Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Painful Sex for my Sweetie: Why Do You And I Want To Be Seven Inches in Girth?

Here is a thought.

What if your GF/Wife/SO likes your size as is and sex is fantastic and she gets off like crazy and you love it too.

What if you add some girth and then a lot of girth and she doesn’t like it or liked it better before because now you have to go slower and do more warm up and maybe use lube and she kind of liked fucking hard and fast several times a day on the weekend and now with your new and “improved” size that scene is out because she is sore after 1 or 2 times.

You would be up shits creek unless the prospect of finding a new partner is an option. Kind of reminds me of the old saying: if its not broken don’t fix it.

Originally Posted by thinktank

I don’t know how or have time to respond to Rufstuf’s post, post #57.

Lot’s of guys who are obviously proud and happy with their big dicks are quick to point out how much, theoretically, a girl “can take”, as if sex is meant to be some kind of circus contortion act. I am Amazed how often I see guys say what women “can handle” or how they can “adapt”.

The fact is that some women don’t want to adapt, nor do they want to test the limits of their elasticity. I don’t doubt that the stories from guys like the thick one or rufstuf are true. I’m sure they have plenty of good sex. But remember that big guys are just like small guys or average guys in that we all, in some sense, see what we want to see when with a woman.

And regardless of what a woman “can take”, there are plenty of women who complain about penises that are too big.

Horny Bastard

mravg, Where do you get your opinion from???? As for women complaining about size it’s usually the length and going in tooo far.

I know based on experience with NUMEROUS women that they all enjoyed the big size.

You are ignoring facts and I don’t understand why.

You claim we see what we want to see, but no I am just sharing what is the truth of what I have seen and heard from my many partners.

Women in general love BIG THICK DICKS!

they might not tell you that for fear of upsetting you, but deep down inside they do enjoy them.

I get my opinion from what I have read and heard women say. I definitely hear women say that some dicks are too big or hurt etc, but I do not know if they are talking about length or girth or what percentage may be talking about girth. I believe what you say about your experiences. But in general if there can be too much length there can be too much girth as well. the actual limit depends on the woman. But seriously, if there are women who may have preferred more girth from me, but not said so to avoid upsetting me, isn’t it also possible that some women would have preferred less girth from you and not said so to avoid upsetting you?

Horny Bastard

Thanks for your input, MrAvg. You of all men on this board know what women want and it is that feeling that romatically and intimately, they are put on a pedestal by thier husbands/lovers and cherished emotionally. Knowing that, your avatar handle (mravg) belies the true and enlightened man that you are. Keep dishing out the wisdom that you possess to the rest of us men who are in your dust and debt for your understanding of women.

Thanks for the kind words. I do not pretend to be an expert on women and I know there are many guys on this board with more experience than I have. We all have different experiences in life and can learn from each other. You obviously have a good sense about women and I’m sure your big dick will not be a problem for either of you. As you have already figured out, you and your wife have to do what all of us guys and girls have to do; have the best sex possible with the equipment God (or the surgeon) gave us.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by mravg
I get my opinion from what I have read and heard women say. I definitely hear women say that some dicks are too big or hurt etc, but I do not know if they are talking about length or girth or what percentage may be talking about girth. I believe what you say about your experiences. But in general if there can be too much length there can be too much girth as well. the actual limit depends on the woman. But seriously, if there are women who may have preferred more girth from me, but not said so to avoid upsetting me, isn’t it also possible that some women would have preferred less girth from you and not said so to avoid upsetting you?

No because when they are having multiple/multiple vaginal orgasms and say stuff like “amazing” and “This has never happened to me before” and so on, you know they are being honest at a very vulnerable and intimate moment.

The whole point is it’s fear that drives men to down play the importance of size. Size does matter to women they ALL agree that it does. To what extent it does depends on the woman, but my WHOLE point is those of you who think 5.5 girth is near the breaking point and women don’t want or can’t handle more are only fooling yourselves.

Then to bring love and other points into a debate on the physiology of the vagina and women is absurd.

I do agree a woman will enjoy sex MORE with the man she loves versus someone with a bigger dick she does NOT love, BUT all things being equal women DO prefer large dicks especially girth wise.

You can go to any woman’s forum and see. Check out the Vagina Institute and you’ll see.

If you showed women pictures of 2 men one with a 3 inch dick versus another with 7 inch dick the MAJORITY of women will pick the larger man.

lastly you twist my comments on how women can handle and adapt to penis size.

I have had sex with hundreds of women. The number is rather large and I havehad many frank discussions with a majority of them.

The FACT is penis size IS important and that MOST woman want a big penis, but not too long, but their description of BIG is far bigger than the average size of most men and as it’s been pointed out here numerous times the number one selling size for dildos and vibrators is 8X6.

Think about that for a moment.

