s anyone on this board who honestly think they have a (large enough) penis. If so, why desire for it to be larger and hang, pull, clamp and jelq it to death?

I have long argued that there are guys on this board that need their heads examined because of their comments. You are right in that there are guys that would continue PE if they had 12 inches. But for me, and this is the point I was making, I PE for my own self confidence. I work out for the same reason, I want to look my best. I am 6’3” and I started PE to have a larger flaccid to make my body look in better porportion, but a larger erection didn’t hurt my ego either. I would never want to hurt my wife, and while I want to please her, she understands I want to be larger for ME, not totally for her benefit.

>Other than insecurity isssues, why else would a guy go through all the shit we do to get a bigger dick?<

I guess for the same reason a guy would climb a mountain, put ships in bottles (thinking of the avocet quote), exercise, spend every weekend doing up a vintage car etc.
>I doubt there’s anyone on this board who honestly think they have a (large enough) penis. If so, why desire for it to be larger and hang, pull, clamp and jelq it to death?<

There’s the split I think. There are some people who think “my penis is too small I need to make it bigger” and there are others who think “you can enlarge your dick? Cool, I’ll give it a go; if it works it works, if it doesn’t I’ll get back to fixing up my Harley and writing my book on the the law of universal causation and how it applies to loose peanuts always ending up behind the fridge”. You might argue that both of these are about ego and have the same root. I would then argue that psychological understanding is limited to external effect and Jung was a very good salesman.

Do you exercise because you feel inadequate about your body though? How does that link to the self confidence thing? Personally I like being fit, it kind of offsets the smoking for me (a bit like carbon offsetting), but I would never go to a gym to exercise.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I assume a person would climb a mountain, put ships in bottles, exercise, or spend every weekend doing up a vintage car would do so because they have some sort of passion for the event itself.

People that climb mountains, I assume they enjoy climbing, associating with other climbers, the beauty of the views, and the personal challenge of the event. I assume there are guys on this board who look at PE as a personal challenge, but the crux of the argument, IMHO, goes back to adequacy and self esteem. If a guy thought it may be cool to make it bigger and decides simply to give it a go, does he still not have an underlying issue with his size? You imply he doesn’t. If he was truly satisfied and confident with his size, what is the purpose of putting in all the time and effort necessary in attempts to make it bigger? For the challenge? For the exercise? For the fun of it? Because he can? I know you believe the later, but he in my mind, he would still have an issue with his size.

Using that same logic as the silicone freak, I exercise to look like bloated, massive body builders. I can assure you, I do not. Just because I work out partly for looks (self confidence) does not mean I want to take it to the extreme. I do it partly for my health, but the gym is full of guys just like me who have an insecurity issue of looking too small or skinny. Or too fat. Or whatever.

Let’s have a poll on here and ask how many PE for the fun and challenge of it, but don’t think they need to be any bigger, and how many PE because they feel insecure in one way or another and feel the need to be bigger.

I have been on this board and many others for years and years, and almost every member as a newby states he feels he is too small. I have read about guys with 7 and 8 inch penises state this. Do they need to see a shrink? Possibly. But in their mind, they are insecure about their size for some reason.

That is my only point, nothing more, nothing less.

I started a poll the other day in the polls forum: Why did you start to PE?

You’re focussing on the end point and I think the process plays a part. Why does the guy do up the vintage car? Probably not to get it finished but more because he enjoys the tinkering. Why does the guy climb the mountain? Because it’s there and because it’s a challenge but the challenge isn’t the fact that it’s a fuck off big mountain, the challenge is there in lots of small puzzles that have to be put together into the ascent and there’s the risk element. The bottles thing I don’t understand but I’m more oriented toward activity and maths.

So why does the guy with no size issues PE? Because he can, because there’s a challenge, because he enjoys tinkering.

Check out the poll results I think you’ll be surprised by the percentage. You could assume that people are bullshitting if that fits your perspective. Maybe it’s more macho to be seen as not caring about your size but I think that people here are more honest than that.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I see your point, I just wish you saw mine. I still contend that even if someone wants the challenge and enjoys tinkering with the size of his unit, he still has some underlying issue with his size. I know I would not have put in as many years and effort and pain and toil as I have simply because I think it is a cool hobby.

Sure and I wouldn’t put in years either. I put in months, then I stopped and got on with other things. Why the hell I’m still here I don’t know but I guess Thunder is wondering why he is here too. Look around this board and you’ll find a bunch of people who don’t PE anymore, look further and you’ll see that plenty of members have come and gone, disappearing into the sunset to work on their vintage Buick.

I get what you are saying I just think there’s a difference between spending a few sessions learning how to poach an egg properly and writing a book about poaching eggs because all you can think about is poaching eggs. Again it’s on the same curve it’s just a different degree and maybe other factors are crossing that curve which are more informative and relevant.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by thinktank
On the king of the hill mentality, Bird2 and Memento and any one else: Once you got to the legendary 8 by 6, did you feel you were king of the hill with that size or did you or do you now obsess about being bigger? Do you have goals beyond what you are now? How are you dealing with the king of the hill mentality we have as men and what do you personally tell yourself about guys out there who are bigger than you. To me, just knowing that someone out there is hung bigger than me spurs me on to want to be bigger. This website is fertile grounds for such a mentality. Somewhere in all this, I have to accept the facts of my situation and make peace with these size issues. Yesterday was probably a wake up call and a day of reckoning. Thanks.

When I started with PE, my size was 16x14cm. I am currently 21x17cm, my goal is 22x17cm (8.7x6.7”) so I am well over the 8x6. 22x17cm was always my gaol and it will be my size forever when I reach it. At the beginning of my PE career I set that as the penis I wanted and I was prepared to do what it takes to reach it. Now that I almost reached it I see from myself that I lack some of the motivation to continue, although I am much busier now than I was when I made most of my gains. This combination makes it harder for me to reach my goal but I will probably reach it in the summer when I have less things on my mind.

How I feel now that I am that size? I feel proud of myself that I have almost reached my dream cock. It looks like I can add something on my list of thinks that I have developed to the desired state I want. This has always been my motivation, I just want to develop everything in my life to the best it possibly can be. For me PE is part of that.

I absolutely don’t feel like king of the hill now that I am considered hung. There is absolutely no reason why I should. So I have a bigger cock now, that is great. It is nice that it gives me more pleasure and the women I have sex with admire it but if those things didn’t happen I won’t mind. Why should I feel better or inferior than other guys? What they do are their business and they don’t influence me a bit. I carry the responsibility for my own acts, just like they do for their own. I simply don’t get why so many guys compare themselves with other people and feel less worthy when someone has something that is considered more worthy, like a bigger dick. Why would someone even give those people that power? There is only one person that can influence my state of mind and that am I. If there is one advice that I can give you is that you should take that mindset. You will be much happier if you do.


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