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Painful Sex for my Sweetie: Why Do You And I Want To Be Seven Inches in Girth?

Old, but not dead yet!

Thinktank - Your post reminded me that my wife and I celebrated our 35th anniversary this year too. And the observations of Mravg, CockKent, and Peforeal are right on. On a number of occasions, my wife complained of being too tight during love making. It’s no secret that vaginal secretions decline as a woman ages. So, you should probably use lots of lube and your wife may also want to check with her OB/Gyn and see what he/she recommends. Kegels are also good exercises for both men and women. In women they help tone the vaginal muscles and also help with bladder control (not a sexy subject, I know). Anyway, hang in there, take it slow, and see if you both can work on achieving your goals. Good luck. MC

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got."

Bird2: So you have met your goals. Great. That is what life is all about. What you said makes good sense and I will consider it. Goal setting and accomplishment are what we men are about. I think that when we reach goals, we have a sense of satisfaction that rewards us with a “I’ve made it” or king of the hill mentality as men. I certainly dont feel not as worthy when another guy has a bigger dick. It just propels me to want to reach my goals.

Sundays experiences in the sack and the wisdom shared by so many on this line have caused me to rethink alot of things. Sunday was my first jump into the world of sex with a dick over six inches in girth. Now I realize for me that reaching seven inches in girth may not be the king of the hill position and accomplishment for me since I am in a monagamous committed relationship with a soul mate who no where shares my p e goals. Yes, Bird2, I can accept it and I have quickly accepted it. King of the hill for me now has the input of the person who matters most in my life. The person who has given me 35 of the best years of her life. The king now listens to the queen. Thanks for all the input I have received in this thread. It was an eye opener.

No more quickies with that size

Isn’t size queen code for loose whore?

7” girth is alot. Very few outliers have that much girth, I think 6.5” is the max for really sick sex

I was going for 7 because she needs that to be satisifed.

Now…I don’t know. I was doing PE for her. I may stop now.

Originally Posted by Large4life

The trick is to have a cone-shaped dick. That way, you can ease it in there gradually.

Lol, glad to see I’m not the only one!

Originally Posted by HugeWang69

Isn’t size queen code for loose whore?

Damn dude if I was the one that started this thread I would be really offended right now,I get mad when people talk about my girlfriend. :O

I say 6.5” is best, until she gives birth. Then you might consider 7” girth because she will loosed up even more. Thats my only drawback when thinking about 7” girth, you have limited sex partners due to your size. Some are scared and those who aren’t are probably not girlfriend material. What do you all think.

Originally Posted by HugeWang69
Isn’t size queen code for loose whore?

Not around these parts. Some of my best friends are both Size Queens and phenomenally picky in their partners.

Most of them have exceptionally talented kitties that can torque down like nobodies business. Some are size fetishists that can accommodate the objects of their fixation. Some get way more powerful orgasms when with an over sized guy that can use it.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I agree with sed26 a 21 year old inexperienced girl’s vagina is a far cry from a 31 year old who’s had 2 children via vaginal delivery. Her vagina WILL stretch and many of the girls I’ve dated are single moms who have had one or more children.

Hi thinktank,

It seems to me that there is a problem with perspective here. If you hurt her like your honeymoon night after 35 years of marriage, then there are two possibilities. Either your wife needs to learn how to make herself more adaptable to you or, as much good sex as you’ve had, you still haven’t flipped that magic switch every woman has; the one that allows the vagina to open up perfectly.

I have always been as thick as I am long, from the first time I measured at 21 (6” BPEL x 6” EG) to now at 42 (7.125” BPEL x 7.125” EG), yet I have never been too big. This includes two virgins with narrow vaginal openings and three other women who insisted that it would be too much. Thing is, I want to reach 8.375 BPEL so you know what that means for girth; and say goodbye to oral completely.

My sweetie is average height, build and has an average vagina and a tilted uterus. According to everything I’ve read on this site so far, she should be cursing blue murder or going to the doctor on a regular, but we have the most fun — even when I jump her sleepy bones without warning or foreplay. Will she be able to handle the extra girth? I know she will because she will do whatever is necessary to guarantee our mutual satisfaction. Even now she’s taking belly dancing.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying you don’t know what you’re doing, I am saying that all of us have missed the mark and that it’s possible that you have.

Clearly you care about your wife’s pleasure, but I don’t know what she is doing with her goodies to enhance your pleasure. If you’re working to be the right size for her she should be working to be the right size for you too.

Originally Posted by rufstuf
It seems to me that there is a problem with perspective here.

There’s one more to consider: That some women have a particularly small vagina, with a relatively low limit on its ability to stretch for intercourse even under ideal conditions.


Originally Posted by HugeWang69
Isn’t size queen code for loose whore?

I don’t think so. Does 16 men including the one that eventually married her by age 50 mean a loose whore? Does being brutally raped at age 7 leaving the pelvic floor damaged so that it takes more to fill it up and give satisfaction make one a loose whore?

I don’t think so. It means that some women need a bigger dick to fill them up and stimulate them the best.


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