PLUS I have the unqiue experience in that I went from over 6 inches girth to well over 7 inches. I have had sex with many of the same women both BEFORE and AFTER my surgery and ALL agree that the thickness increases the sensation to an incredible degree.

True we must be more gentle in the beginning, but as one woman commented “Its a good kind of sore…”

So I feel well qualified to give a unique perspective to the debate. I am the same man, same style, same stamina, same looks, same wealth, same EVERYTHING except my penis is now MUCH bigger and it has INCREASED the pleasure not diminished it.

Not ONE woman I have had sex with both before and after wishes I would revert back to what I was.

I will add that ALL of the women said I “didn’t need the surgery” when I told them I was doing it, but now that I’ve had it they all enjoy it.

I’ll be honest and saying that some of the women who said i didn’t need it the most are some of the most vocal about how incredible and BETTER it feels.

These are women I have very open relationships with and I have openly talked with them with a member on this site about the difference so I have validated my comments.

It’s been 2 years since my surgery and I am THANKFUL for the added size as it has increased both my pleasure and my partners pleasure.

I will also add that during this time 2 of the relationships were very serious and one was at the point of marriage (pre/post-op) so it wasn’t just raw sex. It was passion and commitment too.

Again SIZE does matter and your spouse may NEVER tell you, but I GUARANTEE that if you could grow another inch or half inch in girth that it would IMPROVE the enjoyment of your sex life and that’s why most of us are here. Many Many Many men here have already validated that by their own experiences from growth through PE!

I am what I consider a very giving and unselfish lover. I derive pleasure from giving pleasure. Nothing turns me on more then watching a woman have one orgasm after another.

So there you have it…the TRUTH. Documented and factual. What you choose to do with it is up to you, but trying to discrediting truth does not change the fact that it is truth.

Originally Posted by thethickone

So there you have it…the TRUTH. Documented and factual. What you choose to do with it is up to you, but trying to discrediting truth does not change the fact that it is truth.

This is like a more girth-centered version of penissizedebate dot com. “Truth”? “Facts”? Wouldn’t bet on it.

I’m more selfish than TheThickOne. For me, the ideal girth is the one that gives her reasonable pleasure while still enabling me to receive a good blow job.

Even if she would like 7” girth much better than my current 6”, I would happily settle on less than my 6” if it meant better oral sex. I am doing PE for myself, after all ;) .

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy

My personal experience with women of color, from the ones I’ve been with and the ones I’ve observed (I live in New York City) is that they are more vocal about their wants and needs and tend to be more aggressive. Many seem to feel that they are more of a woman if they can handle a big man - in every sense of the word. They also like to talk big. This is not a scientific observation, but an anecdotal one: it’s just been my experience and my observation. From the sound of it your experience is not so different from mine on this point.

But be aware that by being unimpressed and talking trash about a big dick is a way to assert control and dominance. It does seem like black women learn this early and are unafraid to play this card - but just cause they say it doesn’t make it true.

Bravo, Mr. Happy! I completely agree. Many women play the “size card” to throw the man off balance. I’d bet that these same women would be thrilled with an average or even small guy who cares about them and treats them well.

My good friend was dating a tall, beautiful black women for several years. He has a smallish dick and is not especially good looking, but he treated her very sweetly and she loved him. When we were together, he would often joke about his desire for a “14-inch dick,” to which she would reply, “not on my account.”

It’s about the relationship and the mutual respect—it’s not about the dick!

Look at the most beautiful women. They could have anyone. Whom do they pick? Not the most hung guys, but the sweetest, cleverest, funniest ones. It doesn’t hurt to be good looking, either, but dick size is not the factor.

I think many guys assume dick size is important because they often feel especially sensitive about their dicks when they approach beautiful women. Guys think to themselves, “she’d never go for me, because my dick is so small.” But the fact that the guy may be thinking this doesn’t mean that the girl is. It’s a projection.

We project our insecurities onto the woman. Rather than stopping at “I feel insecure about my dick,” we think it’s she who wants the big dick. But that may not be the case. She may just want a sweet guy to have some fun with. This is how we sabotage ourselves.

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Wikipedia on "projection."


Common definitions

  • "Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have."
  • "A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits."
  • "Attributing one’s own undesirable traits to other people or agencies."
  • "The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest."
  • "A man harboring attractions for a woman would perceive other men as having the same attractions for her."
  • "People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously harbours his or her aggressive/sexual tendencies may then imagine other people acting in an excessively aggressive or sexual way."
  • "An individual who possesses malicious characteristics, but who is unwilling to perceive himself as an antagonist, convinces himself that his opponent feels and would act the same way."

http://en.wikip … ical_projection

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan

We project our insecurities onto the woman. Rather than stopping at “I feel insecure about my dick,” we think it’s she who wants the big dick. But that may not be the case. She may just want a sweet guy to have some fun with. This is how we sabotage ourselves.

Yes. Well spoken.


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